KP - The Current “Sense” from this Space… and the “De-old-paradigm-ification”

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I’m not sure exactly when I will depart from this space. I sense that my job is essentially done here. There is nothing more for me to “do”, energetically, or otherwise. The comfort space has returned and, as much as my ego loves it (and may continue to enjoy it for a day or two or three), it is time for the next phase.

There are times when the “directions” take a day or two or three to reveal, but they will. And the Journey will continue.

I’ve chosen to wait on my sunroof repair, and have asked Universe to bring the right place to me.

The energies here have seemingly smoothed, and I get that one reason I was not able to leave yet was to stay to finalize “the smoothing”. Whatever that means.

All the “stuff” happening around the planet right now is quite impressive, all the “revelations” and “unveilings” of all those secrets and other things. There is so much happening, that I sense I will likely drop the following of all those things and return to the “energy work”.

That’s what I feel I’m here for… now.

What we have accomplished so far on this Journey, is a complete de-old-paradigm-ification for the Turtle Island, and for the planet. That is what we are all seeing on the news and in our lives. The “De-old-paradigm-ification”. Great word.

The Eagle (Ancestral Spirit of Turtle Island) is indeed returning to join with the Condor (the Ancestral Spirit of South America). But the Eagle had to be healed first. Others are working with “The Condor”.

So that is all for now. We’ll have more coming up later.

Aloha, Kp

