Jamye Price – Weekly LightBlast – Rest! – 23 August 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Jamye Price – Weekly LightBlast – Rest! – 23 August 2012

How funny that after last week’s LightBlast lecture ;o) on Fortitude we now are told to rest?!  Actually, it is a beautiful continuation of Universal Law that supports Life.  Rest is essential.  Not only to our physical bodies, but to Creation.  It is another way of saying equilibrium or balance.  When we are at Rest, the direct flow has an opportunity to open and receive new information.  From that point of Rest, new choice is made and creation begins anew.  This is part of creation and you recognize it as the Feminine aspect of Life.  Rest is a point of reception as the interaction with Life, the unity, is honored.
Life on earth is a reflection of All Life.  As a hologram of being, we contain the whole within and the whole contains all of us.  It is the great mystery of seen and unseen, past and future.  Within Rest is the present of Life shared.  Beyond the need to do, is the ability to allow.  That is Rest, and unity thrives as each becomes One while still in unique physical form.  This experience on earth is visible separation and invisible unity.  Lightworkers shine the Light on unity, the unseen; and new Life begins to form.  Rest well.  Know that your Love makes a difference as new choice is offered to an open heart and mind.  Universal Law does not support Forced Power, but it allows it – for it rests easy in Knowing the unseen nature of Love calling Love.  That is how form builds.
As we sit to Blast Rest, we are feeding new life to the peace that passes into understanding as we hold the grace of Love in open arms.  We are following our gentle heart into an exciting dream of Love, bringing fresh perspective to a tired old story.  We are the reminders of joyful win/win solutions when fear wants to focus on problems.  We are the pillars of Loving strength when all seems lost.  The Rest is up to them!  Blast on!





Integrator81's picture

That was amazing! Thank you so much, Jayme and GLR ANdReA!


It makes a lot of sense, and it intuitively feels like Jayme hit the nail right on the head! : )

Rest is very important. It seems like I get LOADED with information while I'm sleeping, and every morning I wake up feeling 'one step closer', and a little bit wiser ..like I just went through some sort of profound training. & I don't mean to toot my own horn here; I know I'm not the only one experiencing this sort of stuff. : )


The dreams that I can remember have been fascinating lately. If you're reading this, which you obviously are (yes, I'm talking to YOU) : ], wanna make a deal to keep a notebook closeby when we're sleeping so we can write our dreams down after waking (before they fade out in our memory)?.. The deal is already signed on my end. : )




The key to everything

Guest's picture

Yes, Jamye, you said the MAGIC WORD, THE TOTAL TRUTH. And that word you said is BALANCE. Now that Gaia has evolced and Transisted  from teh Plane of duality into the Plane of Unity - Gaia and ALL OF US MUST BALANCE. so many Humans have become so imeshed in the nbegative energy that when the ascention comes  they may not have reached sufficient balance to ascend and will be left behind. The problem is not the lack of LOVE but the LACK OF BALANCE - and the unwillingness of so many to recognize this. Humans do have CHOICE for their learning experience would be useless without this. BUT God failed to make sure that Humans knew that with CHOICE, He failed to make sure that Humans KNEW that RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF was the balance. NOW, he insists on that addition.to the acceptance of Choice.  Every Choice has its consquences - that is the balance. The learning is: be very careful of what you CHOOSE. 

Once you remember you're Love

glr_Andrea's picture

Once you remember you're Love and thus let go polarisation BALANCE is a Natural Result. The other way round would simply be a mind control that would seem like balance but in Truth is not. One must be aware not to mistaken control with true Balance as this comes only from Unconditional Love. And Love is the Inner Door that Naturally leads to Ascension.
