Inside Bilderberg: Clues left in the Grove Hotel reveal another piece to their financial agenda

Rain's picture

21st Century Wire - 6/14/13, By 21Wire

PHOTO: UK Column found Thomson Reuters boards still up from Bilderberg.

Investigative journalists from the UK Column, American Free Press and Sovereign Independent accidentally wandered into a presentation suite at the Grove – only discover the remnants of a presentation by Thomson Reuters which Bilderberg organisers had neglected to take down after the event. It read “”unleashing the power of our unified platform on financial markets”.

Of course this reminds us of a similar international cartel , or syndicate called LIBOR, where bankers successfully gamed global interest rates enabling them to reap easy billions at the expense of the lower classes. Money for nothing. They did so with impunity, all but laughing in public at any attempt to bring any of the gold collar criminals to book for financial fraud and racketeering.

More: 21st Century Wire

