Light is Spirit

will's picture

I've noticed two types of unconsciousness. The unconsciousness that doesn't realize its unconscious and acts like it is conscious. This is the manic state. And the unconsciousness that realizes its unconscious and reacts with more unconsciousness. The is the depressed state. Every being that isn't in touch with their True Self falls into one of these categories. Duality rules with confusion in illusion, while in Reality you certainly can't experience anything as only having two sides.

Everything in Reality is relative, which means we're all Family. Unconsciousness sees opposites in hot and cold, yet the terms themselves have little meaning without any context. Very very hot on Earth is very very cold on the Sun. Warm for an Inuit is chilly for someone in Miami. Even darkness and light are relative. There are places with very little light, but true darkness, absence of any light, simply doesn't exist. It's a mental concept. In this realm of relativity, there exists no place of absolute light either. This realm wouldn't be this realm anymore if that happened.

The Light that makes up this realm comes from Spirit, and is Spirit, yet in this realm the Light appears as varying intesities of light. That's what the hologram you are currently experiencing is made up of, and it's purpose is nothing more than to be able to experience the Light as endless forms. It's a dance of energy that is absolutely gorgeous for those who have eyes to see. Those in unconsciousness miss the beauty, and get caught up in the program of a mind which reacts with fear and pain to an experience that, in its essence, contains neither fear nor pain.

Comments True-Light

light's picture

True-Light beings have two separate minds, so to speak. They have an inner mind and an outer mind. The inner mind is the one that connects them to the Divine. It contains a blueprint that Evil cannot tamper with unless the individual being turns its will over to Darkness. The outer mind is the one imposed on people by Darkness. This is the mind that is programmable. The outer mind is programmed and normally functions for evil.

Everything in this Virtual Reality works on programming - everything! Programming can be man-made, but most of it originates elsewhere.

The more natural-appearing programming is affected by astrology, numerology, logistics, timing and other factors. Genetic characteristics such as race, gender, height, health and so on are all part of programming.The timing of one’s birth can impact the person’s character via astrological and numerological influences, which are forms of programming. Although astrology and numerology are subtle, unseen and not perceived by the majority of the people, the impact on lives by these two influences is real. Regardless of whether one believes in these influences, they still apply to daily life.

Often people accept things happening around them as being "the way things are". Few suspect that they are programmed to accept "the way things are". Fewer still comprehend that "the way things are" is because they have been programmed to be that way. The food chain in this False Creation is an example of endless programming. All beings must consume something to exist here - they prey upon one another. Humans arrogantly believe that they are at the "top" of the food chain. In fact, they are mere puppets of the food chain.

People are programmed to choose certain foods, schools, friends, intimate relationships etc. KARMA IS A FORM OF SEVERE PROGRAMMING. When a person wakes up to the possibility of programming, he or she has a much better chance of overcoming the programming by consciously willing his or her self to resist the programming. Jealously, rage, fear and sexual arousal are examples of very powerful forms of programming.

The programming in this Virtual Reality is to have everyone accept untruth. When this programming breaks down, there will be bitter reprisals as evil ones turn on their own bosses and one another.

The main goal of these programmes is to extract as much energy as possible, particularly from young people, because they are the ones bubbling with energy.

Superficial physical attraction between males and females is claimed to be chemical compatibility or chemical attraction, when, in fact, in most cases, it is based upon programming. When programming wears off, relationships often fall apart.

Emotional responses are programmed responses. The emotional body is a programmable structure created by Darkness to extract energy. For example, the response to programmed fear can cause a person to lose a lot of energy.

Truth is often painful, but Truth is also liberating.

There are egotistical people who think that if they have dabbled in metaphysics or any other branch of learning for a long time, they automatically become experts and therefore have the right to decide what people can or cannot do.

The promise of spiritual attainment in the Virtual Reality is an empty promise and a lie. Especially the sincere ones who promote this are fooled and are being used by Darkness to drag others into the net to be spiritually assassinated by Darkness.

The critical concept that must be grasped in order to begin to awaken to the truth is the knowledge of duality of Forces. These two opposing Forces are not for balance, but are in conflict with each other. Evil and Good are in direct opposition. Evil rules by the principle of servitude to Its Master. Good exists for the mutual benefit of all. Duality has been addressed by many true seekers, but because one of the Forces – Darkness – purposely corrupts truth in this Virtual Reality, the concept of duality of Forces is corrupted into the concept of balance,and people are encouraged to accept everything as good.

Gnostic knowledge about duality in all cultures has been corrupted by the Dark Force as soon as it is brought down by True-Light beings. This is often done through deliberate slanting of the information, mistranslation, misinterpretation, redacting and subsequent expounding of the information, all of which corrupts the message.

Many people express the desire to return Home. Their real ultimate spiritual Home is not in the astral. It is in the True Creation.

"Miracles" can be performed by astral entities, but these are not true miracles. In fact, there have been few true miracles from the True Light that have been performed in this Virtual Reality run by Darkness.

Many are wanting to belong to a group of like-minded people for support. Of course, in such a group one is often likely to fall into a similar trap from another “mentor”. Everyone should look within, because it is the spark inside that is crucial. Then they will be less likely to be misguided or pressured by peers or “mentors”. Everyone needs to use their own inner guidance to make their own decisions.

This entire pseudo-creation, which I have called the Virtual Reality, was created by Darkness to be, in effect, a huge prison. Darkness is the jailer; Its chief agents are the wardens; and the prisoners are all the trapped True-Light beings and those of Darkness who have disobeyed their master.

The concept of Good and Evil is not one of balance. These are two distinct opposing Forces. Good does not need Evil in order to survive. Evil is parasitic and depends upon Good to maintain Itself. A jealous god will destroy anyone or anything that stands in its way. It will cause separation and distrust of others to keep its empire secure. The myth of the tower of Babel demonstrates how far Darkness will go to separate others to maintain Its mysteries, secrets and power. In the last days of this Virtual Reality, unprecedented displays of jealousy, in form and degrees never before encountered, will exacerbate misery and suffering on the planet.

Any entity perverse enough to create this material world with its grossness, misery, pain and suffering, must indeed be evil. It is simultaneously sad and annoying to listen to those ignorant people repeating in parrot fashion what they have been erroneously taught - that "you must have evil to balance the good" or that "you create your own negativity; you attract negativity to yourself, otherwise you can be happy".

If only negativity were due to just thinking negatively! Let us not forget that babies have unpleasantries and illnesses that are beyond their control. Have they purposely attracted the negativity to themselves? The usual excuse amongst some people is that "it is their karma". Contrary to common belief, karma is an evil imposition by Darkness. It has never been justly meted out. The denial of the existence of absolute evil is indeed a self denial!

In the True-Light Creation, there is no jealousy. There is no fear, suffering, poverty, lies, secrets, conflict or death.

The Virtual Reality thrives upon conflict and war. Without wars, the entire Evil system would eventually collapse. Darkness’ agents wear masks of war and masks of peace, but, both types spread conflict, killing and wars.

The main illusion of the physical dimension is that people erroneously think that this dimension of Virtual Reality is real and that it is all there is. It is because of the misguided belief that the physical realm is all there is, many people are totally unaware of the Divine. People put so much weight on scientific research and proofs that they have elevated science to a godlike status. In their arrogance and ignorance, scientists are trying to prove the existence or non-existence of God.

Those who sponsor or help promote the message that there will be a shift of the Earth and human consciousnesses to the fourth or fifth dimension are either being fooled by Darkness or are themselves agents of Darkness.

The Galactic Federation, under this or other names, is affiliated with and/or sponsored by the NWO. That is why they present the NWO agenda that the Earth is about to shift to the fourth or fifth dimension and that the aliens associated with the Galactic Federation are here to help earthlings in the transition. This dimensional-shift canard is useful in trying to bring all the people of the Earth under a single umbrella, under a single police force. The originators of this nonsense are having a good laugh at the gullible people who have accepted the channelled material as truth. They also make certain that their agents post and spread this misinformation far and wide. Even though they will soon be exposed as frauds, they do not concern themselves because they believe they are in control of the situation.

It is commonly believed among esoteric circles that the higher the vibrational rate of the dimension, the finer and less dense it is. Likewise, it is believed that the lower vibrational dimensions have coarser vibrations across the spectrum of existence in those dimensions. Superficially, this appears to be true. However, on very close circumspection, things are not what they appear to be, as will be shown later. In the lowest of the coarser dimensions, conditions are so bad that even the administrators of the Dark hierarchy are nervous about going down to them. In the past, when things got out of control in one of these coarser dimensions, Darkness simply destroyed the dimension with everything inside it.

Some people believe that dimensions are like spheres existing according to higher or lower vibrations. They believe that the higher the sphere, the finer the vibrations within that sphere. They also believe that the lower the sphere, the coarser the vibrations operating within the sphere. In fact, all dimensions appear to be spheres, which are the apparent shapes of the spinning traps (prisons - cubes, tetrahedrons, spheres etc.) housing various dimensions. The higher vibrational dimensions in this Virtual Reality are akin to low-security prisons and the lower vibrational dimensions are more like moderate to high-security prisons. When beings reach the so-called finest levels, the traps are removed entirely, however, certain restrictions still apply to the top administrative levels.

On Earth, many so-called spiritual teachings expound that the spiritual vehicle must be purified sufficiently before one can enter the higher dimensions of the Light according to one's spiritual advancement. But, this is really a false promise because there is no access to the True Light in this entire Virtual Reality. Darkness has sealed off the whole Virtual Reality with an invisible, giant symmetrical "prison" which contains prisons within prisons. Only the Rescuers of the Light have been able to get in and out of this Virtual Reality.

The higher one moves on this pseudo-spiritual system, the more programmed they become, until they can eventually graduate to become an obedient administrator for Darkness, which is why they get their invisible symmetrical prison removed. Hence, the higher one proceeds on the spiritual ladder of Darkness (which is falsely presented as the ladder of progression of Light) the more evil and well hidden one becomes. In other words, the so-called finer vibrational dimensions in this False Creation are still evil, but the evil is more complex and hidden. It is in these so-called finer dimensions that evil is most sophisticated and dangerous.

Thus the evil ones in the so-called finer vibrational dimensions of this Virtual Reality are comparable to white-collar criminals, while the administrators in the coarser dimensions are more like blue-collar criminals. The higher one goes on the Dark ladder the more they are able to veil their evilness and hide it from those below them. This becomes very dangerous to those who are sincerely seeking Truth. Many of the so-called Ascended Masters are really masters of this category, but many sincere seekers of Truth have been deceived by these beings.

Too many people are depending too heavily on their so-called spirit guides for confirmation of everything. What they do not realize is that their guides are like people on Earth who do not know everything. Just because they no longer exist in a physical realm does not mean that they automatically become wise and almost all knowing!

It is important for Darkness to maintain the deception of the VirtualReality and specifically of death so that the consciousness thinks it has died and been reborn. Such ones usually reside in the astral world of the Virtual Reality until it is time for them to re-enter new physical bodies by the process called re-incarnation. Re-incarnation is really a very evil imposition on the consciousness. It is done under the false pretence that the process of death and rebirth is in the best interests of the consciousness for its own purification and advancement.

Re-incarnation causes most people to lose almost all their memories of their past lives; it actually obstructs one from advancing in knowledge and awakening to Truth. This, again, is by design to benefit Darkness. Unbeknown to many, the Akashic records in the astral world - the records of supposedly everything that has ever happened since the beginning of the universe - have been tampered with to suit Darkness.

The mind is so limited it can

will's picture

The mind is so limited it can only see things from a dualistic perspective. Unfortunately, that's the case with this message, despite having some truth sprinkled in there.