It's Okay To NOT 'Fit In' With Society!
Last updated on February 24, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News
Do you feel like you sometimes don't 'fit in' with society? Have you ever caught yourself looking at all of the unhealthy food in someone else's shopping cart at the grocery store? When you see people blindly following others, does it make you feel a little uncomfortable? Are you more likely to follow your own path instead of what 'everyone else is doing'? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone!
Conformist Tendencies
People who strive to fit in and conform to society are some of the most subservient and controlled people you'll ever meet. They tend to follow the flock and are highly influenced by other people's opinions versus formulating their own regardless of what other people think. They seem to be more concerned about what other people think about them than how they feel to themselves.
For the conformists, the only critical thinking needed involves how other people may view their perceptions.
The Asch Conformity Experiment
We realize that most of everything we have been taught in history is either a lie or some form of propaganda. Much of our true history and origins have been hidden from us, despite concrete evidence showing that mankind has been on earth for hundreds of thousands of years. This is part of the brainwashing we receive through the indoctrination system commonly referred to as public education. If you question any official "story" taught to you in school, then you're looked down upon because you are not conforming to governmental learning expectations through state sponsored propaganda.
As students, we tend not to question authority and willingly accept our teacher's lessons as the truth. Our minds become conditioned to regurgitate these lessons in order to graduate each year.
In an experiment in conformity, most people will conform to group expectations even when they know the group is wrong. In psychology, this is known as the Asch Conformity Experiments:
When we attend school, not only are the students conforming to the teachers expectations, the teachers are conforming to the teaching of propaganda and agendas with little liberty to stray from the state sponsored textbooks.
The medical industry is no different. For example, according to Dr. Leonard Caldwell, there are over 300 cures for cancer but most doctors are required by law to use surgery, radiation or chemotherapy before any holistic measures such as the Rife Machine, THC Oil, etc.. Because the physicians are not learning holistic medicine in college, they are trained to use archaic methods in conjuction with Big Pharma, which has not cured anything since polio.
If you trace who originally funded the medical universities in conjunction to Big Pharma, you will find one name: Rockefeller. Most physicans do not know the history behind the universities they attend, who is really behind Big Pharma and how the major players are hiding under the guise of philanthropy in order to receive tax breaks while protecting their family fortune's. Unless you're a holistic physician or offer non-invasive options, then the majority of medical practitioners are also blindly conforming to societal expectations.
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I am
I'm getting off my meds, after they forced me to take it and brainwash me into corruption and false information deemed less specific in nature of being, the higher nature get's us to expand our conscious views of the world and create the very best into manifestations. What ever machine they utilize now that they have under top secrecy, HAARP has been off line for a long amount of time and I know they still use technology for mind control between specific individuals, as much as I know how GPS works there might be something out in space that can chemically imbalance our neuronic pathways with harmonic frequencies and program us into believing all that we are guided to see in a procession of time, carefully put out events to push the furthest limits of human potentials. Anyhow in august they where using this machine constantly on me after a great amount of programming and half way trough the process I remember saying I don't want to go trough this i am backing out of it, and everything went blank no memory what so ever of the next days until I finally spun around really fast in a vortex like fashion and regain consciousness went and sat down on the couch not able to speak or move completely frozen and before the process got finished my mom brought me to the hospital to chek my hand that had a hudge lump on it from moving so fast, they took me in right away sat me in a room and brought me after 1 hour of waiting in the psychiatric department where the doctor put me on these mind numbing neuronic blocking drugs after listening to the grand amount of information that I was experiencing and talking about in a fully conscious matter, they told me your staying in here for a long time and your not getting out until they convinced me of taking this medication or I would end up straight back in the hospital with the rest of the brainwashed folks that I helped deprogram while in there. I just don't like how society works you know no one understands or comprehends the higher states of being and the spirituality which is under develop in their needs of being and it's just corruption after corruption, I wish people would evolve so we could understand ourselves completly when we see each other, like a telepathic understanding so no misinterpretations or misunderstandings happen and cause so much distress in humans. Anyhow we learn to live with it, and some are lucky enough to live a good life and be joyful to the max haha, there is always hope out there that things will change and I understand how the event is something that many want to see, I too wanted it to happen as soon as possible so all of these things could change but we have to learn by ourselves and get strong enough to surpass all of these misconceptions that people go trough. When there is a way... and there is always a way to get truth, freedom becomes one of the best known feelings to mankind.