~Intel Behind the Scenes on the Bankers~

Lia's picture

Nov 13, 2011, from Kerry Cassidy's blog at Project Camelot


~Intel Behind the Scenes on the Bankers~



According to a source, contractors and builders in Connecticut are reporting that banking families are vacating their houses. Suddenly and without explanation, whole families are leaving the state. Where they are going isn't known. This is one of the more chilling "signs" I've heard that something major is coming down with respect to the banks in the near future.

Additionally, a source who made a recent trip to Switzerland and met with a secret Swiss banker has revealed the hidden story behind how Swiss Bankers are choosing to deal the squeeze from the Americans (and presumably New World Order contingent) to reveal who their clients are... This crackdown on Americans with off-shore bank accounts also extends to those in other countries such as Saudi Arabia and UAE (United Arab Emirates), think Dubai.

Some bankers have folded and joined the ranks of the SEC turning over records and details against the long cherished code of secrecy (client privilege) that has made the Swiss banking industry so successful and respected worldwide. Others have not.

Without going into any detail, suffice to say that some bankers are risking their lives and reputations and livelihood to continue to safeguard their client's money. One can't help but to admire this tenacity. And what comes to mind is the era of the Nazis where the streets of cities like Zurich and Bern are no longer safe havens for those seeking to conduct business. Especially if it involves banking. Now the business is conducted behind closed doors in out of the way places and hidden vaults. Switzerland, hasn't stood alone for quite some time politically, choosing to align itself with various factions over the past few years. But the stronghold of banking has maintained a sort of island of secrecy even beyond the fluctuations in the winds of politics. Until now.

As Swiss bankers endeavor to maintain their integrity they say that the moving tide of this relentless new world order machine will eventually reach them and their clients. It's only a matter of time.

source: http://projectcamelotproductions.com/blog-hp.html
