Nick Seneca Jankel, Contributor
Waking Times
“To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing.” – Raymond Williams
There is a war going on right now, as you are reading this.
It is a war that all of us are participating in, whether we know it or not.
And it is a war whose stakes are so high that the very future of our economy, our environment and our children’s lives depend on the outcome.
This battle is a battle for ideas — the beliefs and values that govern how the entire world works. And the only way to join the battle is to question your own assumptions and make sure that what you believe — about yourself, the world, and the connections between the two — fits what you feel in your deepest core. You, me and everyone else who cares about our shared future as a species must do this if we are to thrive ourselves; and ensure our world thrives too. As William Blake said: We “must create a system or be enslaved by another man’s.”