Kauilapele's Blog: A Few Notes from Ben Fulford about Recent Happenings… [Please, Hold in the Light]

Lia's picture
Posted on 2012/09/14

I post these bits in the order Ben has listed dates and times on his Typepad blog. For some reason I felt it helpful to put these here with the add-on that all who care to, join in and hold all this in the Light. Stuff is happening on this world, and I believe Ben’s comments shed some Light on those.


According to British Intelligence sources, the recent killing in France of Saad Al-hilli and his family was carried out because his company manufactured equipment capable of detecting nuclear weapons from the air. It was his equipment that allowed for the detection and prevention of the recently planned nuclear terror attack on the London Olympics. He was killed in order to pave the way for future nuclear terror attacks by the fascist P2 Freemason lodge that is seeking to create mayhem before offering a fascist solution to the problem they created.

09/14/2012, 10:27
Ingore [ignore] the disinformation about Xi Jinping having gone missing, says a senior Chinese source. The 9 members of the new politburo have been selected as previously announced and the transition is proceeding smoothly, he says. The real reason for the widely published disinformation is that he snubbed Hillary Clinton when she went on a recent begging mission to China. The United States Corporation is scrambling to avoid bankruptcy when its September 30 fiscal year ends. Perhaps they should talk to the White Dragon Society and we can get them some gold on the condition they stop all their mayhem.

09/14/2012, 19:12
The following people have been recorded as saying they nearly got me killed when I was stabbed with a needle in June: Leo Zagami, Daniel Dal Bosco, Vincenzo Mazzara, according to the CIA and Swiss authorities. In addition, they say they have sent 6 individuals to Japan to kill me.




tisk tisk...

Jazz's picture

Italy wont go near Japan, or CHINA. TRIAD and Yokusa are too powerful.


Good ally if ever you need one, but dont piss either off.

Personally I avoid them like the plague and carry on. Good advise.


Anyway...pit one mob against another...I dunno.


Seem the Italians have had thier run as of late.Especially here in US, Ive been asked to lay low since incidents last year with certain individuals slowing down ALLIANCE affairs and running interference in our agenda to push the light forwards.And I mean bigtime, as in causing loss of income, ability to drive a car, starting fights with connected family members actively ordering hits...bigtime dont screw up stuff or you get shot scenarios.Including losing ones home. So where Heidi is, I do not know. I hope she isnt in the middle of this.


This applies especially when it comes to interactions and treaties. Both sides of my family dont know how embedded these persons are or how connected they are. What neither group of persons knows is that I would pit the Yokusa against the Italians and let them duke it out.


The Japanese are my friends. Piss them or a select few of me or my friends off, we dont need to ask....theyll do the job for us.If we dont do it ourselves. Theres no need for this BS, we are here, we have a job to do and it will get done.


Rather than start a bullet war I slept on the side of the freeway for close to a year. Damn near got killed out there in San Diego too. That put us at a disadvantage bigtime.Loss of intel, no exception.


Stay frosty, you will know if they are after you, and they will only try ONCE.Otherwise, shrug it off.