Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast - Allowing Divinity

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By: Jamye Price, 01/16/2014

When you look in the mirror do you see Divinity reflected?  When you observe others do you see their path of enlightenment unfolding?  It is before you, in all that you observe.  It is the natural flow of Life to evolve toward improvement.  That is the function of Love, the core of Life.  It is available in All – all people, all situations, all Life.  There is no mechanism that can inhibit growth indefinitely, for Life is fail-safed to continue.  Life on Earth is an interactive, interdependent experience with All Life around you.  Gaia is Life that innately continues.  Humanity is Life that innately continues.  All animals, plants, and molecules upon the Earth continue.  This occurs through transformation, the movement of Life through Time.  Life transforms with all of the information of the previous form upon it, and the new progression.  No group, no chemical, no amount of money, no explosion can stop it.  As you understand the mechanism, you see the greater picture.  It may not be visible in a moment, but it permeates all moments.


Life is an interactive, interdependent journey.  You are not separate from the energy of Gaia, for instance, just different in form and function.  As you encounter Life and experiences unfold, at times the response unfolds through Gaia.  You can not help but emit information about your preferences and your experiences.  Did you know that you call the plants forth into being?  You call the animals forth.  You call the chemicals forth that will assist your Life.  If it is able to be created within the experience on Earth, it is able to be adjusted/improved within the experience on Earth.  That which is problem, is resolved.  That which is solution, becomes greater advancement, greater expanse, greater in all ways through the path of Time.  Whether in a moment or an eon, it is resolved and improved.


You are a being of consciousness.  Your consciousness, your focus is the mechanism of change.  When you focus upon a problem, you call forth solution.  When you focus on solution, you bring forth solution faster.  You align with the answer faster as you move past the problem, into the natural flow of solution.  This is Divinity in action.  All that is necessary is your open biomechanism of change.  Open your heart to the flow of Life.  Open your mind to ease of solution.  Open your experiences to the sacred information which is threaded through out the fabric of Life.  Life speaks to you continually, though you must learn its language.  The language of synchronicity, response, alignment, shift.  Transformation. Clues are all around for you to follow.  Your emotions show you your alignment.  Allow your Divinity to shine Love into all you experience and you will begin to see the process that remains hidden until the moment is ripe for the sprouting.  Your Divinity is inherent, not earned.  Your flow of Life is the unconditional choice which is bestowed upon you.


As we sit to Blast Allowing Divinity, we are becoming Love realized in every form, function and foible.  We are remembering the sacred into the present and imprinting our Love onto the future.  We are showing the way of Love to heal any problem into solution.  We are seeing the Divine thread in all we meet, all we experience, all we perceive.  We are the synchronicity becoming expected, for the answer to Love’s call was always within.  Blast on!


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