Kauilapele's Blog A Message of Clarity Regarding “Mass Arrests”… from RS
This message from RS came to my inbox today, and I felt strongly that it was to be shared. This may assist some, many, a “mass” of you, as it did me. Thank you, RS, for this. [note: go to 2012 Scenario for a number of articles discussing "containment"]
July 11, 2012 9:16 AM
Hello K,
First and foremost thank you for your diligent work as a lightworker!!!
Your ‘site’ and “insight” brings me great joy and comfort daily.
I often get my own messages from source and I received something last night that I felt worthy of sharing with you.
I, like many others, was looking for the Mass Arrests several weeks ago and was concerned over the appearance of delays. (this originally was as I “thought” they should look, complete with perp walks and jailing)
Then it occurred to me we do “have” mass arrests right in front of us!
When I do get my messages from source they are NEVER wrong or inaccurate, and the only time they appear “off the mark” is when I have layered some part of my own human perception onto the words, symbols or messages I have been given.
I was told to examine each of the words in Mass Arrests by definition to see if that resonates with greater clarity. The key is to define each word of Mass Arrests.
a) pertaining to, involving, or affecting a large number of people
b) a collection of incoherent particles, parts, or objects regarded as
1. To stop; to check or hinder the motion or action of; as, to arrest the current of a river; to arrest the senses.
2. The act of stopping, or restraining from further motion, etc.; stoppage; hindrance; restraint; as, an arrest of development .
If we are to truly embrace this transformation then we must remove our 3D expectations and see things for how they manifest / appear.
By looking at the two words MASS could mean the many particles and parts that form one governing body of Cabal/ illuminati/ or the PTW Powers That Were,
and ARRESTS could mean the act of stopping or restraining from further motion.
In that case, I feel like we all have abundant confirmation that Mass Arrests by means of containment or other divinity have and are taking place.
And the “light” bulb moment for me was “of course there would never be “PERP WALKS AND JAILING!” How UNEVOLVED and cabal-like that would be!!!
I hope this might resonate and bring great peace to you or your many loyal followers.
Much love and light, RS
Defining "mass", "arrest"
Excellent, excellent very grounded perspective. Much appreciated.
Mass Arrests
Personally I do not care how this Dark Filth is removed or where they are taken to as long as they are gone. Learning to send love to them was a lesson I had to learn.
However I feel many others who are barely awake or indeed asleep may need to see some Mass Arrests for things to become clearer to them and more real. Especially since our MSM have not been reporting real news for months.
Holding onto expectations of Mass Arrests I found kept me way too attached to 3D and I had to let that go.
Nice reporting and a worthwhile read and take on things. Love to all.
This reaks of the biggest BS that I heard sense the last BS.
Comon man, who do you think you are communicating with, just a bunch of lost EGOs?
It is what we have been lead to trust and believe by the very words of the alleged Masters through the alleged authentic channells. Right?
My words are not to say that any part of this in not in progress, but we would all like to be kept advised of what is happeing NOW and not what posibilities are to be later.
It's obvious to any that open their eyes that the old ways we have know for so long are loosing continuity and this life/planet will be a new and that someone from somewhere has to be in assistance or we would have been in wwIII by now for sure.
We are not interested in justifications or excuses, please stand by with the facts of what IS coming down NOW. There is enough of that to keep you busy with your words to us all out here, yes?
Go back to you meditation chamber and give some attention to what makes sense to you.
This resonate with me.
This resonate with me. However, these words are used probably for all their meanings ; remember there is no coincidence. If we pay attention, there ARE some arrests (due to revelation of some truths) but to say "mass" would be exageration. I think it can be gradually manifestating from one meaning to another, but I don't really know...