~Light Brings Negativity To the Surface~
Love does not always bring forth "Positive" energy, it will also bring forth "collisions" of great magnitude within the mind,.shattering beliefs, breaking barriers of deep rooted "Negativity". You may be the "one" that will be perceived as the "negative" person, but its not about you, if you are positive or negative, its all about how its Interpretated by the "awareness or consciousness" who chooses to engage with your "energy". You may be a trigger, but its not your fault, its up to each and everyone to "embrace" their inner "light".
Light brings Negativity to the surface, so it can be understood and healed. Dont take it personally. Understand the process and that you are a mirror, bringing forth Love in Every moment, even if you cant see it. It will not feel pleasant at times, but you "help" people to realize who they are by "YOU BEING YOU".
Things has to be "played" out, its there because its needs to be seen and released.
If you ask of people, "NOT to BE NEGATIVE". Its better to say "I LOVE YOU AS YOU ARE".
This simple act will transform negativity. What you transform within will be transformed without.
What you may perceive as Negative, may be a "transformation" for another.
Dont take it personally, We are One. Darkness is a Perspective of the One being, which also contains Light, but in different "layers" of Awareness.
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