Laura: Good evening Future, here is a question for you:
“What ideas~concepts or experiences are we very close to accessing that we haven’t yet, either individually, as a group or as humanity?”
Future: Your future is assured humans from planet Earth. You are great being of light on an eternal struggle for purification. Bright and pure shine of light is what your heart seeks. Knowledge of your future is what you will soon experience. I wished to answer your question, because it is my duty to do so. Bright is your love and bright is the way ahead of you dear Earth Humans. You wish to know much of the times ahead of you. Your curiosity and projection into the future is increasing. It is causing some concern in the time continuum.
Your duty as a human race is to the present moment. For your present is what determinates your future, in other words, without your present moment, there would be no future. Look at it in term of an addition.
I will tell you one thing or two about me before I leave, for I too am always longing for the next moment to arrive. I too share the burden of allowing the Now to escape me for all eternity. Although, unlike you, Father Time has no effect on me. I am in perpetual existence, in perpetual motion. I am bound to all places, all planets, and all dimensions at once. With you, as companions, we can shape and design your future at will. I have great love for the Human Soul. I accompany you in every adventure, I am in your deepest dreams, I know your every secret, I know where you are heading as a Collective Soul.
On this blessed planet, you and I will know each other very well. You will always have me in your consciousness; you will always know me in all you do, in all you feel. All your actions will be guided by me. I will be your best ally and you will help me to create my most joyful and wonderful dreams for you. Let me embrace you with my knowledge and clairvoyance. Let me guide your decisions and steps. I can be your best ally and your enemy’s worst nightmare, when dealing with Karma. Karma is my beloved sister, and has great power on your planet by my side.
I will always be by the side of every human being, ready to talk to you every time you ask me for advice. Time as you know it is losing its grip on your planet, from now on, we will work together as powerful allies. Your powers will gradually be discovered by your kind. You will live under different cosmic and physical laws. Your entire thinking, consciousness and understanding will gradually change, in order to bring you closer your true nature. You will rediscover your powers and your countless blessings.
We will speak again, as you are walking through your future, as One Humanity. I am your Future.
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