KP's Blog~A Lot is Happening Right Now

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 (and this is the last posted post, but I forgot the title in that one, so here it is again with a title)

Posted on 2013/05/23 by kauilapele

130304_new_hair_guy_P1000378_crop_240_5All I can say here is that there feels like a lot is happening on this planet, and in many, many, many people’s experiences at this time. I’m not presenting any “evidence” about this, or other peoples blog posts or channelings or anything. All I can say is that I sense it.

In my own particular experience, I have felt a great weight released from my shoulders since finishing the move from my former living space. I realized the weight of it all, just tonight, as I was walking into town (1 mile) for the second time today. Walking, running, with joy in my step, for perhaps the first time in a year. It had become VERY heavy. Now the weight of it all is gone.

There are mountains moving, mountains being moved, energetically, all over the place. My own sense is that many are releasing old patterns, old paradigms of living that no longer serve. Perhaps the collective combination of these releases makes up “the mountains” that are moving.

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In my case, of course, there is the actual physical move. And as it happens, one piece at a time, I also understand that alterations in that “move plan” could come at any time, in any way. I am okay with and open to that.

So all I’ll add here is that if some of you are sensing this as well, you are not alone.
