TIMELINE (in the time after time?) October 24, 2011 - The November/December 2011 eclipse set came into orb on this day, i.e. the most important portal of influence related to these eclipses began here. We will have a Partial Solar Eclipse on Friday November 25 (the day after Thanksgiving); and its matching bookend will occur on Saturday December 10. The December 10th eclipse will be a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE. Total Eclipses are always very significant. We had a triple eclipse set back in June and July and the November/December double eclipse set (most eclipses occur in pairs of two) is kind of an end-cap on the evolutionary pyramid which was ramped up by this summer's eclipses in this pivotal year of the 9th Wave 2011. October 26, 2011 - We experienced the New Moon in the deep processing sign of Scorpio. This was one last huge push for cleansing. We were literally 1000 feet from the capstone at this point and in order to reach the top, in order to navigate that last steep passage, we had to toss overboard all our remaining baggage. Think back to this day. Did you experience a 'crescendo' of sorts concerning your own baggage, your own issues that prevent you from embracing Unity Consciousness? This sort of jettisoning of the 'shadow aspects' within us is a job for Scorpio if ever there was one, so this New Moon was connected to the end of the calendar in profound ways. October 28, 2011 - The evolutionary Mayan Calendar, decoded by Dr. Carl Calleman, ended. See below for more info. November 5, 2011 - Very quickly after the calendar ends, Mercury Retrograde comes into orb. Mercury will be retrograde from November 24 until December 13, with the full effect ending on December 31, 2011. (This is factoring what we call 'The Shadow Mercury Retrograde' period, which is basically two weeks before and two weeks after the actual retrograde period.) Mercury Retrograde always provides an opportunity to review our lives, to re-group, re-organize, re-think, re-vise (re-vision). Since this Mercury Retrograde occurs so soon on the heels of the end of the evolutionary Mayan Calendar and its full cycle ends mysteriously and precisely with the last day of 2011, could we be reviewing the entire cycle of our evolution going back 16.4 billion years? November 11, 2011 - We have the 11:11:11 gateway, a powerful consciousness portal which might actually be a harmonic dimensional hyper-ending of the October 28 Mayan Calendar. See below for some thoughts on this. November 25, 2011 - Partial Solar Eclipse (Mercury goes Retrograde November 24) December 10, 2011 - TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE at 18* Gemini/Sagittarius (hearkening back to the epochal TLE on the Winter Solstice of 2010 which was intimately aligned with the Cardinal Cross of the Summer of 2010, the signature of the 2010-2013 threshold. (Note: Mercury goes Direct December 13) December 22, 2011 - the Winter Solstice occurs: this is the deepest point in the seasonal cycle of earth's dance with the sun, a time to go within to the void of all potential and dream of the exquisite beauty of a new cycle. December 31, 2011 - The Mercury Retrograde cycle ends. 2011 ends. Enter 2012. Then we will have many milestones of INTEGRATION in 2012, leading up to 12/21/12. An example: the eclipses of 2012, with special emphasis on the November 13, 2012 Total Solar Eclipse: May 20, 2012: Annular Solar Eclipse Jun 04, 2012: Partial Lunar Eclipse Nov 13, 2012: Total Solar Eclipse - this eclipse occurs at 22 degrees Scorpio and will be visible from north-eastern Australia. Nov 28, 2012: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse ============================================== 10.28.11 The G20 is so 2010. We are the G-7billion. Of interest: on October 28, 2011 the word went out on the internet that we are nearing a population of 7 billion on planet earth. (In case you haven't heard about this, here is the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-15391515. This page is interactive because you can find out 'your number' concerning the birth-order of Humanity :) This news yanked our minds to the level of HUMANITY and not personality, nation or tribe etc. National and Tribal and other limited levels of consciousness comprised the levels of our evolution revealed in the Mayan Calendar in the previous steps - underworlds - which all completed simultaneously on October 28, 2011. Any person who heard the phrase *7 billion humans* was unconsciously propelled into envisioning the Totality of us. Most people don't think about how many people are on earth and alot of people I know have no idea what our population is. I myself have been thinking we have 6.5 million people. Suddenly it hits me: we are 7 billion! The number 7 is very spiritual. 7 chakras. 7 rays. 7 colors in the rainbow. The number 7 is a code within the Bible, especially the Book of Revelation. etc. I believe that this awareness of the 7 billion is a concrete manifestation of Unity Consciousness in the most basic way. It is like seeing the earth from space for the first time. Bam! The idea 'We are ONE' becomes a thoughtform in the GLOBAL BRAIN. The 7 billion are the 99% identified by Occupy Wall Street (which sprang up a few weeks before the end of the calendar. See my previous newsletter on Occupy Wall Street and the 7th Day of the 9th Wave here: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs057/1101472333529/archive/1108081989512.html) 9 is a number of completion and is also very spiritual. And 99 adds up to 108, which is considered the penultimate number in many eastern spiritual traditions. In addition there were 9 Underworlds in the evolutionary Mayan Calendar. Also in reference to October 28, 2011: In her analysis of the October 26 New Moon on her website www.handclow2012.com Barbara Hand Clow summarizes the sweeping changes of the ascending 9 Underworlds which holographically culminate now. She interprets from two angles (1) the ground we have covered up until this point; and (2) what it could be like for us going forward... Barbara Hand Clow: "The creative agendas of the first eight Underworlds have been driven to completion during the intensely accelerated Days of the Universal Underworld since March 9, 2011: - The awakening of the Cellular is complete, now that we realize that each cell is intelligent.
- The Tree of Life has born fruit in all the species that evolved during the Mammalian over 820 million years.
- These species discovered ways to share by discovering family bonding over 41 million years in the Familial.
- Intelligence sharpened during the two-million-year Tribal.
- Our hearts opened during the Regional when we discovered the sacred, the numinous.
- We explored the desire to control and possess for 5,125 long years during the National.
- Then we sought security and comfort starting in 1755 during the Planetary.
- Since the January 1999 opening of the Galactic, we've connected ourselves by means of technology.
- And now during 2011 these creative developments are swirling us into a spiral of Oneness during the Universal.
Now that we have attained fruition through these nine phases of evolution, (LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE) we will learn to: - Respect the incredible intelligence of each cell;
- Protect all species;
- Value the genius of family bonding;
- Admire the awesome power of mind;
- Feel the power in our hearts;
- Identify hierarchical power;
- Bless nature's plenty;
- Use technology as a tool, not a toy; and
- Enjoy the bliss of Oneness. We will invent the new world by co-creating reality in universal awareness. I am sure of this because I have faithfully followed all the Days and Nights of the Universal Underworld this year, and I have seen irreversible new patterns taking shape; for example, the increasing bans on the use of nuclear energy for power"
- Barbara Hand Clow ============================================== 11.11.11 November 11, 2011 will occur 14 days after the end of the calendar. The 11:11:11 is a powerful consciousness portal which might actually be a harmonic dimensional hyper-ending of the October 28 Mayan Calendar. Now, this is very speculative but I wanted to share it for your perusal in the next 14 days or so. 10.28.11 <---> 11.11.11 a culmination? a void zone a blank time outside of time time outside of timelines time beyond time time beyond timelines The source for the following theory concerning a connection between 10-28-11 and 11-11-11 is Dr. Georgi Stankov and can be found at this link: http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/breaking-astral-news/theultimatescientificprooffortheaccuracyoftheascension-dateatthestargate111111 "Scientific Proof For the Accuracy of the Ascension-Date at the Stargate 11.11.11? (Here is) a remarkable interpretation and further development of the Mayan calendar beyond Calleman's interpretation. ... Steve (no last name given) has gone beyond this simplistic interpretation of Calleman by an ingenious stroke of intuition. This achievement also exemplifies, how intellectual breakthroughs will very soon flood humanity and will transform human society beyond recognition.
Steve's Numerological Proof for the Accuracy of the Ascension Scenario at the Stargate 11.11.11 "With regard to Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar, I had a small revelation the other day. In Calleman's research, the ninth and final wave completes this 16 billion year cycle on October 28th. Each wave proceeds its 7 "days" and 6 "nights" 20 times faster than the wave before it. The 9th Wave had days/nights which are ~20 days in length. The previous 8th Wave had days/night of ~1 year, and the 7th Wave had days/nights of ~20 years each.
If the ninth wave ends on October 28th, a theoretical "10th wave" would start on October 29th. Its days and nights proceed 20 times faster than those of the ninth wave. That would be about 1 calendar-day per wave-day or wave-night. 7 wave-days and 6 wave-nights would be 13 calendar days, thus ending a theoretical 10th wave on November 10th. A theoretical "11th Wave" would start (and complete) the following day - November 11th.
Yes, at the Stargate 11/11/11.
Wave-days and wave-nights proceed 20 times faster than in the 10th wave. 1/20th of a calendar day is one hour and twelve minutes, which is as if the 10th-wave-days were actually just a "hair" shorter, easily becomes: one hour and eleven minutes. 1:11. "11th Wave" -- 11/11/11. 1:11 wave-days/nights.
That's a whole lot of one's falling on the same day. The numerological significance is kind of exciting, especially since much of the channeled material (concerning spiritual evolution) also points to 11/11/11."
- from Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 12, 2011, Copyright 2011 www.stankovuniversallaw.com I will allow you to draw your own conclusions concerning this theory. I find it quite intriguing! =========================================== INTEGRATION IS THE NAME OF THE GAME NOW I have come to understand that the SEEDS for the post-2011/2012 world were planted during the 9th Wave of 2011. The capstone of the evolutionary pyramid will now become the cornerstone of a new world which begins fully after 12/21/12. And so, now INTEGRATION is the name of the game. And the game continues for the next 2000 years of the Aquarian Age (and beyond). The seeds of the 2000 year Aquarian Age are being seen around us now (look closely). "Our species will require hundreds, if not thousands, of years to consciously process all the abuses that were the natural result of our rise to consciousness during the 16.4 billion years described by the Calendar. Like trying to push a huge fallen tree erect, there is no turning back now. - Barbara Hand Clow" At the top of the pyramid, on the hard-won capstone, is this huge fallen tree. Our true work begins. You are an integral part of this process - that is why you are here on earth at this time which is so fertile for planting seeds for a new way of doing things! I hope you will input your thoughts and ideas into the GLOBAL BRAIN COMPUTER now coalescing on Earth. The databank needs input, light and information. SOLUTIONS. One person cannot come up with the solution, it's a new way of doing things. We are all leaders and equals now. STAY OUT OF DIVIVISENESS AND REMAIN IN UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Unity Consciousness IS the new Global Brain. Try to see past your political convictions. Here in America we have been split 50%-50% for years and years, and this has kept us in a gridlock. Now we are the 99%, at some point we will be the completely Unified 100%. The awakened Global Brain is coming online. |