In the name and by the power and authority of the Presence of God/Goddess I AM, I invoke the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth to blaze the Violet Fire with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every electron that makes up the atoms of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Hold the Violet Flame sustained, and double it each hour until these Earthly vehicles are fully assimilated into the perfection of our Solar Light Bodies.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around all nations, races, cultures, creeds and religions in every country of the world. Blaze the Violet Flame through every person's home, place of occupation and overall environment until the perfection of the Divine Plan manifests for all Life.
Expand, expand and intensify daily the mightiest action of the Violet Fire in, through and around the cause and core of the creative centers of all doubt and fear in the Earth, on the Earth and in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. Transform these creative centers into expressions of God Confidence, Trust, Hope and Inner Knowing.
Expand and expand the Violet Fire of Purification and Transmutation in, through and around the landed surface, the waters and the peoples of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet in the world. Establish a mighty focus of the Violet Fire in the Etheric Realms over each of these locations and intensify this purifying activity of Light daily and hourly with every breath I take.
Now in the Name of Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved, Victorious Presence of God I AM, I speak directly to the Heart of the Violet Flame. Sacred Fire, enfold me in the purifying, forgiving, healing substance of your Light which causes the consciousness and feeling of Divine Love and Freedom to flow through me constantly to bless all Life. Let this purifying essence saturate the atmosphere wherever I live, move, breathe and have my Being, so that its miracle-working presence will give tangible proof of your reality to all Humanity.
Beloved Violet Flame, direct Legions of your Angels of the Violet Fire to blaze the Flame of Forgiveness and Freedom into the heart of every evolving soul, so that we will all learn to use our Light to the fullest in our service to Life and the cause of Freedom on Earth.
Beloved, Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, I Love you. I do now most earnestly and sincerely call you into dynamic action. Perpetually blaze your Transmuting Flame into the Beings and worlds of every man, woman and child on Earth. Enable each one to know that your healing presence will always bring happiness and release them from anything that is not of the Light. Enfold every person in the power of your Light and transmute all imperfection in their lives in Divine Order through Divine Love.
The Victorious Violet Fire of Freedom's Love NOW...
Heals our bodies,
Harmonizes and stabilizes our feelings,
Illumines our consciousness,
and sets us free, raising us into full mastery
over all human appearances, desires and feelings,
now and forever sustained. And so it is.