Israeli Soldiers Break Silence
It’s hard to hear, but I take it as a sign that we’re going in the right direction; that consciousness IS changing.
Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.
Their testimonies expose “the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.
They include “looting and destruction of property.” Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel’s militarized occupation.
Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what’s done in their name. “In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done.”
BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:
“We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)….have always served in the front lines” (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it.”
“We….served….long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people.”
“We(‘ve)….seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides.”
“The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country.”
“The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF’s human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society.”
“We….know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.”
“We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.”
“We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.”
“We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel’s defense.”
“The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose – and we shall take no part in them.”
Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel’s military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
To date, BTS collected over 700 testimonies. Soldiers from all segments of Israeli society supplied them. They’re frank, bold, revealing, and courageous. Those published were “meticulously researched” for accuracy.
Facts are cross-checked with additional eyewitness evidence, as well as archival material from human rights organizations.
Most soldiers remain anonymous for their own safety. They’re concerned about IDF recrimination and societal pressures they’ll face otherwise. Israel doesn’t take criticism lightly.
It wants no one obstructing or denigrating military or government policies. Doing so can be hazardous. Being Jewish doesn’t grant immunity. Soldiers bearing witness to horrific crimes have special concerns. They have smoking gun proof of Israeli lawless.
Their testimonies are damning. They reveal the real Israel. They destroy the myth of a free, open, and equitable democratic state. Throughout its history, ruthlessness defines policy.
Militarism is a way of life. Arabs are considered lesser beings. Occupied Palestinians are persecuted for not being Jewish.
Edward Said explained it powerfully. His books, articles, and outspokenness bear witness to decades of horrific treatment.
He described “Sharonian evil.” Among other crimes, he massacred children. He turned Palestine into an isolated prison. He used tanks and F-16s against civilians.
He, his predecessors, and successors committed virtually every imaginable atrocity. Netanyahu exceeds his extremism. He, Barak, and like-minded hardliners represent consummate evil.
Palestinians are persecuted and oppressed for their faith, ethnicity and presence. An endless cycle of violence, depravation, and degradation targets them. In Gaza, slow-motion genocide is policy.
In the West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers operate like storm troopers. Hitler had a Jewish problem. Israel has a Palestinian one. They can’t get rid of them, so they’re brutalized mercilessly.
BTS soldiers want shocking truths revealed. Everyone has a right to know. Israelis need to know what type society they live in. Change depends on exposing it to the light of day.
US media scoundrels suppress it. So do European ones most often. Exceptions are rare. They prove the rule. London Guardian writer Harriet Sherwood headlined “Former Israeli soldiers disclose routing mistreatment of Palestinian children,” saying:
BTS members described “beatings, intimidation, humiliation, verbal abuse, night-time arrests and injury.”
Children most often face stone-throwing charges. Usually they did nothing. At most they caused no harm. They can face prison and torture either way. They’re horrifically treated like adults. Sherwood gave graphic examples of soldier testimonies.