Intergalactic Associations

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Intergalactic Associations

Beings coalescing with humans on this planet have been introduced to many by different forms of contact… Indifferently there is contact in the astral realms, dreams and more so visually either as hallucinations or epiphany, there are all kinds of different ways we can get contacted, the most common form is within, since everything is connected from one point to another across galaxies and dimensions, the right combination of choices or whom we are in general can be great in how we get to meet our space brothers and sisters.

Channeling is a form of contact, most people do associate it with a label for the energy which is being read daily, I simply do automatic writing and connect to the higher grids were the information pores in at quicker rates. It’s the same as a light line, think of fiber optics once you connect it the information which goes through it has many streams. The light line can represent a fiber optic, as there is unlimited light lines in which we can tap into, there is unlimited information we can get to work with.

It’s all done inwards we can achieve energetic transparency and attain from our light body which is the sustenance of our physical consciousness, which carries on after death, the processes we can bring forth from our light body's can contend to very *Unlimited causes of interactions through many dissociation's and what seems unreel. In any cases what we work with here on earth has plenty for us to surpass our limitations and become good in something in which we may have trouble with. Substantially the potential effects gathered from an augmentation of our consciousness to its fluid state… It carries on better notion for us to understand (Compile) the effects of what we are trying to achieve or contend to reach as a breaking point for adjustments or miracles.

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