Jen Eramith ~ What Energy And Experiences Can We Expect In May 2013?

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Akashic Transformations

The energy this month has a global reach. There is a sense of a broad, sweeping energy that will cause everything to feel bigger than usual. Many of you will find your attention is drawn to bigger issues — social movements, global events, and community endeavors. It is time to be engaged in things that are greater than your own life. This is an important time to really consider what it means to be a citizen of humanity. Throughout your day, explore how your actions are affected deeply by the global community, and how everything you do affects the world around you. You can see evidence for this in your home or in your neighborhood. Try to recognize that even at a small level every single one of you is contributing to the overall well-being and happiness of humanity, or you are contributing to its destruction. You make that contribution through your thoughts, through the words that you choose to say, and through the actions that you choose to take.

This is a month when you can find that sense of global connection to be empowering and exciting rather than overwhelming. Do not try to solve all the world’s problems by yourself this month. But do be mindful and try your best to contribute to the world as you wish it to be rather than falling into old habits and patterns that feed a world that you are trying to leave behind. This will give you an important touchstone in your personal life. Choose to take actions that lead you toward the person you wish to be rather than the person you always were. Really think this month about what your actions mean. Spend some time thinking about your goals, your greatest gifts, and the things you care about most. Find ways, either large or small, that you can contribute to the goals and issues that you care so much about.

This is an excellent time to volunteer for a nonprofit organization. It is a great time to pull together with your neighbors and get something done in the neighborhood. It is also a good time to clean out your closets, clean out your house, start a new art project or anything else in your life that brings you toward the person you wish to be.

Be sure to recognize that you do not necessarily need to complete anything this month. This is not a month for completing or performing. You are not being tested this month. You are not trying to prove that you are good. This month is about setting a new direction and allowing yourself to stretch into something greater than you thought you were before. The stretching is what is important. It does not matter that you get things done. It does not matter if you follow through. It is okay if you try and you fail at something. It is the effort and the attitude of connection and caring that will matter most this month.

Are there particular activities we can engage in this month in order to harness this energy?

There are several things you can do. One, make sure to form partnerships and relationships. Talk to people, contact organizations, reach out, propose new ideas, and ask your friends and loved ones to help you. Anything you can do to connect yourself with other people in an effort to achieve your goals will be beneficial. There is no room for isolation this month. The true power of the month is in your human connection with one another, which eventually extends to your human connection to the human family. Engage those connections. Use them for your own benefit and dedicate some of your time to helping to benefit others. That is one key for this month. Do everything in connection with other people, and avoid isolation as much as possible.
