Jelaila's Weekly Messages
The Magical Power of Play, Fun and Joy

Was thinking about what to write for this week's message and being stumped, I decided to call Julie, a good friend and muse. It took me a few minutes to make the call because I had been playing with the dogs and also checking into MyTown 2 on my IPhone (downloadable through the Apps store) and wanted to finish up first. As I was dialing her phone number, I thought about just how much my perspective on play had changed in the last six months. Being a recovering workaholic, the idea of spending lots of time with my dogs and/or playing games would have been considered illogical and inefficient--a total waste of time. It took my brother's death and the intense grief that it triggered to help me see the importance of play and joy.
Until July of last year, I was still struggling with allotting the time to play and indulge in the joy that pets can bring. Though I talked and wrote about the importance of play and fun, I was only partially living it.
For those of you who may still be struggling, here's a reason to consider making fun, play and joy a part of your daily routine. Hopefuly It will get you over the hump, so to speak.
As many of you are aware we live in a universe of energy. Everything is energy including our thoughts and feelings. Furthermore we exist within a morphogenetic field of energy (Field) and we form or create our individual and collective realities from it. We do this by projecting thoughts and feelings through the neurotransmitter in the heart and out into this field. Once projected, those same thoughts and feelings act like magnets attracting matching energies. What we attract becomes our individual and collective reality. For example, if we project fear and anxiety all day, we will attract fearful, anxious people, and/or circumstances that give us more reasons to feel fearful and anxious. Moreover, those negative thoughts and feelings actually block the universe's ability to give us all the good things we have been asking for because we have filled our reality with fear and anxiety. Now, here's the magical antidote...
When we are playing, having fun and feeling the joy of it all, we are in the moment. Being in the moment means we are not living in the past or future. When we are in the moment...and having fun by playing, we are doing something very powerful, we are resetting our individual fields. A reset removes all the negative, fearful, anxious thoughts and feelings we have projected over the past hours.
I'm not sure how much fun/joy we need to project to mitigate a day's worth of worry, fear and anxiety but here's what we do know. Joy is a higher vibration and more powerful. I guess you will know when you've projected enough joy because the next few days are pretty sweet.
As I said earlier, I was already aware of the power of fun and play but finding it hard to make those things a priority. It was after my brother died and I began almost drowing in the pain and grief that I realized how much I needed that joy and play because on some days, they were the only lights in my otherwise dark world.
To increase the joy quotient I chose to rescue a third dog. I already had Lucy and Cleo but they didn't really play. I realized I needed to hear the jappy sounds of little feet running through the house. Within days of my brother's passing, I adopted a third dog (male this time). Anubis, an Italian Greyhound is 8.5 lbs of pure fun and joy. He was just what I needed. Then, with the introduction of phone games (thanks to my daughter) I was able to inject enough fun and joy to offset the sometimes overwhelming days of pain and darkness. I can now say I indulge in play and feel joy almost every day, even in the midst of the grief.
In conclusion,Joy and play are powerful, magical tools we can use to clear away the negative makings of a reality we don't want and ensure that we create the one that we do. It doesn't matter how you get more joy and play in your life, what matters is that you do it. Have a joyous week full of fun and play!
in service,
Jelaila Starr