It Only Takes These 2 Steps To Shift out of A Low Vibration

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Everything in our universe is made out of energy. That solid chair you’re sitting on, your thoughts, emotions and memories are all forms of energy. From a higher perspective, our world is not made of solid mass, it is buzzing with light and movement.

When you’re feeling low, there is a physical energy weighing down on you. It’s a densely heavy feeling that pushes down on us; there’s a reason we call it feeling down. When you’re in a state of exhilarating happiness, your body literally buzzes with energy.

Shifting out of a dense vibration takes a bit of concentration and the want to change. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop of spiraling negativity and we don’t want to be the ones to break it. We are responsible for shifting our own emotions; but that doesn’t mean we can’t have help.
