Integral Soul Vibe Report January 2012 Out of the Fire and into the Sun

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Out of the Fire and into the Sun



From the Daily Drawings, December 31, 2011


From the Daily Drawings, January 1, 2011


Since June 2011, I have been keeping a visual journal of daily drawings. I open up to receive and follow the energy, intuitively using color and guided by inner visions and sometimes dreams. These two images came through on the last day of 2011 and the first day of 2012. I ask my inner guidance and the Vastness of Being for an interpretation, which I feel applies to all of us:


Fiercely and courageously you have been dancing in the fires of transformation. You are now entering further acceleration of energies, which are expanding you into the multidimensionality of the universe. The sun on the horizon is your teacher. The fiery energy of the sun’s radiance is permeating your solar system. We have spoken before about the communication between the stars. Your sun is pulsating energetic frequencies that send messages throughout the galaxy. Your sun is awakening the All That Is within each Soul of the Human Being. Amping up the energy, bringing forth deep and profound shifts within each person and within all structures that are created through energetic thought forms. For example there is a group thought form that creates a government in the energy field that becomes strong enough to appear in the physical reality. The same with all systems – the banking systems, educational systems, religious systems – all concentrations of thought become physical representations. And so as the Human Being integrates the Soul of Humanity, which happens individually and as a group consciousness, the higher frequencies are being established within the Human Consciousness field. And so the structures of thought forms that are remaining in the lower vibration are disappearing and you witness this as something collapsing, imploding, sometimes creating great and sudden change. Rejoice! You are riding a great golden wave that is flowing from the center of your sun. But that is just one aspect of the multidimensional reality of the golden wave.

We will not predict or make much comment on the year 2012, for we feel there is enough talk about what this year means, however we do say that this is a year of radical shifting and sometimes sudden changes. Know that this is Divinely Guided, this is Nature, and this is bringing Humanity into ultimate freedom and sovereignty. The energy coming from the sun cannot be controlled or contained, so we suggest you bravely bask in the radiance of truth and learn to trust and surrender. You have many beings watching over you and you have each other.


There will be many inventions that will take you out of dependence on non-sustainable ways of living on the earth. So many possibilities that will free you from the yoke of lack and fear. Dream it into being! You create the thought forms that become the reality and you are doing it as a group consciousness for you have much power – as the Human Being.


In My Experience

We are calling back the parts of our Soul that have been isolated. The painful wounds that we can’t bear to see or feel. We are reaching out to the essences of our Soul that are still residing in our pain body. Those fragments of our hearts that have been disavowed, hated and despised… by our own selves. Can you feel the flow of softness as the nectar of unconditional love flows into you at the realization of this?

So when we feel “off” and give ourselves the devotional gift of attention, we can allow ourselves to really tune in to the feelings that come up and to allow them to wash through us. When we face our pain and allow ourselves to hold it in the vibration of love, a flow of compassion rises and flows throughout our being and into our energy field. Compassion for ourselves. For our Humanity. For all of Humanity. How could we ever criticize another person, when we’ve finally allowed ourselves to have compassion for our own precious being and all of our so-called faults?


We have so much support in the energies that are ignited around us. As we go through the process of calling back the parts of our being that have separated, creating loneliness and despair, we begin to receive the most beautiful energy healing. I see swirling pale pink light wrapping around us like a cocoon, and then pale golden light begins to spiral down gently raising the vibration. If we need violet light it will begin to glow all around us and as constriction releases and compassion flows through, openings appear which allow the fragmented parts of ourselves to come back home, come into the circle into the center of our hearts where it’s warm with unconditional love. And we say to this part of ourselves, “Tell me of your pain and let me wrap my arms around you and sing you a lullaby of love.”


And so we move deeper into the healing process of integration.


Sacred Humanity

We are being opened to receive more and more of the Christ Energy – the high vibrational frequency that is lifting us into accepting ourselves so that we become the Sacred Human Beings. Actually, we already are Sacred Human Beings. We are going through the process of believing in ourselves in this way. For how can we walk the Earth responsibly if we believe we are bad? Self love radiates outward into loving acceptance of all of Humanity. And when we see denser energies working through our brothers and sisters, the compassion that arises, instead of judgment, will help to raise the vibration of all, will offer redemption to all. For we are all connected and we act as mirrors for one another.


The Shadow Reveals the Light

Newly into the much talked about and anticipated year of 2012, I had the experience of my Shadow looming up all around me like a black mist with tentacles reaching into me. My heart was constricted in pain. I looked down and pulled a shard of glass out of my heart. But no, it’s a shard of a mirror. So I looked into that mirror and was confronted with what I don’t accept about myself and judge in myself and I saw it all related to different moments where I made decisions that I felt great shame about. Wave after wave of memories flooded through me as I squirmed in wrenching pain.


It was a day of pacing the floor, and a day of prayer. And then I received a message from out of the blue. A woman said to me (in relation to a certain incident), “Well, there’s nothing I can do about it now, so I’m not going to think about it.” That comment helped me to let go of the constriction of judgment and fear that I had been feeling. I began to breathe more fully and I felt lighter.


Ancient Healing Deities

Later I went to a yoga class I’d never been to before. The teacher’s energy was gentle and loving and she told us of her devotion to Hanuman, the monkey god of the Hindu pantheon of deities. Hanuman is an incarnation of the Divine and a disciple of Lord Rama. Worshiped as a symbol of physical strength, perseverance and devotion, Hanuman assisted Rama in the struggle against the evil forces of the demon king Ravana.


My friend Jon says that Hanuman is all about devotion, which really means devotion to the self. Hanuman also seems to me to be about eradicating demons in doing so (like the dark energy form with the tentacles that I had seen around me).


In the class, the energy of Hanuman was so present through the devotion of the teacher. I actually felt Hanuman showing me that feeling into my pain brings up waves of compassion, which helped me to open up to receive parts of myself that I’d abandoned through my own judgment against myself.


The reason I mention all this is to show that assistance is always available to us and sometimes it comes from surprising sources. I had heard of Hanuman, but had never felt the healing energies of this Deity before.

A Message From The Vastness of Being
The consciousness of Humanity is moving through a narrower and narrower passage compressing that which is dark into light.

What happens at the end of the passage? There is no end. There is a blending and opening into Radiance. As each person moves through this narrowing passage, they must release, surrender, accept, let go and open to the light of the Christ consciousness within. The brightest, most expanded aspect of Love.


The baggage must stay behind.

Feel yourselves to be wrapped in a cocoon of love, assisting you in this deep process of release.


The narrow pathway we mention may bring people to their knees, in certain aspects in their lives. Surrender to the currents of energy that are bringing change flowing like rivers through your lives. A time of compassion is arising…we say that compassion is the healing balm that will assist you in loving yourselves, shadow and all.


Often we have said that Humanity needs to love itself – each individual unconditionally loving themselves. This does not mean only doing what is considered good by some standard. No this means loving your shadow, loving your entire being with no judgment. So when you find yourself criticizing another, know that you criticize yourself even more harshly. As you see your own pain and foibles, and you love and accept these aspects of self, you will notice a bit of hilarity rising like bubbles to the surface, bursting with glee at the absurdity of it all. For once you know the innocence of unconditional love, there is no other way to be. All are growing towards this. Practice patience. Seek out those who work with energy to assist you in clearing, or shattering illusions that were never yours to begin with. Illusions about yourselves.


You are indeed diving into the sun, into the fire, for purification. It can be painful, but the pain is simply the melting of your hearts. As the ice cracks, the tenderness is revealed and you are the ones to love yourselves back to wholeness.

And so we move on to speak of the journey. Healing the pain is part of the steps along the way as you rise into acceptance and join together in Unity. The path is unfolding. You have all chosen to be here at this time of pivotal change on earth. Many beings from all over the Universe are here to support you, for change is at hand. Many will experience life-changing situations that may come up suddenly. We say, learn to embrace this change, for it is realigning you with truth and freedom.


Smile Often

Laugh - find the humor in this journey. We are so amazed at the Human Being with all your richness of emotion and the splendor of your creativity. If you could but see yourselves as we see you. Lighten up… do your best to not take everything so seriously. We see many people so serious about spiritual growth and we tell you, you already are sacred. Part of enlightenment is being light, so be gentle with yourselves as you journey deeper into Love. The pathway is open, you are moving forward on your journey to the center of the All That Is.


Golden Wave

I have been seeing visions of the golden wave - it has come up in my drawings and in a painting I’m working on. The Golden Wave brings the energy to move us forward into joy. The wave is here, moving through our lives. Courage, trust, love and surrender help us ride this wave. And creativity… our creative pursuits, no matter how the light of creativity shines through us, brings us lightness and a sense of fun and wonder at it all. So trying something new, doing something we’ve never done before helps create energy that moves with this wave.


Lightening Up

And speaking of humor, when I was preparing for my Monday night channeled meditation telecall recently, two guys showed up – they had Jamaican accents and dreadlocks and were very funny, joking around with each other and flying around my energy field. They said they were with me to bring a sense of lightness and effervescence to myself and those who would be participating in the telecall. Caught up in the energy, I laughingly asked them to please don’t make me talk funny (like them). I didn’t actually channel them but their energy was there and as I’m writing this now, they’re saying “We’re serious about silliness.”


Oh yes and they kept saying they are the Brothers of the Nine, even though they are two. They show me nine brothers who fly around and bring their comedy routines to many people, so I thank them for showing up in my playroom! Poking fun at our seriousness, they’re here to help us lighten up.


I wish you remembrance of who you truly are and a deep knowing that we are all connected through the Collective Consciousness of the Human Being.


Onward, upward, inward and outward!

Nancy Ward

The Vastness of Being

“We cannot have true compassion for anyone else if we don’t have compassion for ourselves.” Drup Shenpa Elaine

Copyright © 2012 by Nancy Wallace Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website are included.
