Let’s Do A Quick, 5 Minute Yoga Session To Boost Our Mood Today

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I love doing yoga. I’ve never been one of those people who liked going to a yoga studio and doing it with a bunch of other people. I like doing it more on my own, which is fortunate because there are a lot of tutorials on the web. I can do a variety of different routines to keep it interesting.

Yoga is great as a form of meditation, it’s a wonderful mood enhancer, it’s great for your body, it helps keep us strong and limber, and really is one of my favorite things to do partway through the day. Of course, remember to go at your own pace and listen to your body!! If it seems like you’re struggling with something or that you can’t stretch as far as the instructor, don’t sweat it! You just do you. Definitely don’t want you hurting yourself.

