Laura Bruno ~ The Truth Shall Set Your Free ~ 12 December 2012

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The truth shall set you free! I coded this affirmation into the threshold of portal Door Number 11, and as we approach the potent gateway of 12/12/12, those words want to scream and dance inside my head. Forget visions of sugar plums. Can we get some truth on this planet? Yes, yes, yes, please! Can we get a little more? Can we shred the veils? Have Toto pull away the curtain? Laugh at the Emperor’s New Clothes? Are we there yet?!

Gloria Steinem observed, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” She’s right, of course, and truth reveals itself over time, even if that process occurs through a series of epiphanies. Exactly how much truth will set you free? Unfortunately to the screamers and dancers in my head (and in the head of anyone bursting to unload a long-kept secret), only the right amount of truth will really set you free. Anything less and you’re still stuck. Anything more and you risk total rejection of what could have been a gradual yet complete disclosure.

As we approach this potent energetic gateway between 12/12/12 and 12/21/12, many truths will want out. Especially old, toxic secrets we’ve carried for someone else due to their threats, manipulations, brainwashing, or confusing lies. We have before us an opportunity to free ourselves of so much inappropriate, shameful, icky junk that we may feel tempted to overplay our intended freeing. Share the truth if you can do so in a way that uplifts and inspires others to trust themselves and reclaim pieces of their soul. Share the truth if it allows you to exhale a long sigh of relief, putting you back into a positive co-creation stream. Share the truth if every fiber of your being calls out for expression, for someone, anyone to hear your tale.

But we can let the energies do most of the work for us. Floodgates continue to open and flow. We don’t need to go into gory details, and, as much as we might love to fantasize about it, we don’t need to blog, Facebook or Tweet that information all over the Universe. If we start feeling Shadenfreude (glee at another’s misfortune), we must beware: our positive flow is turning to thin ice. Strong, chaotic currents move, freeze and morph with the cosmic, Solar and Gaia energies, along with our own emotions. As we create more beauty and positive manifestation around us, it becomes safer for us to sort through older and deeper junk. We can throw more things into that cleansing river. But if we stay in that “pissed off” state for too long, then the truth no longer sets us free. It drags us under, potentially for another 26,000 year karmic cycle.

As the Tao Te Ching reminds us, “Enough is enough.” We can use these energies for revelations and unshackling. We can use these energies for quantum leaps and dimensional slides. The flow increases on 12/12/12, which means so does the speed of change. We need to remember what we want, then run our “truth” through the filter of that which we most desire. Does it resonate? If not, we might want to discard that truth rather than tell it. With openness and surrender, the right opportunities will present themselves for the Highest Good of All. We don’t need to lie or omit anymore, but some things may drop out of relevance.

If certain limiting factors and obstacles could simply drop out of the mix without expressing all the details, would we be willing to let them all go? Are we willing to accept multiple routes to freedom or just “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” When Pontius Pilate interrogated Jesus before his crucifixion, Jesus announced, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 18:37). To which Pilate replied “What is truth?” Two thousand plus years later, we have the opportunity to ponder this exchange while catapulting through the most potently transformative passage of our galaxy. What do we accept, embrace or reject as truth? If “truth” becomes “reality,” then we might want to choose very consciously to whom or what we give our power to dictate truth. Because the truth will set us free.

If we let it…

Peace, love and all that good stuff! link to original article
