~Liberating Your Own Existence

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~LOVE REPORTER Angela Peregoff~



~Liberating Your Own Existence~



When we use our word, not as expressing self-will that seeks to crush all that does not submit to it, but as a portion, however small, of the Universal Cause, and therefore the desire of acting in harmony with that Cause, then our word becomes a constructive, instead of destructive power." -Thomas Troward

As we enter the first full week of June we continue to be strengthened and connected multidimensionally to the most fortuitous times of our own evolution. All earth life is traversing the return path into the higher realms of existence. Every human on the planet, whether aware of it or not, is immersed in a steep learning curve, a fast-track course for understanding and respecting the most basic cosmic laws for living in balance. No longer do we live within the disarray of limited power. Daily all are being reminded of our capabilities for exploring the ever-expanding opportunity to manage energy, to be present in the moment, and to realize that every moment has the potential to create the version of the world we most desire.

It is only natural that during such times of accelerated transformation to experience great changes within and without. Ever increasing and expanding elements of consciousness have each of us unifying our realities with higher, more empowering truths. The membranes between the subconscious, conscious, and superconscious minds are becoming thinner, allowing us access to the subjective, karmic, self-limiting information we need to release, and heal the distorted concepts that continue to keep us separate from the wholeness of Self-mastery. The right and left hemispheres of the brain, as well as the matrix of our subconscious, conscious, and superconscious are in the process of merging and returning to a unified state of Intelligence (macro-consciousness). In many ways the saying "as it was in the beginning, so it will be once more" applies to the Now process humanity is currently experiencing.

As June fills with incredible amounts of Soul-imbued energy it is imperative to possess a keen awareness of who you are and what you truly believe in otherwise you run the risk of becoming a pawn in someone else's version of the game of life. Without identity and a passion for your own existence you will default to another soul's story and simply be an extension of their reality and healing. The awakening of Soul consciousness is being cast to the forefront of your own life because it is time to choose which paradigm to live in. Will you overcome the program of fear as a qualifier of your experience? Will you pursue the quest of transformation by trusting yourself and your intuition? You are being called upon (right now) to think for yourself, to believe in yourself, and to consciously create a peaceful and sustainable version of reality by accepting complete responsibility for your life.

The last four weeks have showered us with energy components that are opening us up even wider to our authentic Presence. Encodements have been unlocked; primary building blocks within our own DNA are now rapidly delivering spiritually energized degrees of co-creative responsibility. As you integrate the appropriate understandings for your individual life you become a vessel for the vibrational patterns of the higher dimensions, and all that is not compatible with right balance, empowerment, and sacred expansion will rise to the surface for resolution, which then results in higher wisdom.

The collective mass consciousness of humanity is profoundly clearing perceptual limitations, physical dysfunctions, and various states of spiritual bondage that have kept us separated from our original "State of Divinity". To exponentially assist the realm of humanity you can first recognize that change is an integral part of growth. Don't remain attached to the structures of life you have built around you. Second, notice the beliefs and mental patterns that keep you stuck in the spectrum of duality. Consciously and unconsciously you are making choices and decisions every day, and as a master-accelerating it is essential that you always strive for the highest. "A master always follows the narrow path," is an ancient truth that still applies.

Do you have it within your power this week to bravely and determinedly examine what types of habits, energy-direction, thoughts, and dominating emotions are taking form in your life? In other words, can you honestly witness your daily life and identify if each experience is one of mere chance, or do you have everything within your own control? Does every area of your life bring positive challenges and worthwhile possibilities? Can you focus on manifesting soul aspirations supported by practical application, or is it easier to keep a blind eye to where and who you are? Can you entirely and absolutely expand your perspective to receive the Infinite Power that is harmonizing this plane of existence as your character-building foundation for the hybrid model of you that is emerging?

We are in the midst of one of the greatest cycles of transformation that this universe has ever experienced; however, it is through the mind of humanity that the nature of God in all its characteristics will either be the New ruling agency of spiritual living or the forgotten part of him! Let go of the people, places, and circumstances that cannot celebrate this liberating sequence of upliftment and expansion. You cannot bring them with you because each soul is given free will and must decide what is appropriate for its own evolution. Many on your path will choose to remain bogged down by the mundane reality of chaos, stress, struggle, and instability. It's okay, they're just not ready for the vibrant embodiment of a soaring spiritual power. Offer them unconditional love and continue on with your own adventure of inspiration and growth.

I leave you with this - Desire induces and gives place to Realization,

©2003 - 2011 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.
