Large Earthquake Strikes near Puerto Rico and more

Silver's picture

By: Dutchsinse

A sizable earthquake has struck off the NW coast of Puerto Rico... a 6.4 magnitude accompanied by several aftershocks in the 4.0 range.

This is a sign of greater pressure , which has built over the past several days, showing up via multiple earthquakes along the edge of the North American Craton, such as mid 2.0M events along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ), also seeing a 3.4M event reaching northwest to Yellowstone Super Volcano .

Add in the earthquake swarm in north central California (along the deformed western edge of the craton/plate).

We've also seen MULTIPLE man made (fracking) earthquakes, in Oklahoma, Texas, and Colorado. (again along the edge of the craton/plate).

Put it all together with the cluster point activity in the West Pacific, causing the initial excessive plate boundary unrest, and we can expect further movement , larger movement at the cluster points in the near term (week or so).

We will be discussing this recent earthquake uptick on our next radio show (Friday 8-10pm ET):
