Kent Senter, Fighting Terminal Cancer, Hosts UFO Conference

Rain's picture

Huffington Post - Lee Speigel, 6/28/13

kent senter cancer north carolina ufo conference

This image is from the onboard radar screen of an F-16 jet that was scrambled to investigate UFOs over Belgium in 1990. Gen. Wilfried De Brouwer, who will speak at this weekend's UFO symposium in North Carolina, said at a 1990 press conference that the unknown object over Belgium demonstrated incredible accelerations that could not have been tolerated by humans


The 59-year-old resident of Burlington, N.C., has terminal multiple myeloma, a cancer that attacks bone marrow. Despite that, this weekend, he'll be focused on the number one item at the top of his bucket list: to organize, sponsor and host an international UFO conference.

On June 29 and 30, 12 speakers -- with backgrounds in science, military, academia, sociology, investigative journalism, including government officials of Chile and France -- will come together for Senter's 2013 Symposium On Official And Scientific Investigations Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, at the Greensboro War Memorial Auditorium in Greensboro, NC.

Watch this 1990 TV report, featuring Belgian Gen. Wilfried De Brouwer, one of the key speakers at the North Carolina symposium:

More: Huffington Post


