We are Here... Yes, You are Here... We are New Global Transitory Government, came from pure Light and with Lot of Love to share with Humanity...
Meetings are not mandatory, yet very informative for ones who feel the urge, who sense that they belong to something much grander than their own individualized state of mind...
Please, join US if you know that this present state of existence on Gaia is not in interest of US all... Please Join US if you KNOW that there is greatest abuse of Mother Earth and all the resources...
Please, join us if you Know in your heart there is enough for every and each one of US, and that you KNOW how to spread this abundance with ALL...
Join US if you KNOW solutions, yet you have no judgments against any one... Join US if you want to be equal with Barack and Michele, or with Father God and Mother God.... Join US only if you KNOW there is hope for all the Humanity as ONE, including the present leaders [governmental and corporate ones...]
Join US if you feel there is a way that we all can forgive to each other’s and self for all the wrongdoings till now... Join US if you have no guilt in your heart for what You did to others and self, simply because you did not KNOW any better...
Yes, we are here, one's fully awaken from this illusion of duality, and we simply want to share with YOU ALL how beautiful state of existence this IS...
If you have doubts and disbelieves that Mother God and Father God are here among US, Join US anyway... as this will be your day when you fully invite your full self in this reality...
The only rule here is that we enjoy full sharing ourselves with ALL... And if you are not ready to let go of all and everything you knew, this meting will be quite boring and long... As most of time we laugh and have fun with very basic things: like Love, like service to others, like discovery of self, like thinking from the heart, like not analyzing why and what someone say something, like practicing non judgment...
So, before you send US an email, please talk to your self: Do I want to continue life of illusion or simply and bravely jump in to PURE LOVE?...
With this post I am inviting Barack and Michele Obama to join US on these calls... as they already past all our LIGHT security checks... They past our LOVE detectors long time ago...
Simply send email to with brief resume [minimum 17 pages...], and all your proposals and solutions in writing, numbered down, your working history at jobs that you did only with PURE LOVE... [all others you can omit... ]
Of course, I AM joking, resume must be 11 pages minimum...
Send love to others, without charging them anything... accept everything as it comes from God They Are...
With all our Love and Blessings,
One of many elders for this Council Predrag/Saint Germain