When you find yourself engaged in actions that are leading you into places you do not want to be, the thing to do in those circumstances is, as always, to breathe and relax and allow yourself to flow naturally into a different course of action. Do something different in other words. We want you to recognize that your actions do not compel you to follow through with more of the same. There is a kind of momentum—not physical momentum like movement of a car, but psychological momentum—that results when you have started on a course of thinking and then actions that lead you a certain way.
It’s like if you become angry at another person because of something they have done or not done, then you feel compelled to continue to act outwardly as if that anger were real. But your emotions are not inherent in any given situation. They are not built-in to the situation. Your emotions are your indicators of your personal alignment with Source; they are not the result of whatever just happened. The cause is within you.
When you encounter a situation that brings you joy, the joy is always a result of your alignment with your own inner being and the Source of All. That other person is not giving you the joy, and if you attribute it to them then you are going to be in for a wild kind of ride. It is not the other being, the other circumstance, the other situation that is creating the joy; it is your finding of alignment with Source in that moment that allows joy to flow through you.
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