June updates: New level of Light and our Galactic Legacy

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For Ascension articles or to contact Sandra visit http://www.sandrawalter.com. Note: I just REturned to Shasta and am camping. I don't have a fancy email/web-checking phone, so have patience if you request a session or send an email. There is a LOT to share about this post-gateway acceleration. I will share as much as I can whenever possible.

We are speeding through the second half of 2013 and things may feel chaotic or blissful from moment to moment. Use Zero Point to your advantage; breathe, simplify and REmember who you are. Work with integrity, love and peace. Open up to what your journey has to offer; some of us are experiencing pure Source and you can choose to stay there if you want that experience.

Clarity is a skill - utilize your 5D wisdom in every situation. Gratitude to all walking through the Shift with Self-Empowerment, curiosity and divine Unity. There is nothing here but LOVE.