Kucinich Stands for 99%, Demands Audit of the Federal Reserve

Best HBCU's picture

"It's time we stood up for America's 99%. It's time that we stood up to the Federal Reserve that right now acts like it's some kind of high exalted priesthood, unaccountable in a democracy." Kucinich



astreia's picture

Hooray for Dennis!!!!


Interesting how he referred to the Federal Reserve as thinking of themselves as some kind of "high exalted priesthood..." This has happened many times before in the history of humanity, and they do tend to cloak themselves in the illusion of infallibility.





The FED prints money out of

Guest's picture

The FED prints money out of thin air based on nothing and loans it to the US Govt while charging interest.  The FED is the cancer at the root of the problem.  He who creates the money makes the rules.

Thank you, Guest

astreia's picture

Yes, the Federal Reserve does exactly as you described. But the time is coming when "he who makes the money" makes the mistakes...we play by different rules, such as honesty and justice...."you cannot serve god and the federal reserve" lol...



