Joe Rogan Questions Everything: Real Close Encounters

Rain's picture


GFP Note: This is a fun but 3D take on a 5D Reality.
We are presenting this for your awareness and enjoyment.
As always, please use your discernment.


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart - 2013


Joe's first stop on the road to alien enlightenment is Bill Burns, the publisher of UFO magazine. Bill tells Joe he's been seeing UFOs since the 1950s. What brought it home for Bill, though, was a chance meeting with the Pentagon's UFO debris expert who had access to the Roswell crash remains -- and even saw an alien body! Joe cuts to the chase: he likes Bill a lot. He likes Bill's stories too. But stories are not proof, and he's going to need something a little harder to sway skeptics.



So Joe meets with Stephen Bassett, an alien lobbyist attempting to answer the mysteries of extraterrestrials via political action. Sounds like he's a member of the E Tea Party, hey-o! Anyways, Bassett lists the following statements as FACT: Extraterrestrials exist. The government knows about it. The government has withheld proof. And contact with the ETs is going on. But as Bill Burns just learned the hard way, Joe is going to need proof before he buys any of this space madness. Stephen explains: he brought 40 witnesses to Washington, D.C., air force officers even, to testify to their alien experiences with former members of congress. Joe's impressed with the work Steve's done -- calling it "sexy" -- but still wants something tangible.



