~Galactic Love Reporter Denise Lefay~
~Interesting ET Connections & Updates~
Due to our completing the past Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar (Oct. 28, 2011), we’re now in a transitional cusp period between the collapsing past and the manifesting new. Having been a performer (dancer) for nearly twenty years, I always enjoyed that short, hectic, rushed period between performances where you quickly did your costume change, freshened up, cooled down, went to the bathroom, repaired your hair and makeup, had some water and got yourself ready for the next show. The transition period from after the end of the Mayan calendar through all of 2012, feels much like that to me in many ways; so much new potential and creativity just around the corner, but a short and hectic costume, lighting and music change is needed first.
Notice I did not call this a rest or break period, but a short and hectic transition period. In so many ways 2011 and 2012 is a much higher octave of the 1960′s, and if you lived through that time as I did as a teen, then you know how crazy, volatile, potentially violent, intense and transformational 2012 is going to be. (Please connect this with the quote and stories below about the “Asshole Hippies From Outer Space”.) I’m sorry to all of us that are so exhausted we can barely brush our teeth or hold a thought (or write an article!), but we’ve got more important transitional Work to do now and through 2012. In Barbara Marciniak’s fall Pleiadian TIMES issue her channeled Pleiadians referred to 2012 as that period that’s “the darkest before the dawn.” As much as I hate to admit it, I know this is true and we’ve got to push through our exhaustion and this hectic transitional period and embody like we always have.
This transitional period post October 28, 2011 is, I’m discovering, packed full of strange new goodies such as sliding in and out of time, plus very different ways of information exchange between us here and many of the non-physical higher dimensional Beings. Finally exiting the old framework of the past Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar and existing within this new, not fully imprinted as yet space has felt very different so far. I’ve sensed this transitional period will be dealing with removing the negative patriarchal mess and trash as we simultaneously rush towards the December 2012 cosmic, galactic, and super galactic conjunctions and subsequent Energy Imprinting of the New Evolutionary Cycles. Lots of ground to cover between today and the end of December 2012 and thankfully it’s going to pass very quickly.
Maybe this had something to do with the partial solar eclipse on November 24, 2011. Maybe it’s combined with the amplified and increased solar energies that have started because we’ve completed the past Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar. Whatever it was, something fairly potent energetically arrived around that time and there’s been positive and negative reactions to it ever since. In the end it’s all good, but things certainly have been intense and different since October 28, 2011.
I recently wrote about my weird Nov. 28, 2011 grocery shopping adventure witnessing nearly everyone displaying very familiar old Ascension symptoms of zombie-like brain fog, mental confusion, inability to focus and remain focused, ungroundedness, and that embarrassing inability to simply be effective within physical reality…and while in public! The reason I brought this up the first time was to point out that a huge change had taken place for so many “normal” or non-Lightworkers, non-Starseeds, non-Indigos etc. people to be displaying such profound Ascension symptoms recently.
The next clue I had that something positive and important happened energetically around the last week of Nov. 2011, was that on Dec. 1, 2011 I was awakened at 3:13 A.M. due to another mild negative attack. When the Dark is suddenly loosed and angrily flying around like this it’s because another large blast of Light energies have arrived in this physical dimension and unseated, dislodged, exploded, broken apart and exposed another chunk of the Dark/Dark Ones both physical human and non-physical non-human. What at first looks like a negative event or attack is actually a positive indicator that the Dark is on the run again and reacting to the increased Light energies and everyone everywhere is suddenly having to adjust, adapt, or leave because of it.
As I lay in my bed in the dark A.M. hours watching and feeling this latest tantrum from the Dark, I became aware that something had happened from up in space that was directed down at Earth with the intention of dislodging some negative Darkness that had been living, working, and hiding below the Earth’s surface. I automatically assumed this whatever it was from space was another solar flare/CME that caused the negativity hiding below ground to suddenly be blasted to pieces and brought up to the surface and exposed. I’m still not sure if some recent solar activity was not the cause of this, it may be, but it may also be working in tandem with some Unseen Others too. It’s common for both the Light and the Dark to use available cosmic, solar, and astrological energies to amplify their work.
A few short hours later I got up and went about my usual morning activities. After I’d gone online to check my emails and Comments on TRANSITIONS, I was unexpectedly impulsed to go to a website I rarely go to. Because I recognized I was being directed by higher forces to consciously connect with specific information, I willingly followed this invisible nudging and surprisingly found myself landing at David Wilcock’s website Divine Cosmos where I was impulsed to read his October 13, 2011 article Disclosure Imminent? Part II: Many More Bases Destroyed.
The morning of Dec. 1, 2011, only hours after my being jolted awake at 3 A.M. and feeling the negative energies flying around and perceiving that something from up in space was responsible, there I was reading David Wilcock’s article fully aware that I’d been led there to connect with some specific information. It didn’t take long to find it either, and to make a long story short, David was talking about some positive ET Beings who, evidently, are responsible for destroying some man-made underground bases here in the US and elsewhere. When I first read this I started laughing because I knew in that moment what was going on and that some of my old beloved ET friends had led me to this information and why.
There are two parts of information I needed to connect with that morning at David Wilcock’s; the first part was titled—and I thoroughly enjoyed this—“Asshole Hippies From Outer Space”. Aah gawd, no one could have described these positive ETs/Starbeings better than the patriarchal human male jerks that perceives these advanced Starbeings in this way! Too funny, and as always, very revealing of these people’s level of awareness.
The second bit of information was a few paragraphs further into David’s article and was “from a key staff member” and it was titled “The Prophetic Dream”. I’m going to quote it first and follow it with some quotes from my book A Lightworker’s Mission (2010) and let you fellow Starseeds in on the multidimensional ET/Starbeing connections and messages. From David Wilcock’s article:
“Here is what I read — and this is only one of a variety of extremely powerful dreams that have been coming in, suggesting that we are on the threshold of an extremely positive shift:
“We were out in a beautiful natural setting. I saw a little silver thing spinning in the air. At first I thought it was a top, but I then realized it was a weird little UFO. It flew towards me. About 200 of them came. They were spinning and they were small — about six to ten inches across. They were spinning and glowing and I realized they were little tiny spaceships.
They were pretty – they seemed to have liquid mercury on their skin, and looked like they were somehow alive. Then there was a big ball that came that was maybe six feet in diameter. It was spinning. It went into the middle of the smaller objects. It was amazing that none of them ran into each other because there were so many of them. They all started moving together like a school of fish.
“The big one started whirling and turned into a white light. Then the image of a person emerged from the light. This person was now standing on the land — and he was obviously an ET. He was really tall. Taller than most people by a foot or two. Maybe seven and a half feet tall.
He had a mane of really wild black hair with fluorescent green feathers sewn into it. He was wearing this highly futuristic-looking outfit with many small spikes coming off of it, almost like a porcupine. It had fluorescent green and blue colors, tribal style.
He was smiling and standing there. Everyone else was shocked, but I was happy about it. He said hi to me. I ran up to him and hugged him and he smiled at me.
Then everyone else realized he was safe… and they all started hugging him.
Then he was making weird faces with his face – such as the ability to stretch his skin sideways off of his face. It was kind of gross. I didn’t look at him while he was doing it. He was laughing the whole time.
He wanted to tell people about all kinds of different things – whatever they wanted to know, he answered. How things worked in the Universe.”
For reasons of space I’ve left out some of my story about this but here’s the highlights from A Lightworker’s Mission about my yearlong (1982–1983) interdimensional lucid dream relationship and project with a non-physical ET/Starbeing. You’ll easily recognize the similarities between this ET being I worked with decades ago, and the ET being recently described above by one of David Wilcock’s staff members. Here’s some of my story with what I believe is probably the same ET being. From Part Two page 60–66:
“One of the first things I remember happening at this new upstairs apartment was the beginning of a series of unusual lucid dream meetings with a male who I called my crazy twin brother. He didn’t look like me at all as he had rich brown skin and I’m Caucasian. My very first impression of him was that he was a Mayan. I did not know anything about the Mayans or the Mayan calendar at that time in early 1982 however. Nothing had happened at that point concerning the Mayan calendar and all that it entails (that I was consciously aware of), so these recurring dreams with my Mayan crazy twin brother were yet another unusual interdimensional connection.
The first lucid dream I had with him he came rushing in excitedly wanting to ask me something deeply important. I instantly viewed him up and down and was highly intrigued. He had beautiful light brown skin, brown eyes, a very angular face, and long straight black hair. He wore clothes I was not familiar with as they weren’t anything I had seen before. I didn’t pay all that much attention to his clothes actually, only because he was so exuberant, playful, so energized and excited that he easily pulled you right into him and what he was doing.
Back in the mid-Seventies I dyed my hair black. It is naturally straight and was very long back then. The fact that our hair looked so much alike made me really happy because I had remembered many of my past lives when I had beautiful brown, cinnamon, red, or yellow skin and all of them had long black hair. I dyed my straight brown hair black because of the remembered past lives. A few years later when I started Belly Dancing, having very dark hair was a plus, so I kept it that way for many years.
My etheric Mayan crazy twin brother told me in this first dream that he desperately needed my help. He claimed he needed me to help him build a bridge. He said he would work building it from his side but that he needed me to help build the other end of it here from my side. In other words, he asked me to help him build an energy bridge that would connect his higher dimensional world with the physical third dimension and timeline I was living in.
For some reason his dream request sounded to me like the most normal thing I had heard in a long time. The proposed nonphysical bridge building project made perfect sense to me the second the words fell from his lips in this first dream meeting. I somehow instantly knew exactly what he meant and why this energy bridge was so critically important at that time in late 1982. I knew and yet I did not know all the complex reasons for it.
I told him I did not know what I could do here in physicality, but that I would happily do whatever I could to help build his interdimensional energy bridge from my side of the Veil. He was so happy, so relieved, so exited that I had instantly agreed to help him build this bridge, that he started running in circles, jumping, and howling like a crazy person. I just stood watching and deeply loving him and feeling very happy for him that his interdimensional bridge building project was now officially a GO. I grinned warmly and lovingly at him acting like a handsome nutcase as he ran around doing flips and yelling weird yelps and foreign words. It was all somehow perfectly normal and happily wonderful to me…
“…Four months would pass before he returned in another dream to let me know where we stood with our interdimensional bride building project. Every time he showed up in a dream, he was always so energetic and full of joy and wonderful silliness. He always made me feel such hope and strength with my seemingly being stranded here in polarized physicality. He knew far more than I remembered at that time, and I now believe that was why he was so proud of what I was able to do working from this much denser side of the dimensional Veil or border.
The next dream arrived a few months later and he did a lot or running around, jumping, twirling and singing like a crazy fool—and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. In this dream meeting he was wearing numerous brightly colored tropical bird feathers in his long black hair. He wore a scant leather loincloth, but it was his red, blue, yellow, purple and teal colored feathers that had him wild with joy it seemed. I remember just watching the show and loving my crazy twin brother more than I even did before. He yelped, jumped, danced, flipped and howled with total abandon and I relished every delightful gesture he made and happy emotions he radiated. He seemed to be celebrating something special for both of us. There wasn’t much dialogue between us in this dream meeting, just this Mayan celebration party, or whatever it was. He frolicked, I watched, and I fell in love with him totally.
It was another four months or so after this dream meeting before he showed up again. In this next dream, he had shaved his long beautiful black hair all off and looked so different I was shocked. He acted very differently too which emotionally shook me considerably. I remember thinking in my lucid dream that he possibly was “crazy” after all. I yelled angrily at him for cutting off all his gorgeous long hair and demanded to know why he had done such a seemingly crazy thing. He was literally bouncing all over the place with his high energy and did not acknowledge me much at all. He never responded to my questions about why he had cut his very long beautiful hair all off. It seemed to be a silly non-issue to him.
As I watched him, I slowly realized that our interdimensional bridge building project must be very close to being finished. That realization was terribly bittersweet. I was extremely happy we had completed our interdimensinal project, but I was also deeply saddened to have my beloved Mayan crazy twin brother leave me on Earth alone again. I sensed that once this bridge building project was finished, we would not see each other in dreamtime meetings like this ever again…
This was the last dream meeting I had with him in late 1983, which told me our invisible multidimensional energy bridge had indeed been completed. I was very happy and proud about that, but did miss him terribly for quite a while. I wondered if some of his actions in those last two dreams were his way of trying to make our upcoming disconnection a bit easier for me emotionally in physicality. I believe that was the case at any rate.”
Thanks my crazy twin brother for reconnecting with me again after twenty-eight years of physical time. I see you’re as colorful and wonderfully crazy as ever and I’m glad you’ve got your beautiful hair back too. We Starseeds can’t wait to have the big multidimensional Family Reunion with the rest of you all out there. Soon now.
Obviously it was a special treat for me to be led to this other persons recent dream experience with an eccentric ET friend I built an interdimensional energy bridge with back in 1982–83. It was also highly interesting to read what David Wilcock had to say about these positive ETs—those miserable “Asshole Hippies from Outer Space”—ETs who’ve evidently been energetically blasting or vaporizing (from up in space) certain physical man-made underground bases in the US and elsewhere. This doesn’t surprise me at all either because if you’ve read A Lightworker’s Mission, then you know I’ve astrally been to a few of these physical man-made underground bases (and meeting places) while lucid dreaming during the 1970′s and 1980′s and saw human military and human civilians walking and talking with different non-human, non-physical ETs in these underground bases.
This information I was led to on the morning of Dec. 1, 2011 covered two related and very similar experiences I had decades ago, plus connected into and no doubt further explained what jolted me awake at 3:13 A.M. on December 1st. and more importantly why. Like I said, I became aware while laying there in bed feeling angry Dark energies flying around in the space in and around my house, that something from up in space (see all of David’s article about the huge ten-mile wide Mother ship supposedly in space near Earth blasting these underground bases) had caused these negative energies to be dislodged from below the surface of the Earth. It was great being led to read David’s higher sensory perceptions about these particular events. Lot’s of events past and present are being consciously connected now so we all know how vast these current changes are.
This complex, intertwined, usually humorous and weird multidimensional twists and turns and so-called coincidences are typical of certain positive ET/Starbeings and how they enjoy playing and communicating with us Starseeds down here in meat suits, especially when we’re bitching and complaining about how crappy and horrible it is here! Prior to us volunteering to come down here for the Ascension Process, I’m certain that most of us insisted that during those times when I/you/all of us Starseeds became depressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, too serious, too fixated on our individual Starseed Missions on Earth now, that some of our ET/Starbeing friends and family from Home would show up and do asinine things like howl, do flips around the room, stretch the skin on their face, or shave off their long gorgeous hair or anything else they could to knock and shock us out of our sticky, dense, heavy exhausted physical groove down here. I know Master Hotei would do seemingly crazy things like this to me sometimes too only to shock me into or out of some consciousness and/or emotional indulgence so he could insert higher energies into me. This is a familiar tactic that many Masters and ETs/Starbeings use when they need to shake someone out of a debilitating, sticky 3D trance.
It’s been a busy and intense ten days or so and I do not expect this to slow down at all, but instead increase in both the number of physical events, solar activity, and interdimensional weirdness and communications. Happy holidays in other words! Thanks again to all the multidimensional players for helping us make these larger Group connections now. ♥
December 3, 2011
Copyright © 2011–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/