James Gilliland ~ Mexico, The Land Of Personal Responsibility

Lia's picture

ECETI December 15 2013

dolphinAs most of you know I am traveling as per inner guidance through Mexico. It is truly the land of personal responsibility. You have to pay attention. There are holes in the sidewalks, every form of feces waiting to jump under your foot, and a lot of drunk vacationers not to mention the riptides.

I had one gentleman appear wherever I went, totally possessed. He started three fights and tried to pull me into them. In each case I was given a clear message to vacate the area and did not even excuse myself. We are not talking bars here which I avoid. We are talking in the plaza and on the beach. I finally gave him bus fare and bought him lunch to leave the town to the relief of many.

My brother had an encounter with a pitbull while on his motorcycle and now is recovering from a bite to the leg. All in all I am having a great time swimming in the warm salt water, walking through the jungles, paddle boarding and doing workshops, Yi Gong classes and counselings. Believe it or not I feel safer in Mexico considering what has happened to America.

The military bases, black helicopters and chemtrail planes can take a vacation as well because I am not presently at the ranch. Guess you have to refocus your satellites, and keep activating my phone and computer cameras to know what is going on. By the way my iPhone5 totally crashed. The camera no longer works so that avenue is closed if all you are getting is a black screen. Hey maybe you can remote repair it as long as you are in there. So much for Apple’s collusion with big brother. I am sure you have all heard they can activate your audio and video on your phones and computers without the light going on.

Speaking of your right to privacy there is legislation to do away with the Bill of Rights as if it was being honored. I am wondering at what point does humanity say enough? Your rights have been stolen. Your money has been stolen. You’re enslaved under a mountain of debt you will never get out from under. Your health care program is based on addicting you to chemicals and drugs that have nothing to do with healing. The dollar is no longer backed by petroleum enforced by the military. Many have lost their jobs, their homes and in some cases their families.

But hey! Look at the bright side! You could be living in Iraq or Lybia in rubble, bombed back into the stone ages. Shame on them for not backing the dollar, creating their own stable monetary system and living on top of our oil. Gee I wonder if there is a collective karma due to this? I am being sarcastic here for those who missed it.

I have to ask – who is running this country and the world for that matter? How can there be so much war, disease, poverty and the extreme diminishing of our not only constitutional rights our divine rights? How can anyone in their right mind continue to be a willing participant in supporting such a psychopathic regime.

This is exactly the problem. So few are in their right mind.

Remember the basics? Right thinking, right living, right action etc. Being loving and kind to humanity and the earth. How about the unified field where now even the scientists are understanding God, Creator, Great Spirit, the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse.

The 9th wave, unity consciousness the Mayans speak of is in full force. It is exponentially increasing. Great waves of energy are coming in from galactic plane and Alcyone. One peaked just after Thanksgiving, another is building now exponentially stronger peaking just after Christmas.

Is there any doubt why things are getting a little crazy? The whole solar system is in process. The changes are upon us and this includes social, economic and physical earth changes. The last time I checked 12 volcanoes were erupting. This does not include what is going on underwater. There are massive fish die-offs. Birds are falling from the sky, Moose are dying along with other large mammals. It is not looking to good for humanity.

The chemtrails, carcinogenic additives to the food and water, GMOs designed to terminate and sterilize humanity, deadly inoculations all point to one thing. We are governed by psychopaths, genocidal maniacs who care nothing for humanity and the earth and seem to feed off the pain and suffering. These actions are inhuman. Did the light go on. If these actions are inhuman than who is behind them. The archons and their human minions. It is time for the good people to rise, no longer participate, use peaceful opposition and refuse to engage or support a system that is inhuman.

Be well.

James Gilliland



Well said. Seems like

MindspinDave's picture

Well said. Seems like everything is getting worse! Hard to keep the faith as well. All these positive messages promising change "soon" are getting to be a tired act. We will keep enduring with peace and love in our hearts. Somehow someway 

Very Good James

Alanry's picture

Keep on truckin Son 

      a very nice piece of writing.  There is a lot of CRAAAAAAZY stuff going down these days!  I have been massively conned while thinking I was following divine guidance, people at work are many of them oft unpleasant sometimes plain nuts - and I can't escape easily as I have to have a job even to even vaguely cope with my mountain of debt!  Plus I am on business right now in a country just as crazy as Mexico but in a kind of opposite way - think moralisitc repression rather than let i all hang loose!  I call it the asylum.   I feel less and less though it's not beyond the bounds of hope and prayer that some transcendental moment is coming that will radically revamp and upgrade the crazed pyscho physics of the asylum of this world any time soon!   Maybe a part of me even signed up for this roller coaster 3D ride just to be crucified though in far less grotesque and extreme ways than beloved J!!!

   I wrote in a  poem, "one's darkest thoughts are of a divinity demented"....Maybe some might catch this post maybe even you so may I quote a fave channel of mine, Cosmic Awareness who put it plain and succinct like :

   " This Awareness indicates that this is a difficult planet for entities to live upon for the mass mind is essentally insane and has been manipulated and hypnotized by black magicians by forces which have set one part against another.  And entities who spread truth or light are often persecuted and eliminated as those forces that follow the darkness and ignorance often enjoy keeping the mass mind confused and in conflict...It behoves entities who wish to see improvements to be especially aware of being forgiving , being more merciful, being more loving than appears to be appropriate in view of the violations they must suffer".

              God help us all!

            Love and Merry Christmas,
