Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment

glr_Andrea's picture


Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment


Inter-Galactic connections with Gaia approaching full empowerment. Hands across the Cosmos embrace Gaia planetary awakening to Galactic family portraits.

Streaming coordinated Higher Dimensional beam of Light emanates from newly activated portals and projects out from current pole locations to all Universal Galactic Contacts.

Empowerment of Gaia-Galactic interface follows the 11-22-12 window of opportunity.

All those required for service have been contacted and relevant missions communicated.

Planetary Peace is at hand.




Bummer, I guess I am not

jjpick's picture

Bummer, I guess I am not bright enough to help out.  Maybe next cycle.  Namaste'

think again my dear brother

strongwings's picture

think again my dear brother. but not with the ego mind.

i also do not remember anybody connecting and giving me a mission.

but i do know that i am living in an oblivion.

and i feel deep in my heart my mission is to receive the light this day and anchor it to heart of mother earth. remember with your heart dear brother/sister.


what you remember with your heart was whispered to your ears.


i hug you with love. 

Darn it

David Porter's picture

I missed the boat again???????????

David Porter

Author of the series