Killing Rhinos To Save Them?

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Rich hunters in Namibia are donating thousands of dollars to rhino conservation ... but only if they can murder one of the country's extremely endangered rhinos. How does this make sense?

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Don't Kill Rhinos in Order to "Save" Them

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Dear Reader, 

There are only about 29,000 rhinos left in the entire world. Soon, though, if rich safari enthusiasts get their way, there could be at least one fewer than that. The Dallas Safari Club has secured the rights to hunt a black rhino in Namibia, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is on board.

The hunters are justifying their decision to wipe out one of Namibia's 1,800 black rhinos by paying $750,000 to the Conservation Trust Fund for Namibia's Black Rhinos. But all the money in the world won't bring back the life of one of these wondrous creatures, who are rapidly disappearing from the planet.

Making money by killing rhinos is neither a sustainable nor humane way to save the population. Please sign the petition protesting the Dallas Safari Club's decision to kill a rhino to "save them."


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