Posted by Love Reporter Laura ⋅ January 11, 2012 ⋅ Leave a Comment
With facebook being the most popular online social network across the web, now there are privategroups such as Family Trees, Business Affiliates, and Nightlife Promotions formed within. Due to this new media outlet, something a little more fascinating has begun to emerge. And that is how a community of light workers called Harmonic Tones of Ascension, are educating, enlightening, and exchanging information on how the spiritual advancement of this generation is occurring - at rapid speed.
Now you might be asking yourself, “What is a light worker?” Well, there are many answers to that question. But before we get into the topic of Indigo Children, Crystal Children, and Psychic Children, let’s just say, where there is a lack of truth, a fear of failure, or a void of love – light workers are people who expose the darkness, and create a brighter future for the greater good of the whole.
However, when I say a brighter future, I don’t just mean earning a PhD, buying a new home, and making partner at a prestigious company. Although, all of those things are wonderful, light workers dig in a little bit deeper – touching the soul. For they are here to challenge and destroy old belief systems that no longer serve this generation in order to rebuild a more advanced society which is spiritually awakened. For example, one could be President of a Tobacco Company, profiting from people’s Nicotine addictions, another could own a popular Cosmetics Company, profiting off the death of millions of slaughtered dolphins and whales. Although we don’t live in a perfect world, light workers raise conscious awareness about ourselves and others, showing us that our choices have a ripple effect that penetrates throughout the entire universe.
Now, if you still don’t believe in light workers or don’t have a clear idea of who they are, Vanessa ReyofLight (The administrator of this 500 member group, Harmonic Tones of Ascension - profile picture on the right) insists that light workers do, indeed, exist. Dedicated to uniting a brotherhood and sisterhood of like minded individuals, Vanessa and other members post content to promote clarity & peace of mind, shatter old belief systems, inspire people to make choices from their higher selves instead of from their lower selves, and teach people how to channel messages from their guardian angels and/or spirit guides so that they may walk on their divine path, and even develop their own clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), and claircognizance (clear knowing).
Vanessa says, “After the 9.0 earthquake hit Japan in March 2011, I couldn’t believe how unconcerned most Americans were. Sure, some people cared, but not enough. Facebookers continued posting up status quotes like, ‘Look at me! Look at what I’m doing! I just came back from the club!’ As if their hobbies, interests and parties were a priority over the fact that 10,000 people had just been swallowed up across the ocean.” That’s when Vanessa decided to create a private facebook group inviting certain members in who would exchange information on how to heal mother Gaia (Mother Earth). Although the group mainly centered around the ascension of life as we know it and the evolution of the soul, additional subtopics touched upon global warming, racial issues, natural disasters, holistic studies, and the most important one of all – reconnecting with our spirit guides and galactic ancestors.
Galactic ancestors? You question… Yes, galactic ancestors is right. Vanessa shares with us that television and radio manipulation has kept society away from the truth, and even far before media inventions ever existed, organized religions have expressed half of the truth, but not the whole truth.
Ahhh… Come ‘on… Admit it! Most people know that deep down inside there is something missing, some piece of the puzzle which has been removed and perhaps hidden. Well, Vanessa says that aside from us being in touch with our earthly cultures such as Asian, African, Latino, Indian and/or Caucasian, etc, there is also a spiritual race that each one of us comes from, deriving from the heavens and the stars. Because of this, many souls have descended from these star families to reincarnate as human beings that guide others towards enlightenment.
Although scientists have pulled apart their hair by trying to prove that extraterrestrial life exists, most people are at least sensitive enough to know that our planet is a freewill zone that includes extreme opposite polarities of both negative and positive forces. We see it in birth and death, feel it in hot and cold temperatures, and experience it with our emotions. Well, due to the scare of nuclear war fares, evil genocides, violent witch hunts, and corrupt power of mass manipulation, Vanessa also believes that God sent forth volunteers called starseeds, Indigo’s and light workers to assist in creating radical earth changes in society. Yes, these babies who chose to come here, and who some might say traveled down the rabbit hole into physical existence, were born throughout the 60′s, 70′s, 80′s, and even 90′s, so that they would reach adulthood by the new millenia. Their mission: to chop down old traditional settings in order to pave the way for the crystal children who were scheduled to come right after, arriving by the late 90′s to assist in the ascension of our planet’s human species. (For more in depth info on Crystal Children, click here
Now, if you happen to be an Atheist or someone who depends solely on scientific facts and evidence, then you may be doubting the whole idea of star families. However, whether or not you’re willing to explore this theory, you must admit that what goes around comes around because we do live in a world where everything is connected, hence, karmic coincidence’s are still investigated through the study of mysticism and physics. Which leaves me to conclude, could there be something greater up there that threads all life energy together?
Vanessa says, “We live in a multidimensional universe where there are many things still invisible to the eye. And what we consider to be real, is really just an illusion. This is why it’s important for us to think and focus from our heart center, and not just our rational minds.”
Vanessa is also a spiritual healer, activator, and ascension coach who offers services to anyone looking to become more awakened. This includes working with crystal healing aromatherapy, light body therapy, DNA activation, and confidential counseling among additional treatments. She can be contacted via
Aside from this Gemini twin sistar hosting an amazing, revolutionary facepage group which can be visited in just one click of a button: she’s also in the process of launching a network called Lightworker Radio as the programming director that will feature a live 24/7 broadcast channel to serve the community with groundbreaking information that will truly – rock your world!
Lightworker Radio??
is there any lightworker radio channel?...the link for the facebook the group is closed...I wanna forecast the lightworker radio as well...let me know more info about it please...
Thanks In Advance ...
Love & Light <3