Lia's picture

OK, I'm probably a romantic to the core, but aren't you guys noticing how different everything seems?
It's like everything got turned up a notch. Sun's shining a bit brighter, nature seems to be singing
her song right out loud, instead of the background whisper she's been being all this while. It's almost
like Mother Earth has 'dressed up' a bit for this stage of her expansion. Put on her brightest happiest
self to celebrate this last big shift. I have a feeling she mighta done something compared to how
we humans grow and change as we mature. You know, discovered a whole new aspect of herself. Whole buncha
aspects probably, just like we have. It's almost as if the very air got lighter or something. Like
Mother Earth had her awakening process going on and now she's moved fully into a whole new expression of
herself. Actually, it feels like she's thrilled with it. Like a woman here on planet who suddenly
grows to love herself, recognize her personal beauty, and begin to reflect that outward to the world.
Like she has a whole new selfness.

At the same time our Beloved Mother Earth 'brightened up' it seems like there's been a new level of
ummm...not too sure what to call it. Like a whole new level of acceptance has been 'applied to'
humanity or something. Maybe acceptance isn't the word I'm looking for. Maybe it's something more
like a new sense of completeness. Sorta like acceptance and judgement are easing on out the back door
of this game and humanity is moving into a whole new state of being. A state of just recognizing the
ISness of everything and acknowledging that recognition without feeling any need to control or qualify
the experience. I dunno if I can describe it properly, there's just this feeling that everything
is right. Even stuff that used to make us crazy. Like we've been 'negative proofed' or something.
Negative energies that we move into, or that get directed at us, simply have no power to ruffle our
feathers these days. If folks we love start 'acting up' we just stand by and watch, knowing it's
THEIR experience and not ours.

There's no longer the need to 'distance ourselves' from folks who are struggling with issues of their
own. No need to 'rescue folks' or be 'caretakers'. It's like we've been given this space between
where we can observe the situation without emotion running away with us. Where we once mighta felt
some responsibility to try to 'fix things', or even just the run as far as you can as
fast as you can, now we can simply observe without adding our own energy/emotion to the mix. Kinda
comforting. I mean some of us have family issues, ex-partners, co-workers, all kinda folks who seem to
have made irritating us their life's work. It's like our hearts have expanded to the point where
we can now hold even the most disturbing situations in our thoughts, examine them, decide upon a reaction
or no reaction and it just is what it is. Like we have become a neutral observer. All those strange
human interactions are still available to us, we have just lost all interest in participating. Not
that we've all been awarded saint badges or anything like that. It's just a new level of seeing the
ISNESS in everything, and respecting it. I just love it when we, as a species, get something right.
Wonder how long it's gonna take for this to become part of humanity's 'new norm'?

Once, a long time ago, before the whole 'end of the world as we know' it business became the 'vogue' I
had this idea that each of us was like a little light on the planet. You know, like those space photos
of Earth at night where you see lines of lights, groups of lights, and here and there what looks like just
one brave light shining bright. Had the idea that each of us was to anchor 5D onto the planet where we
are. Like light up our own space. Then gradually all the little lights would glow brighter and move
closer and closer together and that's what would cause the whole matrix to change frequency. Like
we each had the responsibility to 'light up' our assigned territory, then cause that light to spread
outward, further and further, until it joined up with other lights. Something like those strings of
christmas tree lights where if one doesn't light up the whole string can't function properly. Feels
to me like this latest shift was all about getting ALL the lights in sync.

But, unlike those christmas lights we are no longer on the hunt for the one 'dud light'. Now it
feels like we've moved into an acceptance that not every light is gonna shine equally brightly.
Instead of feeling like folks OUGHTTA shine their own light, and getting disappointed and hurt when
they don't, we've move into a sorta 'light support' mode. OH, I see you're having a little trouble
shining brightly just now. OK, it's part of who you are and what you are experiencing. I can't
help you. I can't fix you. I can't share this experience with you. What I CAN do though, is
try to shine MY light extra bright until you're back on deck.

Like instead of light WORKERs, we've moved through the 'work stage' and are now into the role of
light SUPPORT. Gonna be interesting watching alla this unfold.
