Laura Bruno – 432 Hz And The Wizards Of Oz – 30 December 2013

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December 30, 2013 


Thank you, Lance! I’ve posted on frequencies before and knew that the resonance of this universe has been under manipulation. This article documents some of the how’s and why’s. If nothing else, have a listen to the amazing cricket chorus slowed down to human lifetime pace. It’s gorgeously haunting.

Reblogged from Tribelight Station:





Sound and music consist of vibrations, the more vibrations per second, the higher the pitch. The unit for this is the Hertz, abbreviated Hz.

432 Hz is the natural “musical pitch” in the universe, as opposed to 440 Hz, which is the standard in the music nowadays in, for example, music albums and mp3 files.

This musical pitch is the standard pitch of the diapason, which is the musical note A above the middle C, scientifically named A4.

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