~Laura ~ 30 Oct 2011 ~ Message from the GFL and the Future: on Disclosure and World Leaders~

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Laura: Good morning Future and Settufeut. I believe you wish to give us a message.
Future and Settufeut: That we do. We are in front of you with a new message already.
Laura: I have never heard of Settufeut. Are you on board one of the Galactic Federation of Light spaceships at the moment? Are you also speaking for the Galactic Federation of Light?
Settufeut: Indeed I am. I am also one of the Sirians, I have been asked to begin contact with the world leaders for some time. I was also asked to introduce myself and make my activities and work know to the rest of humanity, on a larger scale now.
Laura: Are you also of human form, can you describe yourself? I feel you will have a great role in time ahead of us, and I guess this is why Future is with you for this message? Does SaLuSa knows of your activities and does he support your work and your undertaking today?
Settufeut: SaLuSa does support my work, and my going forward in front of you today. I am taller than normal human size, my hair colour is close enough to brown. My eyes colour is chestnut. I too have a part to play in the coming events, you are all expecting to unfold before your very eyes. I come from a Sirian royal family and I take responsibility for my work with our Human Brothers from planet Earth. The leaders of your planet that I am working with do not know of my existence yet, for them I present myself as just a thought, a feeling or a dream.
Direct contact from the Galactic Federation of Light with world leaders has not been initiated yet, simply because their mind can not accept us as we are. Many world leaders have knowledge of extraterrestrial beings, and extraterrestrial activities. They do not understand however that we wish to contact them directly, so my work for now is to prepare them to the idea of accepting their role as far as Disclosure is concerned. They are under great pressure, and fear because of the world gentle revolution taking place. Their state of alertness and fear for their own life is higher and higher.

You are doing good work by exposing their belonging to various Illuminati groups and families. The entire world will soon know who they are and what their aim is. So they keep delaying Disclosure, because they feel that this would be adding insult to injury. In other words, they fear your anger if they go ahead with Disclosure, so their feelings and thoughts are remaining focused in keeping the status quo. They already know that they are losing power every day, and wish to buy themselves more time under the illusion of their power. This time is used to prepare their emergency escape, as they fear that their destiny would resemble that of Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution. Already they have added security to their trips. They show a brave and confident face in front of the cameras, for Illuminati arrogance is unique in the Universe.
Our role is to prepare them to the idea of Universal Free Governance and to open their mind for Disclosure. Although, from the cabal’s perspective, Disclosure is a dead end and they do not plan in making any announcement for as long as they are in control. My role, in more specific terms, is also to probe the minds of the leaders of the entire world. I am commissioned to determine which leaders have the best chances for a public announcement regarding Disclosure. However, this leader and his country would be exposed to much danger, as soon as the announcement would be made.
As you have seen with Japan, the cabal has great weapons to silence those who stand in the way of their plans. They have no conscience, no remorse, and control others through manipulation, fear or blackmail. Some of these souls long for freedom, but do not even dare dreaming of it, as long as they are controlled through fear. There is much anger in the global consciousness now, which could lead to chaos, and break down of the global balance. We ask of you, lightworkers, to stabilize the world energy grid by remaining at peace inwardly, by having confidence in the Future.
Future: Be assured that Mother Earth will know world peace. Be assured that love and freedom will rule your world. Send love to all those trapped into their own world. This is a world that they have created for themselves, and from which they do not see a way out. Be the bridge you have accepted to be for those cut off from their own light and trapped into materialism. By sending them love frequency vibrations, you will contribute in helping them make the right decisions.
Forgive them their mistakes, as if you were forgiving your own mistakes. There is no need for violence to erupt, no need for hate, no need for killings. Continue your peaceful revolution, and do not follow those preaching violence and hate. Your time for breaking your chains has come at last, the cabal know this.
Ask for your rights to be respected, ask for your voices to be heard, ask to be treated as a Galactic Human, ask for the emergence of a fair economic system, ask for Free Energy Technologies to be revealed, ask for Disclosure. It is our hope that they will cooperate with you, as some of their ranks are breaking under pressure, but fear of reprisal still stops those from giving you what is your right. Unity, Love, Freedom is around the corner. Be patient, take heart.
Settufeut: Remain centered, remain in your heart, and stay on target. Those leaders lack knowledge of the higher realms, we wish to educate them in the ways of love, light and understanding. If you happen to be in contact with some of them, also try to reach to their heart and educate them in the way of the light. Send them love to open up their mind, and heart. If we can work on this, we will see changes. Send them loving videos, loving messages. Send them loving books, loving cards and loving letters by post, surround them in any way with pure loving energy. Let them know they too have a place on the New Earth, if they can accept their new role. I am Settufeut. We join our forces with you, our brothers and sisters in light.
Future: I am you Future. 

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