~ Laura Bruno ~ The Transformative Power of Art and Story

Eddie1177's picture

I first noticed this video posted somewhere a few weeks ago right before I began an afternoon of back-to-back sessions. Although I planned to watch it afterwards, life intervened with other things to do, and I eventually forgot about. Many thanks to Mitch for bringing this beautiful project back on my radar when I do have time to post it myself.

I love so many things about the Beehive Design Collective that I don’t even know where to begin. As Mitch says, “It’s faery approved,” and so it is — from the bees to the art to the stories to loving protection of the Earth from BigAg. It also demonstrates how we can work together without some top down corporate globalist enterprise forcing us to do so. When we as individuals choose to respect other individuals, to listen to them, to find common local ground, we can work so well together that no one needs to be the star. Each person’s talents reveal themselves, and each heart fuels whatever projects drive it. From local we can join together with other localities, creating organic, global action.

When such organic local action grows into global action through creative acts, a special power ignites, which completely engulfs and burns through the fascist, mechanistic, uniformity of forced globalization. When we carefully, lovingly infuse specific intentions into creative projects — whether art, song, story or food — that creative process amplifies those intentions into something more. The whole becomes far more than the sum of its parts. Magick builds and explodes from the pure intentions that demand such focused concentration in order to express themselves. This is sacred creation of the highest sort, and we can each find ways to offer our own creative skills and power to honor this Earth back into her natural state, and to respect each person, animal and element as an integral part of a larger Creation.

Showers of Blessings on their Kickstarter Campaign, which you can find and fund here.

