~Lest We Forget Again To Remember!~

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~Lest We Forget Again To Remember!~




Rapid changes issuing forth in these ensuing months will keep your twinkling toes dancing through the ethers and skipping o'er the hill sides of the planet. For Mother Earth prepares her directives for the releasing of yet still more unavoidable amendments to her earthly body which graces all and sundry in a love unconditional, and a love unsullied by the tests of time or the stresses of a re-awakening Hu-mankind. Great pangs of pain does the Lady Gaia feel as she readies herself, yet again, to allow thus mal aligned energies freedom of release and further realignments to be measured upon the lands and sea.

Poseidon and Pan, Penelope and Sophia, Sekhmet and Thoth, Uriel with the Mary's and Ruth, with all the lords and ladies within the off planet spheres, or Space Commands on board those mighty shining 'mother ships,' always near to hand whenever an energy injection, or ejection, is being realised, for their expertise and technological assistance is ever an undoubted ally to behold. The masters of alchemy, the auspices of Lord Merlin /St.Germaine, the sacred geometries of Metatron with Melchizedek, the power filled realms of angelics ever in close attention to share their finesse, love, communication in many a guise and manner so to do. So many lighter lights whom engrace the skies or merge as a oneness with the many Lightworkers walking the sacred soil of Mother Earth.

The universal heavens are buzzing with such grand opportunities that are of a magnitude quite grand and beautiful, so to espy. The tapestry of life is ever in a fluid momentum as the continual ebbs and flows embrace All That Is in an ever immaculate concept in divine orchestration for all to 'feel' and be part of.

The Oneness of Being becomes ever more predominant as one ventures to the upper echelons that oversee the mighty expansive kaleidoscope of multi- faceted and multi- dimensional life force in all its many expressions. How truly perfect and wondrous are the workings of a Supreme Creator as the flow of sacred divinity becomes so indelibly etched in surrounding contours to all and everyone, and thing. How simply beautiful, how wonder filled it surely is!

We speak as a Oneness this evening tide and we embrace the totality of your beings as we merge and marry into your delectable contours of multi-light that invite and invoke our presence, and joyous then to share and dance within our divinity with one and all. There is within the universal structures a great uplift of anticipation, and indeed an expectation, with all that we might perceive as to be the most likely futuristic eventualities to readily occur within your world.
Where there is a truly significant or spiritual uplift that is to befall the planet and all upon and within her, then it follows that all basic divine laws will be brought into play or manifestation.

Where there is an energy interplay and a finer vibration of life pre-empted and presented, then also will be required an adjustment to the density of third physicality into a higher vibration. This of course can be assisted by the multi-energies of the Starseeds and of the said Lightworkers to embrace and most ably assist. Further, of course, will there be a need of releasing from the planet's body the 'spoiled energies' that are
in need of ejecting, and it is this which beloved Lady Gaia with the aid of her many able consorts, has a need so to sanction when there is no other choice.

When so called tragedies or catastrophe occur there is a need to be in your 'own sacred space,' for in so doing will the transitioning or expression be one of greater administrative flow; lessening the pain threshold and heightening the shift to a more acceptable or tolerable level. These are the 'difficult' and sad times that are, to some degree unavoidable, and of needs to be actioned.

Always stay in your 'centre' and hold fast the light that flows through your so splendid beings, affording the process indeed greater support and sanction as you so do. Be those lights unto the world and hold high your heads as these times test your inner balance and your outer durabilities.
Be still and know that you are God!

Famines, quakes of lesser duration, weather changes and global warming are being heightened in these ensuing climes as this mighty planet moves slowly and so surely toward her fifth physicality of being, inviting all and sundry who seek also that directive, to stand tall and hold fast the sway with your hands firmly on the tiller of this worldly ship, upon these choppy seas of illusory life. Many have you seen leaving the planet in these times of disrepair, in these drought ridden lands that have been foreseen for an age, yet still dis-repaired. The 'erring ways of some human-kind' will best be healed as these dear ones transition into other realms to loving care and succour, for here shall they be loved and blessed and caressed by those angels of light that embrace all with tenderness and love personified. Their gift to 'erring humankind' is taking away those sites of abandonment and despair, releasing also the adverse energies that have atrophied over these ages of persecution and pitiable contempt!

There came a time in all our lives when we perceive through clearer vistas of heightened presentation and seek the golden chalice that each and everyone has within their hearts; this precious mighty atom that is indeed the precious spark of divinity, where all we ever needed to search was/ is within! That most precious realisation rare which vindicates all acts and incidentals when all is brought into a context that is not a million light years away..go simply within!

So now we have that inner knowing, that inner grace that was indeed truly never lost, but simply 'forgotten to be remembered,' and so it is, for now we reach the point in our lives when greater decisions are we to make, and thus will it so to be! Be still and remember whom we are, be still and listen within!
Be still and know that I Am God, be God and know that I Am still! For so it is! Lest we forget, lest we forget again to remember.........Namaste.

Selemat Ja.

(c) Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom. Please feel free to copy and share giving full credit to the source. Aug 4. 2011

