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Greatings, my dear sisters & brothers of humanity, my divine siblings :)


This is my first blog here on Ashtar Command Crew, even though I 'observe' this site almost for a year now. I appreciate 'the work' you're all doing here and I really enjoy reading all the blogs. The evolutionary information you're all sharing daily, is really interesting and enlightening. I believe we all understand the basics of the 2012 shift of the ages, so I wont go into that.. I do not 'blog' here because my 'work' is more focused on the 'realms' of facebook. You can all find me there under the name: Angelic Starchild (LionHeart).


I am 25 years old within this incarnation but beyond this physical appearence, I am much much older. My memory is still pretty blured but it is all slowly coming back to me. I am a starseeded souls, a traveller so I'm not originally born from Gaia even though I conssider her as my mother aswell. I believe my reincarnation cycles within this 3 dimensional realm began somewhere in the ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. I came to Earth probably as a 'cosmic' explorer, a part of extraterrestrial expeditions of fleet commanders, scientists, 'seeders of the worlds' and ect. I'm still not 100% sure why I fell from grace of 'the source of all that is' but I believe that I was tempered by the dark brotherhood back then in the ancient ages. There were a lot of genetic experiments going on and I believe I was pretty much involved. I must have done something very 'wrong' back then, because I've earned a lot of karma debt within the timelines of Lemuria and Atlantis and so my reincarnation cycles of healing, learning processes and experiencing 3 dimensional physicality began. Originally I feel really deep connection to Angelic realms(I posess the aspects of AA Michael), to star systems of Lyra and sirius. As I percieve myself beyond this physical vessle, I know that my 'fall from grace' was more or less intentional from manny reasons but most of all, to learn and experience compassion, unconditional love and of cource to go through my individual Ascension process, wich I believe will reach completion within this lifetime. In this lifetime, my lessons were really hard and more or less 'horribile'. I was incarnated in disfunctional family, been exposed to an abusive environment for almost 15 years of my 25. When I was a child, I was deeply intuned with oneness, had manny dreams of the 'future', visions and ect. but later I've shut down myself, most probably because of all the (reptilian) programming. The majority of my recent lifetime, I was lost, wondering through the darkness of my soul, trying to find the light and love again. In the summer of 2010, my lessons of suffering completed and my heart opened up to the unconditional love again and so, my awakening process began. I've started to feel this infinite freedom.. The truth of who we truly are, why are we here, where are we going, was starting to burst within me. It happened like a flash and my world turned upside-down. I felt like I was brought from the death, back to the life; I was in a way re-born. I kind of always knew deep inside all of this, even from my childhood. This deep knowing of something absolutely magical, beyond 3 dimensional world was always there, even though I did not know what it was before, because of the deep amnesia. I am awake now more than a year of linear time and I believe I've succesfully completed the process of 'dark night of the soul', wich lasted a really short time, because as I've said, I always had this deep knowing inside and because of it I had more or less no problems with accepting the truth and re-focusing my consciousnes back to the source of all that is and the oneness of all life.

Today, I can say that I'm profoundly grateful for every single experience ('good' and 'bad' ones) and lesson I've been through. I've learned sooooo much throughout my incarnations within this realm. I know I most probably made a lot of 'wrongs', but now, when I can percieve all my experiences from the non-pollarised perspective, I know that in fact, it was all for the purpose of learning. Throughout the all kinds of experiences, you should know that YOU are your ONLY judge. We were all sometimes in some other lifetimes dancing with the darkness, because you learn within the darkness just aswell within the light and if you ask me - If you want to learn it all, you have to learn from the both pollarities, to succed. We all did some 'wrongs' and and because of that, we should not judge each other, because in fact, it was all a part of our learning process within 3D matrix. Right and wrong does not exist, there are only experiences and lessons. I am realy grateful, because life itself showed me and taught me to become a non-judgemental, non-egoistic and rightful 'being', who operates only from the spheres of unconditional love - From all that is and will alway be... Everything I did and I'm still doing, was always for the greater good of all, a part of a higher (divine) plan, wich I am starting to understand and comprehend deeply, with every day passing by :) My love for all of you, dear divine siblings is unconditional, big and infinite, just as we are and I could never love you less, no matter in what state of consciousness you are, no matter what you do. I will never stop believing in you :) We may not agree in absolutely everything, we all have our own perspectives and wiev points but in fact it is all a part of the whole. We are one and the same, the source of all that is, experiencing ourselves from all possibile 'angles', perspectives and wiev points. It is time, masters, to come together as ONE again :) :) :)

NOW, we get down to buisness :D :D :D

In my awakening process so far, I've 'studied' a lot of different spiritual and scientific 'new age' theories, teachings, channelings, meditation techniques... As we know, the reptilian controllers are pretty real and as far as I see, they won't give up their billions of years long experiments and surrender so easily, without a 'fight'... From the day I've woke up, I got this strange 'feeling' about all the 'new age stuff''.. From the momment I've got into this 'new age reality', I started to feel that there is something terribly wrong with the most the material (different meditation and 'activation' techniques, channelings from all kinds of beings from beyond and ect.) availible 'out there'... Something just don't feels right with all of this stuff.. Another thing is this famous date '21.12.2012', wich I believe aswell as manny others, is a 'hoax date', to get us unprepared - For the purpose of deception! The real date will 'come' much much sooner...

The rabbit hole is a looooooooooooooot more deeper than we tought and there are a lot of people who spoke of 'The last grand deception' before.. One of them is G. Kavassilas, who was instantly lebeled as a missleader and deciever, wich I find it really strange and I do not buy into. He is most probably one of the most genuine 'messengers' and 'truth tellers' of all, besides others...

I would like to share a really recent video presentation with all of you. It is not for the purpose of spreading fear but only to open your eyes. It is a seminar: THE TRUTH YOU'RE NOT BEING TOLD in two parts by Aley Retrov & Krystal Alexander-Hille. I will share the seminar of G. Kavassilas aswell, for the ones who have not seen it already.

Please, take the time and watch it in full, because the facts are really interesting and mind-blowing!

The only thing you need to do, while watching this is to use your own discernment and take what resonates with your heart and simply leave out all the rest. I resonate with 'the material' presented a loooot more, that with all of the other 'new age stuff' and it feels really genuine and true - more than anything else 'out there'!

This is all from me, for now and I expect your comments on this ;) EnJoy <3 <3 <3 A.S. LionHeart (theone1111) signing out :) :) :)


The truth you're not being told part 1


The truth you're not being told part 2


Our journey and the grand deception, G. Kavassilas



Separation of Light From

light's picture

Separation of Light From Darkness Has Finally Begun

by Amitakh Stanford

8th June 2008


The reality of what lies ahead for the world is unacceptable to many. The ones with no understanding of the situation will be gravely disadvantaged, as will those with some understanding who have been indoctrinated to believe that everything is beautiful when it is not – they deny truth whenever it conflicts with their comfort zone.

Truth can be painful and daunting. Nonetheless, truth is positive, no matter what spin others may put on it. There are those who mislead others with the mistaken doctrines that all is love, all is one, everything is beautiful, there is no evil, the harmonic convergence will make everything wonderful, and one can create one’s own reality. Often they insist that only positive things should be discussed. These people are in serious denial of what is happening in the world.

There are those who do not wish to discuss wars, diseases, crimes etc. because they say these are negative things and should not be spoken of. This is ignorantly absurd. The world is a vile place and there are wicked things that occur here. Whilst the topics are troubling, they should often still be addressed. For example, children and young people should be informed about the dangers of drug usage. It is a positive move to prepare children for the world they live in. However, there is a fine line, and the way issues are presented is critical to how the message impacts the audience.

This is a virtual reality that will corrupt any truth that is brought down to it. This is why truth is so easily distorted the moment it is dispersed in the Virtual Reality, from the physical to the astral to all levels in the cosmic realms. How true it is that truth will become fable, then myth, and finally absurdity as it is repeated by those without any understanding of it. Indeed, it is a well-worn path known to many researchers. Corruption of truth is an imposition by Darkness in the Virtual Reality designed to keep inhabitants ignorant. That is why there is no way that truth of all things can be understood or revealed here. One can only hope that he or she receives sufficient truth to sustain him or her until the Rescue Mission is completed.

The New Age movement is headed by many self-appointed “gurus” who spread whatever “new” thing they re-discover and modify. Whilst there are exceptions, these “gurus” usually have little or no academic training in theology/philosophy/science and other relevant disciplines. It is generally believed by many in the movement that those with academic or scientific backgrounds cannot grasp the deeper aspects of spiritual matters. This becomes the focus of the “gurus”. That is, they indoctrinate others with whatever beliefs they choose.

When a “guru” presents an ancient thought, they often give it a new twist. Since the “gurus” have limited relevant academic/research backgrounds, often they can only present a veneer of a concept, whether it is re-incarnation, astral travelling, channelling, enlightenment, past-life experiences etc. The New Agers are generally inclined not to accept information expounded by those who have done in-depth studies of the relevant subjects, because they believe that such people cannot really understand spiritual things. Likewise, those who are trained academically are restricted by their own academic indoctrination that metaphysical matters are primarily based upon superstitions and ignorance.

There is a huge amount of supposedly channelled material floating about New Age circles. Some of the material was never channelled, but was assembled by charlatans. Other material is channelled, but the sources of the material are mostly questionable, even though much of it is sugar-coated with echoes of love, altruism, self-giving, warriorship and the like.

Some channellers have been generally accepted as “clear” channels who bring down only truth. The concept that there could be such “clear” channels is based upon the same fallacy that is behind the Catholic doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope. It is extremely dangerous to readily accept channelled material as absolute truth.

Whilst there is some genuine channelled material on Earth from reliable sources, this sort of situation is rare. Once genuine material filters through the evil system, it is immediately pounced upon by the “natural laws” in place in the realm. That is, the agents of Darkness in all forms begin corrupting the truth. This corrupting process is ever so subtle, gradual and deceptive that it appears natural, thus keeping people unaware of the process and the unseen intention behind it.

Many of the channellers have very limited knowledge and background regarding the material they are channelling. Hence, they do not even have the physical-mind knowledge to critically question or assess the material they are presenting. They can even behave as robots that are presenting programmed material. The beings capable of sending out the channelled messages to the channellers could be discarnate beings, astral beings, alien beings or even physical, living beings. All of these can have their own agendas. Most of the people who dabble in channelling cannot discern energies, even though they think they can.

The materials channelled from evil aliens are the most dangerous of all the channelled materials for many reasons. Firstly, the evil aliens are at war with humans, regardless of the nonsense that has been presented about their compassion and love for humanity. Further, the evil aliens can disguise themselves as angels, ascended masters or even gods. They or their messages might appear harmless or even helpful and spiritual, but that is not the case. They can make their followers feel that they are on the right spiritual path, and make things around them appear to be good, spiritual and uplifting. However, the followers are unaware that they are weakening themselves through the process of connecting to certain channelled material.

Prolonged exposure and involvement with the benign-appearing channelled material can weaken their Will, which the victims are not even aware of on the physical level. On the contrary, they may even feel spiritually connected and fulfilled, and be deceiving themselves into thinking they are progressing spiritually. Since many are taught about spiritual progression and advancement, they accept the doctrine of evolution of the soul. They can be quick to attack anyone who questions this spiritual evolutionary theory. In fact, evolutionary theories of all types are generally protected by Darkness and people are programmed to accept them.

People associate psychic activities with the New Age movement, but there were many genuine healers, psychics, seers, prophets and soothsayers in antiquity. The New Age movement has purposely or unwittingly attracted shameless rogues who have dabbled in psychic readings, healings, exorcisms and other things to con the unsuspecting public who seek help from them. In recent months, the media in various countries are exposing these charlatans. This exposure is not so much to protect the public, but mainly intended to ridicule and persecute the genuine psychics. Many of the charlatans who are being exposed by the ruling elite media are working with the ruling elite. This is another example of a single force running both sides of a situation and making it appear as a conflict. This is a variation of the “good cop, bad cop” scenario. It is a set up to disadvantage genuine psychic workers.

Many of the “gurus” pinch bits of truth or information from here and there and pretend it is their own material, to which they apply their own spin to totally corrupt what little truth there was originally. Some of these post other people’s work on their own websites and spend volumes of space critiquing the material. They try to elevate themselves by pretending to have in-depth knowledge to fool the casual readers of the sites. The types of critiques in most of these websites show that the writers have very limited or no inner understanding or experience of what they are writing about. This is irresponsible at best! Worse than their egoistical puffing is the amount of misguiding they do to people who are sincerely searching for truth.

Among these sites are many that are operated by people who serve the ruling elite. Many of these websites are assisted by the ruling elite, which have control of the internet. The ruling elites’ agents decide which websites are blocked and which are promoted. Website hit counters, availability, speed, convenience and access are all controlled and manipulated by the ruling elite. Search engines will often place the ruling elites’ chosen sites at or near the top of many searches. However, there are times when it suits the ruling elite to put valid websites at or near the top of searches to satisfy their own ulterior motives.

Apart from the widespread spying on the internet, individual liberties are being compromised by the ruling elite. There has been a proliferation of sophisticated tracking devices that can track the movements of almost anyone who has possession of certain laptop computers, cell phones, passports, driving licences or satellite maps. The wireless networks allow easier tracking, even when people do not think they are connected to the internet or other relevant network. There is also such a bombardment of radio broadcast noise in the atmosphere now that many people have heard bits of physical broadcasts or conversations in their own homes. These are not ghost activities, but physical broadcasts that occasionally can be heard with human ears. One can just imagine how this impacts animals with more sensitive hearing.

Tracking of sites visited on the internet is done for the ruling elite. The ruling elite bulletin-board and critique-type websites that post bits of truth and volumes of critiques are especially used in tracking people. “Gurus” who serve the ruling elite often have little spiritual understanding, but pretend to educate others and wear a façade of altruism. Some of these appear openly and notoriously, whilst others retain a form of anonymity.

How many of you have had strange material appear on your computer screens for no apparent reason? This can happen unexpectedly because many new laptops act as transceivers whether they are connected to the internet or not. Not too long ago, we received a corrupted, live, play-by-play text of a baseball game that was being contested in Atlanta, USA. We were not connected to the internet and our computer indicated that there were no wireless connections available where we were.

The ruling elite have many ways of obtaining recruits to act as their agents. Beside the main group that openly serves the ruling elite, others are blackmailed, some are bribed and still others are coerced into service. The New Age movement, commerce, banking, politics, conventional religions and so on are infested with agents of the ruling elite.

What people are unaware of is that the purpose of existence in the Virtual Reality is to serve Darkness. Darkness enslaved every being in the Virtual Reality and forces them to serve It. All of the trapped True-Light beings in the Virtual Reality are assisted by the Light to awaken to the degree necessary to sustain them until they can be rescued. Many people may think that the solution to the Virtual Reality is to make Darkness burn in hell. But, hell is Darkness’ creation – Its home. Darkness runs hell, which is a reality within the Virtual Reality. To let Darkness burn in hell would be to let Darkness have Its own way and to keep It going.

The promise of spiritual attainment in the Virtual Reality is an empty promise and a lie. Especially the sincere ones who promote this are fooled and are being used by Darkness to drag others into the net to be spiritually assassinated by Darkness. Even those created by Darkness have the right to know the sinister plot of their vile creator.

Fortunately, in spite of the difficulties, threats and other obstacles, there are still some Light workers around the world who work ceaselessly for the True Light on the planet. Some of these Light workers have humble positions in the eyes of the world, and some would appear to have very limited interest in spiritual matters.

In academia, an idea or thesis that deviates too far from the accepted norm is blocked. Those with different thoughts are dissuaded from presenting them for fear of jeopardizing their success in exams, assessments, careers or funding. That is, the university systems throughout the world are controlled by the ruling elite to limit and control what the universities can produce.

There are not that many people who have both academic credentials and are also sincerely seeking spiritual answers. Those who have theological training can become very set in the dogma of their respective religions. Those with scientific backgrounds are usually indoctrinated with the accepted scientific dogma. Sincere seekers can be in any field, but they are generally trapped by the various belief systems, which often include snippets of truth to keep them trapped. For instance, scientists generally accept the theory of physical evolution whilst theologians usually follow their respective creation accounts. Some scientists amalgamate their theories with religious creation accounts and vice versa. But, both disciplines are restricted by only having snippets of truth, so even those who seek answers outside of their fields cannot discern the truth. Darkness has set it up this way so that people go from one deception to another until they finally give up the search or give in to the traps.

Behind the New Age movement is an unseen Force that should not be taken lightly. This Force deceives many into believing that there are ascended masters of the Light behind the movement. Many sincere ones who seek the highest purity are deceived into devoting their life and essence in following the teachings of the ascended masters. Some of the ascended masters are very dark beings pretending to be of the True Light. Darkness also uses the name of Jesus and other Attas of the Light as part of the list of ascended masters to trap sincere searchers.

Darkness is the Force behind the New Age movement. It uses some wisdom brought down by True-Light beings and manipulates these messages to suit Its own aims. Love and Purity are intermingled with the dark intent behind the movement to lure the unsuspecting seekers. Many sincere seekers are sucked into the movement and trapped by the array of programming that makes them feel good and spiritual.

Inside the movement, a large number of the people wear the mask of spirituality when they are actually in the movement to fuel their egos, or for other self-gratification, such as financial compensation. But, many of these supposedly spiritual people who promote love, peace, harmony and no negativity are very quick to attack, injure, ridicule and censor anyone or anything they do not like. Any truth that they disagree with is labelled as negative and thereafter censored. Such ones often fight amongst themselves over whose spirit guide is more powerful or insightful.

Saint Germain is listed as an ascended master, yet those who can truly see the essence behind that being know that he is a being of Darkness. The entire ascended master list has been sponsored and supported by Darkness. As I mentioned earlier, the list incorporates the names of certain True-Light beings such as Jesus to make it look good and safe for sincere seekers. Snippets of truth are also sprinkled throughout the New Age materials too. Since most people cannot discern truth from the untruth, they are hopelessly caught in the trap of corrupted truth. This is not limited to the New Age movement, but prevails in all aspects of life on this planet. That is why the traps are so wide and complex. Scientists, philosophers, theologians and those in any other field are caught in the same “mayonnaise” of this Virtual Reality controlled by Darkness.

The critical concept that must be grasped in order to begin to awaken to the truth is the knowledge of duality of Forces. These two opposing Forces are not for balance, but are in conflict with each other. Evil and Good are in direct opposition. Evil rules by the principle of servitude to Its Master. Good exists for the mutual benefit of all. Duality has been addressed by many true seekers, but because one of the Forces – Darkness – purposely corrupts truth in this Virtual Reality, the concept of duality of Forces is corrupted into the concept of balance, and people are encouraged to accept everything as good.

Gnostic knowledge about duality in all cultures has been corrupted by the Dark Force as soon as it is brought down by True-Light beings. This is often done through deliberate slanting of the information, mistranslation, misinterpretation, redacting and subsequent expounding of the information, all of which corrupts the message. For example, Augustine of Hippo spent enormous energy trying to make Darkness look Good and to make Good appear Evil.

Language itself is an important tool of Darkness. Oral and written language has become a tool for corruption of communication, even though Darkness made it appear to be a positive breakthrough in human affairs. When an exact quote of another’s words is used, there is the danger of regurgitation without comprehension of the message, or of it being taken out of context. On the other hand, once the words are summarized and edited, the message is prone to being altered considerably. Either way, it is difficult to faithfully convey another’s message with oral or written language. Darkness planned it that way for Its own purposes.

The game of “pass the secret” is a simplified example of how language can be corrupted. Church sermons or political speeches are just as easily corrupted through the use of language. Even when an Attas of the Light presents truth in the Virtual Reality, it is very quickly corrupted with language, especially when others edit it and put their own interpretation on it.

The concept of duality of Forces has been so corrupted and complicated that it no longer assists sincere seekers. Agents of Darkness have made certain that it happened that way. Theology and philosophy students who want to pass their exams and be awarded advanced degrees must conform to the corrupted concept of duality or have their success, awards, funding etc. impeded. Likewise, science students are forced into following various precepts and defining principles to advance. Most must deny a Supreme Intelligence, but there are ecclesiastical universities for the other group, and they too must accept the ruling elites’ model of duality to advance.

The principle of Yin/Yang is a distorted concept of the mayonnaise in this Virtual Reality. Yin represents the feminine aspect and Yang represents the masculine aspect. Many people believe this is for balance. It really represents the True-Light Energy of the Divine Mother and the False-Light Energy of the Usurper. The Divine Mother’s Energy is intertwined with Darkness. The Yin/Yang, Night/Day concept tries to make the True-Light look dark and the False-Light look light. This distortion of purposefully projecting Darkness as Good and the True-Light as Darkness is a theme that runs through Western and Eastern religions. Hence, many sincere people are trapped in Darkness’ deception. The deception is so deep that even Darkness has confused Itself.

The reality is that there is a “war” between Good and Evil. The final battle between the Christ Energy and the Anti-Christ Energy has begun at last. The nature of the battle is different from what people have in mind. Most people imagine that the final battle will be like the version presented in the extant Bible. However, it is the friction between the two Energies that will result in the total separation of Light from Darkness. Thus, the battle between the Christ and Anti-Christ Energy is the ultimate separation of True Light from False Light – Good from Evil.

Whilst it sounds like an easy thing, it is not a straight-forward action at all. Indeed, it is intricately complex. It has never been done before and it had to take Darkness completely by surprise. The people awaiting Armageddon anticipated that there would be a physical war that would involve worldly armies in a battle royal.

On the energy level, the battle will be like the biggest thunderstorm ever registered. Yet, on the physical level, it will come like a wisp of wind, so subtle and quiet that few will notice it happening.

This is not to say that the Earth will be quiet during the battle, because, as I have previously written, it will coincide with the Second Major Cataclysmic Event – the all-out alien wars. That is, the aliens will wage their wars through human and alien agents on the Earth whilst the Christ Energy confronts the Anti-Christ Energy on all levels, which will sometimes manifest in the physical as frictional events that will culminate in the separation of the representatives of Good and Evil. In simple terms, as Good pulls away from Evil, Evil will try to cling onto Good, as It has always done in the past. Evil parasitically latches onto Good, not out of love or respect for Good, but to exploit Good for Its own evil purposes.

To give a simplified explanation, the confrontation of the Christ Energy and the Anti-Christ Energy entails the deliberate separation of the two Energies. As the True-Light pulls away, the Anti-Christ Energy will tenaciously try to adhere and cling to the Christ Energy. As a part of the Rescue Mission, the Divine Mother voluntarily entered into the depths of the Evil Mind for the final time to dislodge the projections within the Mind of Darkness that hold and project the illusions of the Virtual Reality of Darkness.

Evil holds many True-Light beings as ransom. It will not willingly release even a single particle of True Light, even at these final stages of the separation process. The separation process is going to be painful, which is unavoidable.

In order to protect all of Her children trapped in the Virtual Reality, the Christ Energy has been intertwined with the Anti-Christ Energy. The separation has commenced. Everything containing the True-Light particles in the Virtual Reality is blended together like mayonnaise, and the mayonnaise is separating. This includes the Intelligence known as Darkness – Anti-Christ – Evil Mind. That is, the True-Light is disentangling Itself from Darkness, which Darkness is resisting with all of Its strength.

When the True-Light is completely separated from Darkness, the Anti-Christ will express total evil without restraint. “God” is such a mystery in this world because the “god” most people think about is Darkness masquerading as a loving “god”. People are confused because the “god” they worship is capable of expressing profound love, yet It is also brutally savage. This is because there are two separate Energies that are diametrically opposed to each other entwined in the make-up of the “god”. When the True-Light is withdrawn from Darkness, from the very lowest to the highest levels of expression in this Virtual Reality, Darkness will then constantly express pure evil. The charade will be over.

The Mind of Darkness is akin to a black hole that threatens to suck everything that stands in Its way. It is like a poisoned dart intended to numb and kill Its victims. Darkness is so deluded that at times It believes that it is the sole and rightful sovereign over everything. It conveniently forgets Its own beginning and Its criminal usurpation and every corrupted act that comes from It.

The battle between the Christ Energy and the Anti-Christ Energy entails the Christ Energy “freezing” and “changing” virtual time, so to speak, within Darkness’ Virtual Reality. As one inner virtual reality collapses through “freezing” and “changing” virtual time and other processes, Darkness’ “Mind” will begin to disperse. In the end, even Darkness shall be returned to a state where It can no longer inflict suffering on any beings, including Itself. The Anti-Christ’s behaviour is like that of a stalker, deriving self-gratification as It intimidates, threatens and preys upon Its victims. As the separation process proceeds, the Anti-Christ’s obsession with Itself will become so destructive and confusing to Itself that It will self-destruct.

One aspect of the battle is like Christ entering the Mind of Darkness to disengage the projections that hold and project the virtual realities of Darkness. In other words, the Christ Energy’s separation from Darkness will cause the Mind of Darkness to disassemble.

Many theologians and philosophers have wrestled with issues such as Original Sin and the Problem of Evil. Original Sin gives insight into God’s temperament, and the Problem of Evil concerns the nature of God. Some proffer that if God is omnipotent, then why is there evil. They maintain that if God is omnipotent, then why would It allow evil in the world. Original Sin poses far larger concerns about how a loving god could be so vindictive as to curse all humankind.

The conundrum presented by the issues of Original Sin and the Problem of Evil has purposely occurred because Darkness influenced Its agents to hopelessly confuse the issues about the nature of God and the existence of Evil.

People have pondered whether God caused the holocaust during WWII. The quandary is why an omnipotent, loving God would allow such misery to occur. And, if God did not allow the suffering and could not stop it, It must not be omnipotent. The Problem of Evil can readily be better understood once the concept of duality is grasped.

Regarding the misery from the war, yes, It was caused by God, but not the True-Light God. There are two distinct Forces in the Virtual Reality, which is a superimposed creation upon the True Creation. The superimposed creation is the Virtual Reality that is controlled by Darkness. Darkness is the God that caused the holocaust, although Darkness masquerades as the True-Light God. The True-Light God wants nothing to do with Darkness. It only wants to retrieve Its own True-Light beings that have been trapped in the Virtual Reality and held ransom by Darkness.

The Rescue Mission by the True-Light God is nearing completion. The True-Light particles, regardless of whether they are in the Hebrew, Arab, Asian, Mediterranean, African, Aborigine, European or any other race, regardless of culture, beliefs or creed, will soon be rescued from Darkness. When all the True-Light particles are removed from the Virtual Reality, only Darkness will remain, which will eventually self-destruct.

Sound is the basis supporting the Virtual Reality. The sounds that hold the Virtual Reality together will be disconnected, and the bonds holding the prisoners of Darkness will be broken. Then, there will be Silence. When there is Silence, people will finally be able to truly hear again.

The alien wars will express in many ways. Some large-scale natural-appearing disasters will not be natural at all. Storms, floods, tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fires, extreme weather conditions, famines, droughts and other types of disasters will increase in intensity, frequency and size. Many of these disasters will hit unexpectedly and defy physical explanations and expectations.

The recent weather and earth events in Burma and China are precursors of larger disasters that await the Earth. These events are not the result of the separation of Good from Evil; these are expressions of Darkness as It tries to completely re-start time. The chief physical agents of Darkness – the Anunnaki – are unable to re-start time because of intervention by the Light whereby, among other things, the Atu-waa was disassembled and the True-Light being held captive within it was released.

As the size and frequency of natural-appearing disasters expands throughout the world, many of the events will go unreported or be played down by the media. Eventually, the devastation will be so widespread and hopeless that rebuilding will not be attempted by most nations. Then there will be little or no international assistance. Everyone will have to look out for their own interests.

As the alien wars express, national alliances will become more open and notorious. Racial tensions will be heightened to an extent never before witnessed. Social rebellions and upheavals will destabilize the fabric of society. Whole civilizations will be crippled.

The Catholic Church is the earthly guardian of the extant Bible. The existing Bible is responsible for the misconceptions about Armageddon. This misconception has caused many wars to be fought in the name of Christ.

In reality, the final battle between the Christ Energy and the Anti-Christ Energy is the separation of the Christ Energy from the Anti-Christ Energy in which Darkness struggles to remain parasitically attached to the Light. That is, Darkness holds on with all Its might for Its continuing existence, all the while destroying True-Light particles in Its wake. However, now that the separation process has begun and the True-Light particles have been sufficiently protected, Darkness can no longer blackmail the True Light.

The official Vatican newspaper has announced that aliens may very well exist in outer space and that some could even be free from Original Sin. The concept of Original Sin has its roots in Genesis of the extant Bible. This concept has blackened human history with untold pain, suffering, fear, guilt, despair, wars and all forms of evil. The concept was conceived and maintained by agents of Darkness to trap, confuse, control, punish and extract emotional energy from True-Light beings. Ultimately, the concept of Original Sin is the Devil’s tool. Sadly, many genuine people have been fooled by the putrid belief that a loving God would test and punish Its children.

The concept of sin, and the notion of metaphysical evil inherent to existence that was encapsulated in the notion of Original Sin, originated in Mesopotamia. Such invention was to abase the individual so that the individual would justify his or her own abasement to himself/herself. This notion was later adopted by the Christians.

But the concept of Original Sin is absurd, because it implies the Original Sin of each consciousness before the consciousness has even done anything to deserve such a stain, which was explained away as collectively inherited sin, just as later the Church would erroneously argue a case for collectively inherited sin for the principle of Vicarious Satisfaction stemming from the murder of Jesus. Why would God stain His perfect creation just for one error supposedly committed by Adam? It is most unfair to blame everybody for the error of Adam.

The concept of Original Sin also implies that God would create each new being perfectly and then spoil each being with the taint of evil because of the error of Adam. Such a concept denies the essence of evil outside of man. It also implies that all humans are born with sin and all humans are born with Original Sin. Such a concept makes humans despair of perfection, for they can never eradicate their inborn fault. It also implies that non-Christians are doomed to end up in hell, as salvation, according to the Church, is only achieved through Jesus Christ the redeemer.

One may argue that the incoherence lies only in combining the idea of sin as a separation from God with the idea of sin as wrong doing. But surely Original Sin is not our wrong doing. Besides, why should anyone be concerned with imperfection when God gives us what we cannot achieve for ourselves?

By asserting the existence of Original Sin, are we blaming Adam or Satan as the creator of all humans who were born? By denying that all sins are forgiven in baptism, the implication is that there remains in baptised parents the evil by which their children are born with Original Sin. This not only implies that God is imperfect, it also suggests that God continuously creates imperfection since all human beings have to pay for Adam's sin. In this light, the defence of Original Sin is unjust and weak.

In effect, the Vatican is proposing that some aliens might be free of Original Sin. This is because the Vatican has been involved with alien activities and has been programmed by them to believe this absurdity, and further, to spread the dangerous information to the world’s Catholic population, and ultimately to the whole world. The purpose behind this is to mislead people into letting their guards down regarding evil aliens.

The Church’s recent proposal regarding the status of some aliens implies that they might be perfect beings, unblemished by Original Sin. In other words, they should be openly welcomed and fully trusted. But, Original Sin is the work of the Devil. Whether the Vatican is sincere or not, it misguides all Christians by holding them prisoners to the malicious concept of Original Sin. The kindest interpretation of this is that the Church is ignorantly doing the Devil’s work. However, the truth is that Original Sin was purposefully invented by Darkness for endless subjugation of humans. The concept of Original Sin has been used like a whip by agents of Darkness to exploit and enslave the human race.

Aside from religious activities, the world is now entering a very precarious situation. Russia has re-iterated that it maintains the right to a preventive nuclear strike. America has long maintained its right to a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

Mikhail Gorbachev has recently expressed that all U.S. presidents engage in wars. He said that the U.S. cannot be trusted and it has broken its promise not to have NATO expand into Soviet block countries. NATO (the Great Hawk) is even pursuing Georgia and the Ukraine at this time. Up to now, Russia has exercised restraint for various reasons, but the Russian march will soon push westward as the former USSR becomes more and more of a reality in the future.

The former USSR is re-aligning into a new amalgamation of nations that will become a superpower. The Great Hawk (NATO) will continue to be pushed by the aggressive Eagle until it reaches the point of no return. The Urals are too ambitious a target, and the Kremlin will soon thwart these plans the Eagle has for the Great Hawk.

George Bush has been made into a laughing stock by many. What people do not realize is that at this serious stage of the alien wars, many leaders like him are much more than they appear, even if they wear clown masks at times. When the Reptilians moved their power base to China, the Vulturites scurried into action. In spite of all the misinformation Bush has been fed by infiltrators, he has still been able to promote and fulfil many strategic and tactical manoeuvres. For instance, under the banner of fighting terrorism, he has amassed a powerful military position in the Middle East, which is comprised mainly of NATO and US forces. These forces are mobilized and threateningly close to Russia, Iran and even China.

NATO continues its march across Europe and elsewhere as surely as Adolf Hitler did in WWII. The conquests and desires are similar; the strategy has not changed. The Vulturites want to control the world. However, NATO’s conquests lull people to sleep. The latter are victims of their own greed and have fallen to bribery, empty promises, intimidation and bullying by the West. Some of the “conquered” nations even welcome the Great Hawk’s aggression, seeing it as liberation and protection. Still others are openly assisting in further NATO conquests. The victims of the NATO march do not realize there will be no effective coalition of nations if the Vulturite plans for a One World Government succeed. Every nation will be amalgamated into a single power base. The New World Order will come, it is at the point of no return. The question remains whether it will be a Reptilian or a Vulturite dominated NWO.

Many speculate whether the next U.S. president will be as busy as Bush. I wrote in October 2007 that the Democrat Party battle over the nomination for its presidential candidate would be fierce because of opposing alien influences within the party itself. The bitterness with which it has been contested is almost inexplicable to the unawares, but clear to those who grasp the nature of the alien wars on the planet. It does not matter who wins the election, the Vulturite influence will continue to dominate U.S. policies.

At present, the world’s population is being misdirected into believing that the price of petrol, diesel and bio-fuel substitutes is the most critical issue affecting the lives of everyone. The whole illusion is presented by the ruling elites’ media, which is bombarding the population almost daily with non-newsworthy petrol-price stories. People are all stirred up without really understanding the strategy behind the petrol “wars”. The petrol-price protests are examples of mass programming the people into a “rent-a-crowd”.

The petrol “wars” are instigated and maintained by both the Vulturite and Reptilian ruling elite for their own purposes. On this issue, these two groups tolerate one another for alien benefit to the detriment of humans. There are other things in which the two groups jointly tolerate one another, such as religions, nation states, coalitions, corporations, governments, whilst they jointly attack any groups that threaten the alien plans for One World Government. That is, anything that goes against the NWO plans is jointly attacked.

World wide food supplies are supposedly threatened by bio-fuel substitutes. Massive inflation is predicted by the soaring price of petrol. Economic downturn is also predicted because of it. Travel, especially via airlines, is being curtailed. Tourism will fall, and all businesses connected with hospitality and tourism will decline. There is a domino effect on the world’s economy.

Whilst the people are enmeshed in the petrol-price illusory war, the ruling elites’ plan for domination of the world marches on. The media is playing a very important role in stirring and spreading petrol frenzy. This cannot be overstated!

The ruling elite manipulate the price of oil, then have their media flood the news with petrol-price stories in an effort to arouse panic and rage in the populations of the world. The petrol prices are climbing so the ruling elite can re-coup some of their recent losses speculating in the markets. This suits the purposes of the ruling elite, who want the unawares to vent anger at petroleum producing nations, especially Muslim countries.

The Reptilians had plans to take over the world via attrition. They planned and conducted both sides of the conflicts in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the first invasion of Iraq by the West. Once the Reptilians moved their base from the USA to China, the Vulturites seized on the opportunity and have aggressively pursued their temporary military advantage by leading the USA. The Reptilians had hoped the Vulturites would punch themselves out in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.

When the Reptilian plan for a One World Government was thwarted because the True Light intervened in the American Revolutionary War, the Reptilians adopted their United Alien Plan for world conquest. However, the Vulturites have partially seen through the Reptilian plan. So, they have mobilized and are directly challenging their supposed allies, the Reptilians, as they rapidly absorb countries by bribery, deception, coercion and force. Things are very different now because the Reptilians no longer control both sides of the conflicts in many cases, and the Vulturites are extremely opportunistic. Thus, any of the staged wars around the world are capable of turning into real battles contested between the two alien forces. Now that the Vulturites are at the Reptilian’s doorstep, whoever moves the most decisively will have a major advantage.

As previously mentioned, the exacerbation of the catastrophes in Burma and China are not entirely natural. As the Earth’s icosahedron deteriorates and Darkness continues to attempt to re-start time, more natural disasters and strange events will occur. The storm in Burma and the earthquakes in China were caused by Darkness’ futile attempts to re-start time and by a faltering icosahedron, but, the Vulturites have seized on these opportunities to exacerbate the situation by causing natural-appearing follow-up events, such as floods and recurring aftershocks.

Neither Burma nor China are enthusiastic about international aid because they do not trust the West. They have seen NATO, the UN and others enter regions to “help” and never seem to leave. Burma and China are concerned that the aid comes with too many strings attached and with ulterior motives. It is no co-incidence that these buffer zones are being hit so hard in these alien wars.

To better understand the reluctance and resistance to accepting foreign aid by these nations, it can help to put oneself in the picture. Just imagine the horrific scenario of a major city like Los Angeles being hit with a devastating natural disaster, such as a huge earthquake. Also, imagine that the only accessible aid available to the survivors is from Russian navy forces who would have to establish a relatively permanent naval base to keep the aid coming. Would the Bush administration openly facilitate a Russian naval base in California? And, what if the Russians were relying on Iranian petroleum to run the rescue project and it appeared it would be a long-term, ongoing situation?

As I have written before, Queensland has been chosen by the Reptilian ruling elite as the launching pad for the NWO for some time now. The people have been conditioned more and more to accept draconian rule – forced amalgamation of shires, water restrictions and mandatory fluoridation of water are a few examples of governmental fiat that go against a huge majority of voters. The roads are being restricted so that they can easily be closed on all the main highways and especially in Brisbane. Government salaries are sometimes only half of what people of similar position earn in neighbouring New South Wales and the rest of Australia.

Now, as the Christ Energy separates more and more from the Anti-Christ Energy and as the alien conflicts increase, there will be many other changes occurring. Time will have lapses and behave almost nonsensically. There will be more time shifts observed where people have spontaneous individual or collective events and some people will age almost overnight. Individual events could happen momentarily, suddenly and unexpectedly. They can feel like fainting events without the feeling of everything going dark. A person might feel one moment they are in a locale, the next moment elsewhere, and the next moment back to the original locale. Some time shifts will be more involved and longer in duration.

Many abnormalities, such as weather events, are being explained away by physical reasons. Orange skies are blamed on refraction of raindrops, but, why they have only now begun to occur is not addressed. Droughts and floods are explained away with El Niño and La Niña simultaneously. Newsreaders can sometimes be seen smirking as they deliver the nonsensical reasons for various weather events. The symbolic release of the Four Elements has altered certain “laws” such that they are no longer constant, but have lapses and changes.

Sometimes television broadcasts are interrupted, as the video images seem to stop and start, or they break into a multitude of squares that eventually reform a picture. These video glitches seen on the broadcasts are, in effect, similar to the time shifts occurring now.

Here is an example of a prolonged time shift that involved only five of the people who were in a crowded restaurant. A few weeks ago, two overseas guests joined us for a buffet dinner at a crowded restaurant. We were given the table nearest to the serving line of the buffet at about 6.35 pm and there were many large parties around our table. We chatted at the table for about 10 minutes until there was no queue for the buffet, so we went to get food.

Whilst we were about to sample food from the buffet, an uninvited “guest” approached all of us. He did not come to the restaurant for dinner. We had seen him tracking us many times in the past several weeks. When he saw our car parked outside the restaurant, he figured he had us in a position where we would have to talk to him.

The “guest” tried to talk to me, but I remained silent. We left the line and returned to the table and the “guest” followed us to the table, talking all the while. I showed the “guest” our digital camera and set it on video to record the intrusion. He kept talking, insisting that we should have a meeting and be friends.

Whilst all this was happening, the people in the restaurant were oblivious to the standoff occurring right in front of them. Finally, I broke my silence and told the “guest”, “I think you should leave!” He took this statement as a positive sign that I was interested in communicating with him and thanked me for giving him hope that I would speak to him in the future. He finally left the restaurant. As he left, we trained the video camera on him.

All of us were unsettled by the intrusion, and whilst discussing it, I asked for the time. A cell phone said it was 6.41 pm. I was incredulous because so much had occurred and so few minutes had elapsed. We went through the line to get our food and returned to our table.

To our surprise, our cutlery, water glasses and serviettes were removed from the table! There was nothing whatsoever on the table. I approached a waitress and asked for serviettes. She was surprised that I was still in the restaurant. She said that she thought we had all left the restaurant.

When I returned to our table, I noticed the previously crowded restaurant was nearly empty. Our appetites were spoiled, so we left the restaurant after just sampling some of the food. It was about 7.45 pm by our car clock when we left the restaurant. We arrived home before 8.00 pm. As we entered the house, we heard the phone ring, but screened the call due to the stalking incident in the restaurant. The call was from the unwanted “guest”, who begged us to get together with him. A minute later, the phone rang again and we screened it. It was the same “guest” again asking for a meeting.

When we replayed the messages, we were surprised to discover that the first phone message that we listened to “live” was received at 7.10 pm according to our phone clock, and the second message that arrived one minute later was recorded as being received at 7.58 pm! We checked on another phone and confirmed that the calls were indeed placed more than 45 minutes apart, yet we heard them both arrive “live” within one minute of each other! In other words, the first phone call at 7.10 pm, was supposedly made while we were still at the restaurant according to the shifted time, but came in “live” while we were listening to it at home at 7.57 pm of re-instated normal time.

We played the video from our camera and none of the images of the unwanted “guest” appeared on the video clip. It does not even show the restaurant door opening as he left.

These seemingly inexplicable events are explained by realizing that there was a time shift involving the four of us for approximately 45 minutes. The intruder entered a portion of the time shift and then left it. Apart from other occurrences, we felt that we were only in the restaurant for a short while, whilst the clocks indicated it was for over an hour. The waitress thought we had left, and the crowd subsided in that apparently short amount of time.

We caught up with “local” time between the screening of the first and second calls from the “guest”. In that single minute, we caught up with the normal, “local” time. In other words, the 45 minutes meshed back into our time.

The workings of time and karma are rapidly changing. There are those who insist that collective karma is behind all the world’s problems and that nobody should interfere with the working of karma by assisting poor countries or interfering with their wars. These people tell others not to interfere with others’ lots because that would interfere with the workings of karma. This is a sweeping, erroneous and irresponsible premise.

For a start, karma is an evil system that was designed by Darkness. It was never intended to be fair and just, but was imposed upon beings in the Virtual Reality to suit the purposes of Darkness. The lords of karma have unfairly and unjustly imposed this horrible weapon upon everyone and everything. However, the lords of karma have been dismantled and things are different. Karma now operates robotically. Those who attempt to use karma, especially by using terms like “bad karma” to blame another’s misfortune, will have to be careful regarding their intent, or they could feel a reverse backlash. This is not karma, but it is more like a “bug” or residue of the karma system that has been left behind, which will continue until the whole system disintegrates.

The separation of the True Light from Darkness has commenced. Evil will now be expressing more and more as the separation continues.

Clocks ticking sound like water dripping, and both time and clean water are running out.

The Attas of True Light will soon complete their Rescue Mission and all the True-Light beings will be liberated.