~KRYON speaks in NZ~

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~KRYON speaks in NZ~



Via Lou James at Ascension Explorers
“Know yourself “ Life~shop Nov 8
©Ascension Explorers 2011




Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Welcome. I welcome you as you have welcomed me into this space. This space that has been created by joint love and compassion of heart that has drawn into this very place, that which is the love and the resonation of that which is the holy recognition of Self. You have begun to emanate the deepest of all vibrations of beauty and colour in this dimension and have begun to signal out the very essence of love. True, honest, basic, love of Self that the Lord or that which you would call the Godhead gave to Thee in the very beginning, but has been turned around. But you have begun to emanate it in its truest form yet again, and this is truly the signs of ones who have connected with their true selves... That which is the God within... That which is that essence of knowing... You are beautiful. You are uniquely beautiful, and you gather in this place bringing in your energy, unified and you would say 'why, why do we come week after week, yes, we are shown how to meditate and yes we are shown many varied things and we hear many things but why, why oh why, do we come into this place time and time again... what am I here for?' The title that you have been given or shown is 'To Know Yourself', Dear Hearts do you not know that you are amongst the most highly regarded humans. The humans are well regarded for they have chosen to walk this walk. They have chosen to come into this place at this time; a time of great change. A time where your earths will shift, a time where your sun will change, and yet you walk willingly into those changes. When all around has begun to crumble as has been told, shared and predicted, and yet you hold onto the one thing you know true... I AM LOVE. Where love is there is light, where there is light there can be no darkness, and as you allow that to resonate and to be in place within yourself, so you see yourself not as leaders but as ones who are co-joined, co-workers to pull in the lighthouses, to light an otherwise darkened area. Many have said that the time is coming to bring an awakening, that there would be a darkening of the soul, a darkening time that you will go through..... you are in it, and yet you are not, because you have allowed yourselves to be prepared. You have come to find out who you are. Dear Humans, my Human Angels, you do not need another to tell you who you are, look within your very resonance and you will see who you are and this is what these times of gathering have been and continue to be about. It is to show you the light within.... from many varied vantage points. And as I have said once and I will say again and I will say again.... if only you could see how beautiful you are from where we sit. If only you could see the intense beauty that you resonate at this time, you would never doubt yourselves again. If only you could see your strengths and if only you could see, YOU.... In the full glory of what it is that you have chosen to stand in, you would never doubt your journey and you would say to many of us, not just to me Kryon, but you would say to all those that you communicate with, 'I am tired, it's been a hard road, when do we see the end?' 'When do we see the fruits of what it is that we are doing?' And I would say to you, look around, do you not see the coming together of the communities and the like hearted peoples, are they not awakening in droves? Beloved, Dear Humans, do you not see the fruit of your labours?..... We do. We do. We salute you. We salute you. Know that we have much love for you and there are many of the Angelic that walk beside you; those that you know of and those that you do not know of. But they support you and they wipe your forehead, they nourish you, they encourage you. Do not give up, the end is not yet here but it is not that far away. Kryon I have heard that. Yes my Dears you have, but it is truth. Yet for a little longer we ask that you would continue to do that which you are doing, to be the lighthouse, to be the strength, the spokesperson, the standard, the banner; to unfurl from your gates and your rafters, from your towers, beacons, that says 'this is home, welcome, rest here’. Dear Hearts, thank you. Thank you for what it is that you do each one of you individually and together. Together in these moments that you've come each week and you put your energy into this room and beyond and you think it is just for you to learn about who you are. No... The energy that you bring into this place enables much to occur.< chuckles> It is a conduit of love that permeates from this place out and it is much appreciated. The energy that you generate in these, these led or guided meditations, and the time that you sit and you experience what it is that you experience, you are generating and making an awareness of resonation, of vibration of frequency that far exceeds what is occurring in your own realm. It penetrates the darkness and it goes into that which is the lives of those who are not hearing you on a level of verbal communication; but they hear you in the frequency, they hear you in the light, and it is at this time of great change within your planetary system that you will begin to see the rewards of what you have laid down. Reap what you are sowing my friends. Know that you are loved deeply and that what you do here is not unnoticed. You are indeed most loved. Beloved Humans, I would say that God has chosen well to bring such a group together. That Source has brought you into this place for one reason, and that is the connectivity of energy that you supply. The powerhouse, untapped and yet unrealised. Go in peace humans and know that You, Dear Beloved Angels, Human, Human Angels.... Beautiful, Beautiful Beings, know that what you do here is so appreciated. We thank you.

©Ascension Explorers 2011
