Kauilapele – What David Wilcock Added On January 23 To Part 1 Of “Financial Tyranny”… Why? Because I Feel It’s Important… – 28 January 2012
This short piece, an addendum written recently by David for the end of Section 1 of his “Financial Tyranny” article, demonstrates why he and his work are of such importance to this awakening of humanity we are now witnessing, and of which we are all a part.
The most significant words in this, from my view, are below.
“As of January 23rd, 2012, I have heard from my top insiders that there are seismic waves of shock rippling through this community at the level of bravery I have demonstrated here by revealing all of this to you.
“These peacekeepers will, at the right moment, lay down their lives — if necessary — for your freedom.”
This is not his ego speaking. It is a fact. This is courage of the highest order.
I would point out that at any time, when we choose to stand up for our own truth, whatever we perceive it to be, whether in the face of opposition, or indifference, or ridicule, or not, that is courage. That is bravery. When we stand up and simply say, “No, I don’t want to do that”, instead of throwing out excuses (namely, lies) as to why we can’t, that is courage. That is bravery.
Pardon my language, but precisely that lack of courage, lack of honesty, lack of integrity (whatever “lack of” you call it), is why much of humanity, individually and collectively, has got its a$$ in a crack for decades (centuries, millenia), and many now are finding out (politicians, CEOs, et al.) that their a$$es are really between a rock and a hard place.
It’s so simple. Be who you are. Stop lying. To yourself. To others. Stop making excuses. Be who you are. Be what you are. Be what you know you want to be. In the “larger” things, yes. But especially in the simple things.
That’s my take.
So here are a few…
- We have been raised in an educational system that rewards us with prestige and social status if we can precisely regurgitate the “accepted” information.
- It’s important to know exactly who said what… and question those sources.
- Given what we have just learned… “They” is actually the voice of the Federal Reserve.
- YOU DO NOT NEED TO ACCEPT THE POISON… You can be a loving person — holding true to all the world’s greatest spiritual teachings — and have the true freedom to think for yourself, and not be bothered by those who would attempt to shame you.
- The idea can never again be silenced. The concept of freedom. The belief in abundance, peace and happiness… for everyone.
- They [the Federal Reserve] are experiencing real trouble – and it’s affecting global headlines with rumors of financial collapse.
- You are not alone. There are already 122 countries fighting for you. More are preparing to join the coalition… I have written and conducted this investigation on the direct request of this and other important groups — who are fighting for you.
- As of January 23rd, 2012, I have heard from my top insiders that there are seismic waves of shock rippling through this community at the level of bravery I have demonstrated here by revealing all of this to you.
- What we seek is a peaceful, negotiated surrender of the people running these organizations. Not genocide. Not masses rising up to torture and destroy them. A world we can all live in and share… together.
- The Federal Reserve appears to control… 1,318 corporations that earn up to 80 percent of the world’s wealth. 147 corporations… are totally interconnected…[and] earn 40 percent of global revenues… Global media was consolidated from 50 independent corporations to five giants in barely over 20 years…
- 6…of the top 9 media corporations have directors with controlling interests in the pharmaceutical companies… 8…of the top 9… have insurance and/or pharmaceutical company executives serving on their Board of Directors.
- This is precisely the type of interconnectedness discovered by the Swiss team of scientists – using supercomputers.
- Conan O’Brien was burned badly by Big Media – and got his revenge almost two years later, by revealing how virtually every television network was reading off of the same prepared script.
[KP NOTE: This starts towards the end of Section 1 of "Financial Tyranny" article. According to David, this is the new material added ("after the list of media / pharmaceutical conglomerates" in the table). I have removed many of the carriage returns between lines, so it would fit into a smaller space here.]
Out of the nine media corporations studied, six had directors who also represented the interests of at least one pharmaceutical company. In fact, save for CBS, every media corporation had board connections to either an insurance or pharmaceutical company….
We have been raised in an educational system that rewards us with prestige and social status if we can precisely regurgitate the “accepted” information.
We can then get into the best schools. They may even pay us to go. We work hard… and money, career, success and fortune will follow… or so we were told.
In order to earn these benefits, we have to be right. We cannot be “wrong”. Our opinion — what we have learned — is the strongest asset we have.
If the information we hold as truth is incorrect, within the standards of the educational system, we receive an F….
…for Failure.
If we are a Failure, then that jeopardizes our money, our health, our livelihoods and the lives of those we care about.
We have been taught to use the word “They” when we refer to commonly-held, officially-sanctioned information.
For that same reason, I fastidiously avoid using the word “They” when describing a new scientific discovery.
“They said?” They who?
It’s important to know exactly who said what… and question those sources.
Who are you? And who are they?
Are you really an individual — capable of having your own thoughts?
Or… are you a corporate product?
Are you trained by design to be a sick, depressed, fearful and obedient worker? Sad, pissed off and “Broke as a Joke”?
Given what we have just learned about the media, the American Medical Association and the National Education Association, it’s not much of a leap to figure out that “They” is actually the voice of the Federal Reserve.
These wealthy international bankers literally bought the rights to become the “collective voice” that you instinctively feel must be correct.
If you read the comments at the end of this investigation, you will see that some people simply do not have the “shame tolerance” sufficient to process this simple, provable, irrefutable truth.
Shame is the single greatest injury we can ever feel. Shame stays with us much, much longer than any physical pain we may feel — such as if we get a cut or a burn.
Shame can persist long after we’ve healed from a broken bone — or even a terrible car accident. Shame can become an emotional state that defines our entire life – our personality, our job, our residence, our relationships… everything.
Shame is what causes us to commit murder — like we may fantasize about if we catch our partner having sex with another person.
Shame is intolerable. Shame sears us with pain. We cry. We shake with rage. We are on the verge of throwing up. We feel as if we are spiraling into catastrophe. We feel there is no hope. All is lost.
We lie in bed, wishing we could sleep, but sweating out each tick of the clock… moment by moment.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
What is shame?
Shame is nothing more than what other people think about you.
If no one ever had any negative opinions of you, then you would never feel any shame.
You see? It’s that simple.
Intellectually you can understand it. There is nothing to it. The truth is right there in front of you.
It’s only your emotions that get in the way.
Who are the most important people you feel you must avoid being shamed by… at all costs?
THEY are.
If THEY think you are a failure, then you have been taught to feel you are truly lost.
And guess what? THEY have taught you exactly what lines not to cross. THEY reinforce these teachings everywhere you look.
Some thoughts are actually illegal. Particularly if they transform into actions. At that point, you have broken the law — and you will be punished. You are taught what not to do — and you know the consequences.
What if you could love the people in your life who attempt to shame you — without accepting the poison?
What if you could make a decision to simply not be hurt by anyone’s attempt to dump shame on you?
Listen, yes. Make sure you are not violating free will. Avoid manipulating or controlling others. Care about what they have to say. Listen to them. Offer feedback. Be willing to be wrong. Be sensitive to their feelings.
All of this can be done without accepting the poison of shame — or delivering it to others.
You can be a loving person — holding true to all the world’s greatest spiritual teachings — and have the true freedom to think for yourself, and not be bothered by those who would attempt to shame you.
Your survival may well depend on it.
I can lay all of the evidence out for you… with meticulous, irrefutable references… but if you’re not ready to hear it, you will use a variety of coping mechanisms in order to rebuild the worldview you have chosen to accept as truth.
You will scramble to avoid shame — and maintain the beliefs you have built up throughout an entire lifetime of experiences, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
This, of course, is the worldview that has been fed to you – by the people who then convert your ignorance into profit.
In shame, you pick up the shattered pieces, use a variety of faltering arguments that sound as smart as possible, and proudly strike down any offending thoughts that jeopardize the worldview you have been taught to believe is true.
Deep in your heart, you know you are wrong… but the shame is much too great for you to go there. You have too much at stake. There is too much to lose.
THEY will think you are a failure.
Here’s what I have to say about that.
Your educational upbringing has constructed a reality for you. It speaks to you from every school. Every university. Every newspaper. Every magazine. Every television station. Every radio station. Many (but thankfully not all) books.
It’s not your fault.
You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
There are so many people who love you. I can promise you that you are not alone. You are loved and cared for… more than you can ever possibly imagine.
I don’t believe this. I know this.
Why? Because I am one of those people.
And there are many, many others just like me.
That’s why I’m putting my life on the line — risking hideous torture and death — to tell you all this.
I could be doing something else. Something much, much safer and easier.
But I’m not. I’m here. Right now.
And with these words, my thoughts of freedom have created immortality.
The idea can never again be silenced. The concept of freedom. The belief in abundance, peace and happiness… for everyone.
You didn’t ask for the world to be this way. You didn’t choose this. It just IS.
And now you and I have to do something about it — and help others who are fighting on our behalf.
In order to do that, my role in this is to continue to educate you. To continue the investigation. We’ve barely even gotten started.
Shame may have prevented you from hearing and understanding the rest of the story — but it’s time for you to know the truth.
Now step back and think about what we have learned so far in the course of this investigation.
The Federal Reserve handed out 26 trillion dollars in bailout money – to themselves. To their own companies. To their own banks.
That means they’re suffering. This is not something they would have done if they weren’t forced to.
They are experiencing real trouble – and it’s affecting global headlines with rumors of financial collapse.
According to former Forbes Asia-Pacific bureau chief Benjamin Fulford, the 2008 collapse was pushed over the tipping point by an international coalition of countries who are actively resisting the Federal Reserve group.
I can now independently confirm this is true because I am in daily contact with some of their top representatives.
It happened because of my willingness to pursue this investigation — once I saw that the lawsuit Benjamin Fulford had been talking about for over a year was real, and had actually been filed in the Southern District Court of New York.
You are not alone. There are already 122 countries fighting for you. More are preparing to join the coalition. They are afraid to speak out because they know they will be killed if they do. At least for right now.
I have written and conducted this investigation on the direct request of this and other important groups — who are fighting for you.
They have handed me provable evidence to give to you. There is much, much more they will give you through other means.
This is, and will be, evidence that no one has ever seen before. Some of it will be very difficult for you to hear — and see.
“Well, this is just a metaphysical website. This is not CNN. This is nothing. Who the hell are you? This is the best they could do? LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!”
The reason why it’s not someone else is simple. I sought them out. I’ve done the homework. I was extremely lucky to be offered this chance. And I am brave enough to take it.
As of January 23rd, 2012, I have heard from my top insiders that there are seismic waves of shock rippling through this community at the level of bravery I have demonstrated here by revealing all of this to you.
These peacekeepers will, at the right moment, lay down their lives — if necessary — for your freedom.
Hopefully it won’t come to that.
What we seek is a peaceful, negotiated surrender of the people running these organizations. Not genocide. Not masses rising up to torture and destroy them. A world we can all live in and share… together.
In peace. Free from pain. Free from corruption. Free from Financial Tyranny.
In order to be free, we must continue the investigation. Let’s not forget what we’ve learned as we head into Section Two.
The Federal Reserve appears to control, directly or indirectly, 1,318 corporations that earn up to 80 percent of the world’s wealth. 147 corporations within that group are totally interconnected with each other, and earn 40 percent of global revenues.
Global media was consolidated from 50 independent corporations to five giants in barely over 20 years – from 1983 to 2004.
One of the top two or three most profitable businesses in America is the healthcare industry. In order for the “super-entity” of 147 corporations to control 80 percent of the wealth, they would almost certainly need to invest in healthcare.
Six out of the top nine media corporations have directors with controlling interests in the pharmaceutical companies.
Eight out of the top nine media corporations have insurance and / or pharmaceutical company executives serving on their Board of Directors.
This is precisely the type of interconnectedness discovered by the Swiss team of scientists – using supercomputers.
Conan O’Brien was burned badly by Big Media – and got his revenge almost two years later, by revealing how virtually every television network was reading off of the same prepared script.
If this all seems very strange to you, it might start making more sense as we head into the next section of our investigation: History
www.kauilapele.wordpress.com by Kauilapele link to original article

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