By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
An easy, inexpensive and beneficial remedy for the cold and flu season could be as near as your food pantry. Commonly known as “Russian penicillin,” garlic has been used throughout history for everything from stomachaches to parasites and leprosy. In fact, the ancient Ebers Papyrus documents no less than 32 illnesses that respond to the herb. However, garlic really shines when we use it to stay healthy and flu-free while the rest of the masses sneeze and cough away. And what better way to reap the benefits of this odorous bulb than with a traditional 52-clove garlic soup or gingered garlic tea?
Garlic has a reputation as a powerful germ-blaster — and for good reason. When crushed, a chemical reaction takes place which produces allicin. This compound is a boon for health, tackling issues like high blood pressure along with bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Studies suggest that garlic can also help prevent the onset of certain types of cancers...