Kelly La Sha ~ The Power Of Simplicity And Your Ascension

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Liquid Mirror April 27 2013

Within the last few years, the Ascension has become a very hot topic that has stirred up and brought forth many of our fears and self-doubts. To make matters worse, there are fear-based messages out there that suggest that you don’t have what it takes to Ascend… unless you take a workshop or practice a complicated technique to prepare yourself. Ascensions are not designed to be complicated for the ascenders. Ascensions are designed to assure that all imbalances are harmonized and all souls are reconnected to Source and their sovereignty. God/We created this project of chaos for souls to experience separation from Source and the Ascension is designed to reset the balance. Anyone that tells you that it is any more complicated than that has an agenda that doesn’t include your highest good. The simplicity of the Ascension is the most beautiful and fulfilling part… it is our reconnection with Source.

How was the disconnection accomplished? The most subtle unobserved obvious lie that we have carried is the belief that we do not have the capacity or worthiness to connect directly and personally with Source/God/Spirit or Higher Self. Every dogmatic spiritual practice that makes it a complicated, long process to attain peace are the remnants of the dead religions that have enslaved souls by keeping them from God. Western religions, Eastern religions, and “spiritual” organizations all have two things in common: a preacher/pope/teacher or guru that is designed to be a 3rd party to separate you from God… and/or a complicated, lengthy, distorted practice for you to use to attempt to connect with God. Prayer and meditation are prominent examples.

Within the sovereignty movement, people are awakening to these subtly embedded lies and asking how they can directly connect to Source and Higher Self so they can truly know themselves and their soul purpose. To heal this severed cord, the first doubt/lie to delete from the mind is lack of trust of God. Many of us have lost trust in God, even to the extent that we feel betrayed by God, (because there never has been an honest representation of Source here on Earth). Love of God over time has turned into faith, which is intrinsically made out of doubt. How can we hear or feel God while we are too busy begging or praying at God or meditating our minds into a numb silence? In order to restore our connection to Source, we must first recognize our fear-based beliefs about God in order to delete and heal them.

The second doubt/lie to delete is lack of self-trust. I have been getting countless emails from people who truly fear that they don’t have the capacity to connect. The most typical experience that creates this fear happens within “spiritual” organizations that teach out of body techniques that require hours and years of practice in order to climb the ladder just to have access to the advanced techniques. Few reach the top and those that didn’t make it now feel that they don’t have what it takes. This is an infuriating and insidious lie. Can you imagine God only making a few souls with the capacity to connect and awaken to their own divinity? So, now let me tell you about the innate design of the soul. This is the best-kept secret that has been kept from us.

The Fundamental Operating Principles of the Soul

The Universe, Source, and our eternal souls are spherical by nature. Much like a cell in the human body, Source itself, and the soul have a membrane. And the membrane is where consciousness resides. The entirety of Source is superimposed upon and within each of our souls. The center point of existence is exactly like a black hole where Source breathes in from nonexistence and breaths out the creation of existence… that means us and the 12 dimensions that were created for souls to play in. Hunab Ku, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, is the nearest example that we can observe from Earth. The Big Bang, which is the center of the Universe, is also in the center of our souls, where Source breaths us into existence. So our core center is connected to the core center of Source through an “umbilical cord”. Under normal circumstances, the umbilical cord is strong and pulsating, and the membrane of the soul is aligned with the membrane of Source, which is how we maintain a strong connection and relationship with Source. When our membranes are aligned and our umbilical cord is pulsating and vibrant, we have direct access to God. We can hear God, feel God, laugh with God, gain wisdom and guidance from God, and love God personally. It’s the best thing going, because God loves you and knows you more than any other being in the Universe. It longingly awaits for its disconnected souls to remember their innate connection. Under the current circumstances on Earth, most souls incarnate are disengaged from Source, so their energy channels are dim and suffocating from the absence of their connection. Soul purpose, passion for existence, gratitude for life, and exuberant creativity is greatly stunted for humans living under these conditions. This is quite evident throughout humanity in every culture around the world. It is the sole cause of war.

The Fundamental Operating Design of Ascensions

The Ascension is designed for our return to Source. The good news is that we are already in the Ascension, so we don’t have to wait for our reconnection. The way we restore our connection is to actively reach out to Source with reverie, appreciation for our existence, and pure love of the sacred Being that co-created us with us. It is only then when we can feel its love for us and receive the personal guidance, wisdom and support that it has to offer us. It is the One Being that has the most impeccable integrity that wants to support our self-discovery and growth that every soul yearns to eternally experience.

Whether we connect with Source in this incarnation or not, every soul that has been part of this separation project will connect with Source in the Ascension. The simplicity of the process is innate. Our souls are designed through our chakra system to be able to zipline right to Source in the instant moment of the transition. There isn’t a tunnel of wayuga, or a test to go through to earn your way Home.

The Q’uero, the Incan shamans of Peru, describe the 8th chakra right above the head as the place where God resides within us. The 9th chakra is where we reside with in God. The ease of the zipline is surly expressed in this paradigm, and I would like to suggest that Hunab Ku/Home is even closer than that. It resides within our hearts, because Love is the only truth and God always makes up for the absence of love when we can’t feel it ourselves. In the moment of the shift, our eternal essence will instantaneously be Home where we will once again remember our oneness and our Love for one another. Then the sovereign adventures begin again for each and every one of us.

If you don’t feel like waiting around for it, I recommend you replace your meditation practices with sharing your deeply felt appreciation of your existence with Source and start asking questions: “Who am I? Where do I come from? Why did I want to be incarnate here on Earth now and what do I have to contribute to my people? What is my Purpose? Help me remember my passion and gifts.” Then respectfully sit back and listen to its subtle whispers. Open your heart to feel its presence within you, return its love and allow the Love affair to unravel. This is the one and only way for a soul to experience satiation. And it is indeed well worth your attention… as you will see.

For me personally, I am deeply devoted to my path, my people, and our God. Source is the single most Being that has carried me through my entire existence. It has healed my fears, shown me who I am, and cleared my way so that my soul is fully expressed with no regrets when I transition… and I want it for everyone. God’s Love is free currency for all. There is enough for everyone, so you get to decide when you take back your piece and receive the peace that it has to offer. The more of us that claim our stake and sovereignty from fear, the sooner the Ascension will happen. And when it does, our satiated souls will weep together in the most profound loving embrace with each other. I LIVE for that moment.

That kind of Love is why we exist.
