KESHE: The most important information ever PART 1 and 2

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Pubblicato in data 25/lug/2012 da robwhite1010

This means that if ever a man can have access to two mobile phones, operational or not, he has enough in his possession to be free of the shekels of the limitation of present life. PLEASE MIRROR DOWNLOAD & SHARE links below
Introduction to Keshe Foundation
full interview thanks to Vinny Eastwood - Mr News June 6 Mehran Tavakoli The Keshe Foundation Why Good Technology is Censored or Stolen
Keshe 1 intro and gravity
2012-09-06: World peace invitation and release of technology
Keshe launching energy generation and space exploration plasma technology
Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe @ ElektorLive! 
Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward
Mehran Keshe, Nuclear Engineer -Energy Without Explosions and Healing the Body in a Highly Evolved Way -- May 3, 2012
Part I: Was US Spy Drone Captured by Iranian Flying Saucer?
Iran is Building Flying Saucers - UFOs pt1