Just read Greg's Message....

grailheart magi's picture

I just read Greg's message of today.... sounds critical, so I am putting all of my other activity aside for the moment....

And, what can we do to help spread the message that we need help and prepare for their landings??

What are any of you doing who can give me ideas here?

What is keeping us here from connecting.


We need to talk to everyone as if our lives depended on it... and from today... it does.


If lightworkers don't do this, then WHO?


I want to do my part.... what do you suggest as far as getting the ships here??






time to walk the talk !

dawn christine's picture

calling all light ... let's bring in ideas .... it's go time! 

We need an authentic video

Guest's picture

We need an authentic video with an alien and a human interacting in a peacefull and loving way so people can start accepting and familiarizing with all these images and concepts.


Good Idea!   Could you find

grailheart magi's picture

Good Idea!   Could you find one for us?  How would it look to be a brother or sister? 


Last nite in a coffee shop I started talking about all the ships around here.... and it became  a 6 person conversation - with glee and total acceptance.  I believe many are having their own experience and that someone just needs to begin the conversation.

We have to find one, if one

Vivianita's picture

We have to find one, if one of you had seen one please tell us, I already ask for one, lets wait the response.

nothing staged

dawn christine's picture

sound like our former media template .. a prescribed story so as to prepare

we need pure truth reporting .. live ... with trust as our very foundation

we need to help others shift to trusting intentions that are created collectively in light

and offer a place where good intentions manifest into miracles for our us all

and more importantly, for our children

thank you.

not sure what you mean....

grailheart magi's picture

not sure what you mean.... let's see what he says.... the third party book is a compilation of viable testamonies and photos to support what is being said... i don't know 

of course, the highest integrity has to be


i guessing though Greg means just to talk with people we are around, ya?

got an idea

jaketaylor7's picture

we need to bring our resources of information together to create an accesible work of writings and videos for people who aren't aware of what's going on.

Do you mean like a "third

grailheart magi's picture

Do you mean like a "third party book" that one could thumb through?  Guide us into doing it.... 

beautiful !

dawn christine's picture

and we have this already! We can do this so well and efficiently.