Judith K. Moore: Balancing the Extreme Electromagnetic Solar Surges and the Magnetism of the World Grid

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Emergency call to Ascension Workers to Assist the Arcturians in Channeling the Excess Electromagnetic Energy on Earth, Caused by Intense Solar Activity

tr. Sandra, ed. M.

JKM 1-9-13 Balancing the Extreme Electromagnetic Solar Surges and the Magnetism of the World Grid

(Judith in Chimayo at midnight)

J: I was awakened with extreme velocity, very powerful electromagnetic surges. And as I focus, I see arcs of energy going from our poles and forming like, connecting, rather, if you had the image of an orange, that would describe what I’m speaking of, or a tangerine, because these arcs of energy go out and they’re curving, and then they’re met with arcs from the north and the south pole meet completing the circuit. And there’s a number of them arcing from our electromagnetic polar fields. I get the image of arcs of energy going out to connect to the axis, the solar axis of our solar system, and that there is an enormous download of solar magnetism right now.

So this connection is almost like these arcs of energy are being magnetized into the axis of our polar magnetism, and then it’s so intense here in the magnetic plane of the earth that it’s discharging the energy, and balancing the magnetism of the polar opposites through arcing energy from the north and south poles.

I am now shown a picture of the oceans, of the water, and there is electrical energy. It appears in the picture that I’m seeing in my mind’s eye, that the oceans are lighting up with all of these electromagnetic superconductive energy fields, the fault in the ocean and the powerful magnetic forces. Now I am shown an image of the brain, and I can see that kind of discharge of, I hear, a neutronic discharge – that may not be the right word, but there’s a discharge of the energy of the electromagnetic frequencies in the brain, sending almost like shock waves through peoples’ neurological systems. So people who are particularly unable to channel that in a positive way will, it will definitely create imbalances in the biochemistry, and the brain chemistry imbalances.

This is a time to be particularly grounded and cautious of things that can trigger responses which give off electromagnetic energy. I hear that the response of ‘anger’ is highly charged with electromagnetic energy when the psychic field is very highly magnetized with photons and electrons. There it is, it’s about the photons and the electrons and the molecules, and understanding is coming in with this.

This transmission is from the Arcturian Emissaries of Light that are here to assist earth with going through this transition. I can see the use of these from the light ships, these very high superconductive magnetic scopes that are reading earth’s frequencies. I’m shown an image of this drawing of some of the excessive charges of the photons and electrons, neutron particles, the discharge of electromagnetic energy. There’s assistance from the Galactic Councils through the Arcturians with assisting of the de-magnetizing some of this extreme energy, this extreme solar magnetism that the Earth is processing right now.

The Arcturians are showing me how people use magnetics sometimes for healing and balancing, but in the extreme, it becomes almost like an electrical shock, and that that is happening now, that there is magnetic current that is running so wild right now that it is like a shock to the energy systems, and the energy waves of the planet. This definitely creates instability in the world grid, and the concern the Arcturians have is disrupting the tectonic plates because of the extreme flow of magnetism through the mantle of the earth. They’re using the word “mantle of the earth”. Very highly-evolved psychics are standing by on Light Ships to establish telepathic communication with individuals who are having a lot of discharges of energy.

This can come in many forms. It can come in the form of exhaustion and fatigue, it can come in the form of running energy that makes one uncomfortable, such as what I’m doing, but it also can come in the form of unexplainable anger and extreme emotional discharges. So there is assistance with the Light Ships, and they are showing me these huge Mother Ships that are sending energy from their magnetic generators in a pattern that’s, I want to say is like an optical lens because it’s convex and concave, that actually is assisting with distributing the discharge of these electromagnetic energies as, at some places in the planet, the grid is damaged, and there is interruption, especially with nuclear.

The energy discharge from nuclear power plants interrupt the flow of electromagnetism in the world grid, and in those areas, there is obstruction in the flow of healthy magnetism. This can be dangerous because it can offset the balance in the electrons in the atomic generators and create a discharge of energy that is capable of overloading the, what I would say, the conductors or the energy cells in nuclear power plants. This is one in particular that the off-planet scientists are concerned about because of the stability of the atomic field in nuclear power plants.

So it will be interesting to hear if any reactors go hot because – of course, would we hear if it was happening? No, we wouldn’t. So that takes care of that. But I do see that there is some call for intervention to stabilize the extreme acceleration of electrons in these places on the world grid where the nuclear power plants have interfered with the flow of healthy magnetic energy through the grid. And remember, many of them are placed on power lines, such as the Michael line, Serpent lines, which can interfere with the movement of electromagnetic energy from power points on the planet.

Just consider, something very much like the acupuncture meridian chart of the Earth and our electromagnetic acupuncture bodies are meridian systems, and the meridian systems on the Earth, and to focus with the psychics from the Arcturians, who are the frequency masters, to image the balancing of all of this chaotic electromagnetic surge that the planet is experiencing right now.

I can tell you that by channeling this, my body is getting more comfortable. It woke me up, and I’ve taken a shower already because that wetting down helps the electromagnetic energy when it’s intense – and that didn’t even help. It was more intense tonight. It is important that we participate with our Galactic teams, our star teams, and invoke assistance because the more of us that suggest through our telepathic communication that we will work with them and are aware of the grid overload, then with our assistance, we can get intervention to stabilize, to help us with the advanced energy technology of the off- planet beings to stabilize the electromagnetism.

Especially, the Sun is discharging high-velocity solar magnetism and it is having a – what are they calling that, just a second – they are calling it retro-solar magenetic implosions – and it’s jarring. All I can say is the power of the eruptions on the sun right now are like billions of neutron bombs, and they are jarring the polar magnetism, magnetic polar, magnetic balance of other planets besides Earth. So some of the planets are wobbling in their – oh, boy, this is very intense.

I’m getting holographic projections, and the image of the rotational fields of the planetary bodies. Jupiter, Jupiter is being exposed to extreme – I think you’d call it ‘negative magnetism’, while Mars is a very highly charged positive, like a battery, this is in ions, this is like a battery. So some of the planetary bodies are taking on the negative discharges and some of them are in extreme like the positive battery, the cable, like the positive terminal on a battery, extreme positive electromagnetic discharges.

This is an opportunity for us to engage with the Solar Intelligence and the intelligence of the magnetic fields of our planetary, our solar balance, our solar system. If it were not for the magnetic relay of our other planets in our solar system, Earth could very well have been displaced from its orbital plane by this discharge.

There is an electromagnetic grid that is assisting Earth in maintaining her orbital field. I could tell you the whole energy in my body has shifted since I’m channeling this, which means that psychic connection to this magnetic field actually helps stabilize the electrons. So it is suggested that the psychics who are ready to do this kind of work, plug into this energy grid, and using this transmission, work with the star brethren to stabilize the discharge from the electron particles and the solar magnetism, and the imbalances in the meridian systems on the Earth due to this extreme magnetic surge.

Ultimately if we can balance the energetics of the planet, this will accelerate consciousness. But right now, it’s having an effect of shocking our electromagnetic bodies. Some people are grounding it, and other people like myself, I’m a hot wire for this whole experience. So, soda baths, a bath with Epsom salts will be very helpful for those people who are having challenges with the electromagnetic energy. Of course, breathing and grounding are essential right now. I’m getting a very big relief from channeling this, and I’m eager for other people to receive it, but I am told that just the effect of this energy connection that I’m making tonight will enter the collective in the Lens of Ibis and assist in balancing the frequencies.

Blessed be, so be it and so it is.

Source: www.recordsofcreation.com
