Jennifer Hoffman - Q&A: How Do I Get the Support I Need so I Feel Supported?

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Enlightening Life By Jennifer on May 22, 2013

Dear Jennifer:  I know that I am on my ascension journey and I have been working so hard to move energy so I can get clear about the next steps. But I feel like I am doing this all by myself. I look for signs and confirmation, am ready to receive but I’m not hearing or seeing anything. Am I doing something wrong or am I supposed to do this without any help? I thought the Universe would support me on my path and I’m not feeling it.

Jennifer’s Answer:  Support is always around us and always available to us in every situation. Some questions I have for you are, what kind of support do you want, what do you think support looks or feels like and what are the results you are looking for? There is a difference between being supported and being taken care of. While we say we want support, being taken care of is often what we expect and when we don’t see those results, we think that the Universe is absent or is not listening.

Imagine you hurt yourself and the injury is not so bad that you cannot walk. Someone gives you a pair of crutches to help you. Do you take the crutches or wait for the gift of a wheelchair, which also means you need someone to push you around in it? Having support means you are still the co-creator, so the energy movement requires your input. In fact, all energy movement requires our intention because that is how we create the form or the vacuum for the energy to fill. Do we have the courage to set powerful intentions, or do we set weak intentions and then hope that the Universe will bring us what we do not have the courage to ask for?

As we move into more powerful, expanded and enlightened aspects of ourselves, our support comes in the form of agreement, with a universal ‘yes’ to our boldest and brightest dreams. This is where our big dreams must be supported first by our big thoughts and beliefs, so we can show the Universe that we are marrying our truth with our intention. The Universe responds to our lowest energy frequency and no matter what we ask for, if we don’t believe in our own light, power and potential, it cannot help us.

Continue to believe that the support is there but, in the words of one of my favorite proverbs, “Pray and move your feet.” Ask for what you want and be willing to move your feet, physically and spiritually, so you are supporting your own dreams with your beliefs, thoughts and willingness to receive it, on each step of your path. There are other aspects at work here, such as any value, worthiness, self love or self worth issues you may have. Know that the Universe is behind you 100% of the way — but it is behind you, supporting you and cheering you on, not in front of you, telling you where to go, what to do and leading the way for you to follow it.


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